Jun 032021

I am always So Happy when It’s Thursday. I got my groceries all in on Tuesday – it didn’t do my back any good, but apparently it didn’t do it any harm either. As usual, not all the non-perishable stuff got put away, and still isn’t, partly because I stocked up beyond my storage capacity. But it will be eventually.


Short Takes

The New Yorker (The Borowitz Report) – Donald Trump will be reinstated in August as President of Trump University, according to one of his supporters. The loyalist, Harland Dorrinson, told reporters, “Donald J. Trump will be reinstated as President of Trump U. and will be teaching students how to get filthy rich in real estate by Labor Day.” Dorrinson said that skeptics who claim that Trump cannot be reinstated because Trump University ceased to exist in 2010 “don’t know what they’re talking about.”
Click through to learn what “really” happened to Trump U.

The Hill – Appeals court rejects bid by landlords to resume evictions
The ruling from the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals is the latest twist in a multifront legal challenge to the eviction freeze that was enacted by federal public health officials as a way to keep financially distressed renters in their homes and out of crowded homeless shelters during the coronavirus pandemic.
Well, this is good news   Click through for more details, including what to do if you are a distressed tenant (or know someone who is.)

Crooks And Liars – The Next GOP Election Steal Won’t Resemble The Last One
I don’t know whether Democrats can block the [Texas voter suppression] bill in the special session. I assume it will pass eventually. Even if it doesn’t, fourteen states have already passed restrictions on voting just since the 2020 election, with more to come.
Not pleasant, but we need to be aware. If HR1 can get through the Senate we can nip this in the bud. If not … prepare to live under real fascism (as opposed to narcissistic fake dictator in clown uniform fascism.) Click though for detaills.

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  19 Responses to “Open Thread for June 3, 2021”

  1. Andy: The only chance for TOT to be president of anything is for him to open the much clamored for “Grift University” on the Mar-a-Largo site.  
    The Hill: Good news is most welcome.
    C&L: Biden is trying to pressure Manchin to be real!
    Michael Flynn needs to be called back to the military, by the Commander-in-Chief, and court martialed.

    • What you said/wrote, Mitch. I definitely agree.
      He’s a disgrace to his uniform, to the Nation that he was to Serve, honorably and respectfully. 
      Then…after his court martial, with the jury finding him (presumably) guilty….he should immediately lose his ‘Stars and Bars’, sent away in handcuffs, shackled and sent to Leavenworth, Kansas, losing his pensions and privileges. He deserves it, as he’s a traitor. imho. 
      USDB (US Disciplinary Barracks) is the sole maximum-security penal facility for the entire United States Military at Leavenworth. A cell should be waiting for him. 

  2. Cartoon: YIKES! Poor baby…
    NYer: Funny, LOL, Andy! 
    The Hill: Thank the Lord for letting them stay for these distressed folks. 
    C&L: Sneaky snakes. Anyway they (R’s) can get the votes, whether lying, or by stealing our votes. ugh! 
    DU: Oops!! Liar, liar, pants on fire! 

    Glad that you got your food put away…always a good feeling. Hope that you have a good day, and Thank you, Joanne for posting. 

    *This just in: “Republicans have decided that voter suppression is their path to victory. I’m very glad to see Texas Democrats fighting back and defending their right to vote. It’s time for us to show the same backbone in Washington by passing the #ForThePeopleAct.” ~ Elizabeth Warren ~ 
    2. “If Reps can dismiss 45’s delusions, then…stay with me here – they can dismiss him entirely.” ~ Dallas M. ~ 
    3. “Instant Karma – Homophobes in boats harass Boat that is Flying Pride Flags – then the homophobes boat explodes ! (Moses Lake, WA.) “Smite! One of my BEST smites in quite some time.” ~ God ~ 
    4. “Pride stands for courage. It stands for justice and most of all … it stands for Love. As we recall the trials the LGBTQ and community has endured and celebrate the trailblazers who’ve bravely fought for equality, let us recommit to the work that remains. Happy Pride Month! ~ President Joe Biden ~ 

    • TJI #1 –
      TJI #2 – Those Republicans who can dismiss his delusions can dismisshim entirely – but those who can have mostly already jined The Lincoln Project or The Republican Accountabilityu Project or even the Democratic Party, or else just left the Republican Party. So what is left is either panicked politicians or hard-cor crazy (and there’s some overlap.) If we just wait for them to come back to normal, we are in deep trouble.
      TJI #3 – Oh, yes, I saw that – instant karma indeed! And after all that, the LBGTQ people helped save their lives. I wonder whether I would have had the kindness.
      TJI #4 – 

  3. TJI#1: Liz knows whereof she speaks.
    TJI#2: First, perhaps, his delusions need to be called out for what they are, certainly after August comes and goes with no reinstatement, and yet another of his claims falls off the cliff.
    TJI#3: “You Betcha!!”
    TJI#4: THIS is a POTUS!
    Just seen at the gym, on Faux News: “Feds Investigate Firm with Ties to Hinter Biden” Of course, with no mention that it’s Hunter’s father’s administration doing the supposed investigation!  These bozos have nothing else with which to distract their sheeple. 

  4. TJI #3 – 


    Longer w/ more background:


    I had an acute onset of tachycardia (Heart Rate running 100-110) this morning – out of the blue!

    It’s not may atrial fib, as these are regular beats.  (Atrial fib hallmark is irregularly irregular heart rate.)

    For the past 7-10 days I’ve been having marked episodes of lightheadedness.  It’s been like severe orthostatic hypotension when you get up out of a chair to quick.  But it can happen sitting or standing.

    This morning on waking I just didn’t feel right, so when I had another sitting at my desk, I decided to get my Pulse Oximeter out to see if would provide any answers. 

    Fortunately my FiO2 was 97-98% – but my HR was 100-110.

    So I took my BP w/ my Reli-On monitor, and it was a little elevated, but I think that was just from being anxious.

    Right after 8:00 I called my cardiologist and spoke w/ the nurse to review what was going on.  She said my regular cardiologist didn’t have any urgent openings today, and wasn’t sure about the rest in the group.

    But she said she’d call my guy and see what he thought.  She called back in less than 15  minutes (I was shocked at how quick), and he said I should stay quiet the rest of the day, take my normal meds and he’d see me first thing Friday morning.

    It’s now 10 hours later from when I noticed the onset (and 8 hours from when I talked to the office).  I don’t feel any better, but I don’t feel any worse either.

    My FiO2 is still running 97-98% and my BP has come down a little.  But I still have the tachycardia and occasional lightheadedness.  

    So I’m moving very slowly and taking it easy.  I hope to get an answer tomorrow, but I’ll not be posting a “Friday Fun”.  

    I doubt I’ll have to make a trip to the ER since things seem stable – but everything is always worse at night.

    I’ll see how it goes.

    • Dear Nameless, I surely hope it all goes very well indeed for you.

      Frankly, I was afraid of that – not of that exactly of course because I am no psychic, but something like that.  Grief is hard one people physically as well as emotionally, and you (and Squatch0 have known TC a lot longer than I have.  (And I’ve been pretty spacey myself.   Do take all the time you need.  Because we need you.

      • Nameless….I sure do hope that you start feeling better. 
        Get your rest, drink fluids, and take it easy. 
        Take good care. And yes, as Joanne said in her comments, “because we need you”. 

    • Sure hope you get to feeling better, Nameless. 
      Glad you were able to call in your numbers, BP, FIO2, to give to your doctor’s nurse. Happy that he will be able to see you in the morning.
      Hope you have a restful night.
      Prayers being sent your way. Keep us posted.
      Take care Nameless

    • I’m so sorry to hear about your tachycardia, Nameless. The high frequency of you heartbeat must give you a horrible feeling, but not knowing what causes it must make you, as a doctor, feel even worse. I hope this doesn’t come across as blasé, but I sincerely hope there is no underlying physical problem causing this but the coming together of the heartache of TomCat’s demise, the knowledge we are all of a certain age and the confrontation with our own mortality. But whatever the cause, dear Nameless, I hope you feel much better soon.

    • Prayers lifted Nameless.  Sure hope they find a good solution that isn’t too intrusive for you.

  6. Cartoon: Hopefully it will be taught by wiser parents.
    NY: tRump is hilarious. The only president status he’ll ever get, is of the prison cell gang.
    The Hill: Glad there’s still help for these renters. Not their fault Covid-19 took away their jobs.
    C&L: Something has got to be done legally to stop what these rotten R’s are doing to the voters. It’s the people’s right to vote. 
    Michael Flynn: I agree with what Mitch wrote. Reinstate the bas*ard and then court martial him.
    Happy that you were able to get your weekly groceries put away. I haven’t tried buying online yet. I buy lots of fruits and vegetables and wonder how they’d be with someone else picking them out for me?
    I had to go and visit my hand/arm surgeon today. The right elbow surgery she was going to do last February was cancelled due to Covid-19 plus she then lost her husband to prostate cancer. So she had been off for a few months. She scheduled the surgery for June 25th and 11:30. She’ll be able to clean the area out and move the ulnar nerve, so hopefully I won’t have so much pain. We shall see.
    Take care. Thanks Joanne

    • Prayers for you for successful surgery.

      Stores differabout how faithfully they rrespect requests for “no substitutions” –  In my area, Safeway (now owned by Albertson’d) is good about it, whereas Kroger is terrible (but sometimes I have no alternative.)  I bring up this first because iI would think it would be crucial on fresh fruits and vegetables.  I mostly use frozen, because living alone, that’s far easier for me to manage.  But I have ordered fresh fruit – and often – not always – the produce department makes up little bags and that’s what is offered by delivery.  That works out well for me – I don’t know how it would for you, but at least it’s a produce person, not a random shopper, picking them.

      It might work better for you to proxy shop through a service like Store to Door or Instagram or Doorway Dash rather than through the store.  It could cost a little mor, but you can give better instructions, and most will call you if there’s any quastion.

  7. Cartoon: another generation down the drain.

    TNY: Andy has got this covered, as usual. Reinstated as a president of a university that no longer exists is just as ludicrous as reinstated as a president of a nation after losing the election.

    TH: That is good news indeed. Kudos to the judges, this rejection took some balls.

    C&L: I think that not many people realize that the future you paint here is all too real. If Manchin isn’t brought to reason, the filibuster is laid to rest and HR1 can’t get through the Senate, democracy is doomed and not only in America.

    Flynn: Another one who is starting to believe his own press releases after he was pardoned by the former guy.

    • So often the judges with the most “balls” don’t actually have them, but have “huevos.”  But in this case, I think the judge does have balls – Dabney L. Friedrich is the name.

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