May 232021
It’s been a painful day here in the CatBox, but relief is in sight. in addition to my other meds, I am allowed 10 mg morphine every hour as needed However Providence pharmacy was late in refilling my prescription, and it just got here. I have been in severe pain, but I’ll feel better after a couple doses. Pray that my supply does not run out.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:45 (average 4:4:45). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Take:
From YouTube (a blast from the past): Fleetwood Mac – Storms
Ah⦠the memories! RESIST the Republican Reich!!
Donβt Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!
17 Responses to “Personal Update – 5/23/2021”
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Cartoon: UGH! He was a horrible being alongside with the others, living on this earth without a soul, or a conscience. A murderer, coward, and a wimp. Death by cyanide poisoning.
*”Himmler formed the Einsatzgruppen and built extermination camps. As overseer of the Nazi genocidal programs, Himmler directed the killing of some six million Jews, between 200,000 and 500,000 Romani people, and other victims. The total number of civilians killed by the regime is estimated at eleven to fourteen million people. Most of them were Polish and Soviet citizens. While in British custody, he committed suicide.” *WIKI
BFTP: What a great song!
Whew! Good news! Relieved to read that you got your meds to relieve your pain. Yes….and that your supply doesn’t run out either. Hope that you can get your rest/nap in today. Take good, good care, Tom, rest, and enjoy your day…
*This just in: “It was my great honor to welcome His Excellency Moon Jae-in, President of the Republic of Korea, back again to the United States Capitol. Our relationship is one of security, but also a personal one. Thank you for your extraordinary leadership on how we can work together on climate, your cooperation to fight the pandemic and for being in the forefront of innovation as we go forward to make the future better for the people of the world.” ~ Speaker Nancy Pelosi ~
2. “Let’s boil this down to one simple question, and let me paraphrase that famous line from the film ‘A Few Good Men’. Can the Republican Party handle the truth? And what is this truth? It’s not complicated. Joe Biden won the presidential election in 2020. It wasn’t close. It was a fair and free election. But let’s not kid ourselves, many Republicans have been allergic to the truth for a long time —on climate change, on guns, on racial justice, on the pandemic, on a whole host of issues.” ~ Dan Rather ~
3. ” I learned that Congress is a place with more heart than courage; there are more good souls in Washington than brave ones. I learned that the whole is not always the sum of it’s parts: that what you put in, doesn’t always match what you get out.” ~ Joaquin Castro ~
4. “Perhaps a US Senator should not be sharing Russia military propaganda and disparaging our Armed Forces. US Senators should also understand that in the modern, digital, global age, our Natinal Security relies on incorporating the incredible array of diverse talent America has to offer. Diversity makes us safer and stronger.
~ Rep. Val Demings ~
5. “Thanks to the Internet, people we may have suspected of being idiots, can now give us ample evidence.”
~ Andy Borowitz ~
TJI #4 – They don’t call Ted “Kremlin Cruz” for nothing.
TJI#1: THIS is diplomacy.
TJI#2: Republicans have lived in a myth their own creating for decades! And, the country has not benefited from same.
TJI#3: The scales fell from his eyes, did they not?
TJI#4: At least Florida has her.
TJI#5: And they do, again, and again.
TJI #1 – I believe the single most important characteristic of a leader is the ability to see peole as they are – and then surround oneself with good people. Good both in the sense of competent, good at their jobs, blu also good in the sense of ewthics, able to keep the leader’s moral compass aimed in the right direction.
TJI #2 – A Few Good Men is an ethics litmus test – if you believe Tom Cruise’s character is right, you are probably an ethical person. If you beieve Jack Nicholson’d character is right, not so much.
TJI #3 – To paraphrase C. S. Lewis, courage is the one virtue that, if you don’t have it, any others you have don’t matter.
TJI #4 – If we really want Congress not to have any traitors in it, why do we allow people to run for it without first getting a security clearance or at leased being cleared for one?
TJI #5 – Straight news – except that it’s not only the ones we suspected, but many that we never suspected.
TJI #2: Dan Rather hit the truth right on the nose there.
Pat, what do you expect from Himmler? He was, after all, just a Republican!
Thanks for your kindness about my pain.
Screwtape was – he was at least willing to hwlp his nephew – until the kid failed. Then he was just another being to be eaten.
Good to see you able to comment, even briefly.

Good to hear you’re getting some relief from the morphine. Do they have a cap on how much you’re allowed in a 24-hour or 7-day period?
Maximum is 20 mg/hour. I use far less.
Relief would certainly be nice.
‘Toon: So much for the Uber-menchen!
BFP: Nice.
I absolutely do pray that your supply does not run out. The less pain you have, the better. I hope it doesn’t interfere with Republication you do need that. Or at least that, if it does, that can be easily dealt with.
Cartoon – Legend or fact, I’m not sure, but I always understood that all the “important” Nazis had suicide capsules handy at all times – which I find damning. Even if, as they claimed, they thought what they were doing was right, suicidecapsules gives away that they knew that the rest of the civilized world thought otherwise. (Also that they were too cowardly to face the consequences of being tried and convicted. Did thy really think suicide would keep the truth from coming out ans save their “reputations”?)
Blast – Definitely a song to work through with a therapist (I’ve long though that controlling one’s emotions is not only diffucult, but quite literally impossible, and foolish to try. What one can control and shoud control is one’s actions. Something MAGAts don’t appear to have learned, and probably would disagree with anyway.
Suicide capsules dould be a solution for the Republican Reich!
Cartoon: Despicable rotten murderer. Appreciate the info Pat mentioned.
BFTP: Wonderful song. Big fan of Fleetwood Mac.
Happy to hear that they finally refilled the medication for you.
Praying that you get some relief soon.
Do get your rest. Take care. Thanks Tom
Thanks Colleen. I am getting relief.
Good to hear that the hospice is doing its job as expected and they now give you extra morphine if you need it. From now on, please don’t wait until it’s unbearable but ask for more sooner. You may become drowsier and not be able to put up a page every day. That shouldn’t worry you either. Ask WWWendy to make an update comment on whatever is the last page you put up. You’re in my thoughts, dear friend.
Cartoon: The coward’s way out, just as one would expect from somebody Republicans admire.
BFTP: Great song. It may not have touched me when it came out, but it did now.
Lona, you can be sure that WWWendy id in the forefront of fighting to jeep Hospice from screwing up. She is an
Thanks and Hugs to all on a night in which I am doing this with far less suffering than usual.