May 242021
It’s been a drowsy day, here in the CatBox with much less pain than I have suffered in months. Sadly, it still hurts. They increased my methadone, eliminated oxycodone and set my morphing at up to 20 mg per hour, as needed. I’m using less. Please pray that they adjust updates well, and keep me supplied.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 5:38 (average 5:58). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Take:
From YouTube (a blast from the past): Jefferson Airplane -White Rabbit-
Ah… the memories! RESIST the Republican Reich!!
Don’t Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!
14 Responses to “Personal Update – 5/24/2021”
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Cartoon: Why yes they have, haven’t they?
BFTP: What a song. What a singer! What a band!
p.s. Grace rocked!!
Glad to read that you got your meds adjusted, but sadly…that it still hurts for you. I wish/pray that you have a day without pain.. for you to have comfort, and that they keep your meds readily available. Take good care, Tom, and hope you have a good day.
*This just in: “Holy Crap! Perhaps a US Senator shouldn’t suggest the *Russian *military is better than the American military that protected him from an insurrection he helped foment? ~ Senator Tammy Duckworth ~
2. “Another lawsuit against Trump. A civil rights group, called ‘Chinese Americans Civil Rights Coalition’. They are suing him for his overly obsessive reference to the “China Virus”. This is against trump for $23 M.” ~ Bev H. ~
3. Good Rule to follow: “Never reward someone’s incivility by giving them the headline they seek.” ~ Joe Scarborough ~
4. Re: Joe Biden – “Everything he’s done is clean as a whistle. He’s never not broken any law, he’s never done anything wrong.” ~ Chris Matthews ~
5. “If you’re someone people count on, particularly in difficult moments, that’s a sign of a life lived honorably.”
~ Rachel Maddow ~
TJI #1 – Tammy rocks! (and, Pat, Cornyn isn’t exactly an Adonis either)
TJI #2 – They deserve to win, but I hope they don’t need to collect. You can’t get blood from – whatever he is – probably not a rock since rocks are nicer, and more useful.
TJI #3 – Correct. If there must be a headline for everyon’s protection, word it so that it’s not the one they sought.
TJI #4 – The first two are not only correct (if you take the double negative as an intensifier) but as provable as negatives can be. The third one goes a little far. If he weren’t human, he would not be eligible to be President. (Let’s hope the R’s don’t think of this.)
TJI #5 – Too much to say about this one.
What a kind wish, Pat. But the next time I have a day without pain, It will mean I an so doped up that I am delirious to the point of oblivion. I don’t want that. However, minor pain that leaves me conscious is a blessing.
Rock on, Tom !!
Your personal news is welcome.
‘Toon: Such a lovely bridge! And there is a town in N.J., named after the designer, Roebling.
BFP: Marvelous!
TJI#1: So, which, of the many fools in the Senate, said THIS?
TJI#2: More power to them.
TJI#3: A good lesson to take away from the recent past. Yeah, and which media platform will follow it?
TJI#4: Whoa, let us not deify the man!
TJI#5: I’ll buy this one. Can I get two of them?
Hi, Mitch, here’s the DL. TJI #1 –
Of course!!, it’s the ugly senator from Texas who said that…ugh!
Have a great day, and enjoy your Monday.
Two of them? You probably are one (and if you are married to another, that would not surprise me.)
After a certain age, for most bodies, there’ so such thing as “no pain.” I think you probably know that, and I think you mean “It still hurts more than is acceptable.” I’m so sorry, though grateful for the partial progress. If it’s not acceptable, don’t accept it. You have my prayers.
Cartoon – A few are creative enough to come up with other bridges – like the Golden Gate. I’ve probably said this before, but my mother’s Uncle Fred was a civil engineer. I don’t think he worked on designing the Golden Gate, but he saw and undetstood the designs, and his response was that it couldn’t be built. Some of the family dissed him for being wrong, but my mom realized and told me that what he meant was that it could not be built without unacceptable loss of life, which to him was “none.” So he actually was right. But they built it anyway.
Blast – One of their best.
Very well said JD!
Great graph!
Cartoon: Give it up, R’s. It’s here to stay.
BFTP: Fantastic song.
I’m running late tonight. Had a dental appointment early this afternoon and a few other errands to make.
So happy to hear that you’re in less pain. Hopefully with the increase of the morphine, it will get even better.
Hope you’re able to rest and get some good sleep during the night.
Prayers being sent your way. Take care. Thanks TomCat
How wonderful to hear that pain management finally made your life bearable. Getting you fully pain-free wouldn’t be an option as that would probably involve completely sedating you, so I hope all involved can keep you at an optimum.
Cartoon: At what rate is it selling these days?
BFTP: Awsome.
See my and JD’s responses above. We agree.
Thanks and Hugs to all!