May 272021
It’s a busy day, here in the CatBox,WWWendy visited me, I Republicated earlier. I,m very tired to the point of exhaustion. The Morphine is working well. Please pray that it continues.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:39 (average 4:33). To do it click here. How did you do?
Short Take:
From You Tube {A blast from the past): The Beau Brummels – Laugh Laugh (Shindig)
Ah… the memories! RESIST the Republican Reich!!
Don’t Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!
25 Responses to “Personal Update – 5/27/2021”
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You were very early with publishing, TomCat, and I was very late in getting to PP which resulted in me skipping a whole day altogether.
It’s good to hear the morphine is working. Keep that up by replenishing it in time, dear friend. Timing may be one of the crucial elements here.
Cartoon: I hope spicy foods are not contributing to your problems, TomCat.
BFTP: I really don’t think I ever heard this before; if I did I have no recollection of it.
Thanks for the update.
Cartoon: Yes, same here. I know how you feel, Kittycat.
BFTP: Who remembers ‘Shindig’? I do. Great song!
Hi, WWWendy! Glad that you’re feeling better, great news! A good day for you! Get your rest, take good care, and Thanks, Tom!!
*This just in: 1. “Through osmosis, Andrew Giuliani is saying he absorbed his father’s 5 decades of professional work even though he personally wasn’t alive for all of those decades.” ~ Briana Taylor, CNN ~
2. “TOT hits golf ball into the water in a feeble swing on own golf course….so I guess he marked a ‘2’ for that hole.” ~ Baron VonAwesome ~
3. “Republicans are defending Jason Miller because they’re fine with abortion as long as it’s not the woman’s decision.” ~ The Volatile Mermaid ~
4. “Gaetz has come down with a terrible case of the Consequences.” ~ Greg M. ~
5. “We have a ‘Bill of Rights’. What we need is a ‘Bill of Responsibility.'” ~ Bill Maher~
TJI#1: Why is this putz even on the radar?
TJI#2: Why is this putz even on the radar?
TJI#3: Why is this putz even on the radar?
TJI#4: This putz forced himself onto the radar!
TJI#5: The ‘Bill of Responsibility’ is supposed to reside in the laws that ought to come after these various putzes.
TJI #1 – Osmosis is probably how he “learns.”
TJI #3 – Boy, that really nails it.
TJI #4 – Is he showing symptons yet?
TJI #5 – Bill does have a point there.
‘Toon: Indeed! that very spicy Schezuan food, before it was tamed down for us Occidentals, use dot cause what we called “Burning bung hole syndrome.”
Kudos to the morphine.
BFP: Ah, yes, the memories.
Glad the morphine is working. Exhausted may not be what you want, but it beats the heck out of pain. Here in the Rockies the weather is confused – think that it’s March and needs to go out like a lion. Frustrating. But also better than pain.
Some selected entries from the annual Comedy Wildlife Photo Contest (entries sill being accepted up until June 30, so no way to know whether these are winners for w while yet.)
Cartoon – It that what’s causing the exhaustion? (which still beats pain.)
Blast – I do remember this one. I thought maybe it was before Lona’s time, but I looked it up and it was released in February 1965. It got mixed reviews, so maybe it didn’t make it to Europe. Also, it’s kind of crude – not in language, but condescending and humiliating. But it sure sounds good if tou want to apply it to Republicans!
Hi Everyone this is WWWendy – giving an update on Tom. Things have taken a bit of a rough turn after he was online in the wee hours of the morning. He is having severe muscle spasms in his back -I’m sure related to the tumor. Hospice has added some more relaxation medications and he is very, very sleepy. Hopefully the adjustments will help – I think his days of getting to the computer from his bed will be coming to a halt very soon – he is not going to like this limitation. His body is not in the same place his mind is for sure. It is very difficult to see him in so much pain and not be able to relieve it quickly for him – I call Hospice often to advocate – I am sure they will get very sick of hearing from me! The last thing I want for Tom is for him to suffer and I will continue to do everything within my power to make sure he doesn’t in his final days- my tears are falling as I write this. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Hi WWWendy ~
Thank you for your update. Such a thoughtful, informative, heartfelt and on point conversation, Wendy. I sure do appreciate it.
Thank you for your information and update. You are so kind, and compassionate to let us know of the happenings and daily care taken about and for Tom.
Alongside with your caring note(s) and updates, I pray daily for this wonderful, kind and thoughtful man.
I appreciate your words, and hope that Tom doesn’t suffer, and that the adjustments will help him. Thoughts and Prayers indeed. Every. Day.
Thank you isn’t enough to say to you, Wendy, with helping Tom w/his medical needs, but Thank you!! for all that you do and say for Tom, your prayers, and caring actions. And this update. You are so kind to write and let us know.
Virtual Hugs to you, and Tom!
Thank you so much, dear Wendy. I apologize in advance if I have to call on you to pass messages – I sent an email today which yu may have to read to him – I’m having issues figuring out how to get in to enails at politics plus, and what to do if I can’t. We all love you and are grateful to you.
After writing my message above, I went to read Pat’s TJI’s, and other people’s post, when I noticed the post from Wendy.

I thank you so very much Wendy for taking the time to write and let us know what was going on with Tom’s health. I appreciate all that you’ve been doing for him all of these years, especially now when he needs your voice to speak out for him. In my eyes you’re part of the family.
He has done so much for us.
I will continue to keep Tom in my daily thoughts and prayers. Please will ask God to helps Tom, especially now in these trying times.
Again I thank you Wendy for taking the time to update us and for being available for Tom, in so many ways. You’re like an angel. Always there in real times of need. We can’t thank you enough.
Like Joanne stated, we all love you and are so grateful to you.
Thanks Wendy
Thanks for giving us an update, dear WWWendy.
Tom has been resisting it for a long time, and that may be one of the reasons he’s in so much pain, but he’ll have to let go of getting out of bed to sit behind the computer very soon, perhaps even from now on.
The most important thing now is to keep him as pain-free as possible for his remaining days, which may also mean he’ll become more sedated too. Would you be so kind as to send us a little update whenever you visit? If you’re in need of an update page to go to, we can open a new update page for you every day for you to add a comment to. Just let us know.
Tom is so lucky to have you as a friend and carer, Wendy. Thank you for all you’ve done for our dear friend in the last couple of years.
Hi, Wendy. Thanks for informing us and all you do for our pal,TC. Ditto what the others have already said. Please take care & keep in touch.
Sorry – I’m very late to this post.
But rest assured, we all know you are our TomCat’s Guardian Angel.
Blessings Be Upon You!
Found you!
My tears are forming, now that I have read your piece. Thank you for everything, forever!
Will intensify my prayers–thanks Wendy.
Dear Wendy…have you considered that you have dozens of FANS you’ve never met? We all sincerely thank you for all you’ve done for Tom! He has been lucky to have such a kind, thoughtful soul in his life, bringing peace and comfort to what are certainly his final days. If you ever need a reference…you know where to come. My very best wishes to TC and to you!
Cartoon: Yes spicy foods cause major stomach issues.
BFTP: Great song. It does brings memories.
Happy to hear that the medication is working well. Pray it continues that way.
I noticed you wrote this at 2:27 AM. You should of gone back to sleep. That’s too early for you to begin your day.
Hope all went well with Wendy and that you aren’t in too much pain, if you took a shower. Tell her “Hello” and to have a “nice Memorial Day Weekend.”
I hope you got to rest this afternoon. Please do eat and drink your fluids so your system will stay well.
Take care. Thanks Tom
Hi Everyone this is Wendy,
Sorry for the delay in updating you all. I appreciate all the kind words and thoughts and prayers. Unfortunately Tom has not improved. I have been in and out late at night to check on him – due to my work schedule I was not able to be with him full-time until today. He stays pretty sedated with the meds – I believe that he is beginning to transition, he has not eaten for 2 1/2 days and takes in very little water. He knows that I am here and with him and I am hoping that now that he knows that I won’t be leaving his side it will bring him some peace knowing that he is not alone. Unfortunately, because the cancer is affecting his bones it is more painful than most and very hard to manage his pain – now that I am here 24/7 – he will not suffer on my watch!!
I will give daily updates – I will do whatever is easiest for people too see – right now I just sign in as him and hope that everyone sees it – if there is an easier way just let me know.
I regret to inform everyone that I don’t think Tom will be with us much longer.
Hugs to all,
Hi Dear WWWendy – Thank you so much.
I have spoken with WWWendy and she has agreed to become an author, so whe will be making her own posts, and probably start this evening, and they will be easy to dind. May God bless Tom;s anmgel WWWendy (als our angel).
Bless you Wendy for posting this update about Tom.

God Bless.
Sorry to hear that Tom isn’t doing well. especially with him Not eating for two days nor taking much fluids.
I’m glad to hear that they are keeping him sedated so he won’t be in so much pain.
Truly appreciate that you’re there for him now at his critical time.
Please let Tom know, if he’s coherent, that I’m sending extra prayers his way.
That I send a huge Bundle of Love and Hugs his way too.
God Bless you for all that you’ve done and continue doing.
Like Joanne mentioned, you’re a true Angel.
Hi Colleen, and thanks for the heads up, yesterday.
Wendy, thank you ever so much for all the help you have been to TC, and will be, in what must, now, be his last days.
You’re welcome, Mitch.
This is hard on us all. Never thought this would happen so quickly.
Here Tom was writing us days ago that the medication was finally working and he was feeling less pain. I was so happy for him, then Wendy’s message the day after saying he was suffering from severe back pain. I’m still shocked and so upset.
I’m grateful that Wendy is there for Tom. She is a real Angel.
I am so sad about Tom’s predicament….thanks for the updates and all the efforts…hopefully won’t suffer too much mentally or physically…
WWWendy, you are a saint and an angel