May 212021

Glenn Kirschner on McCarthy and 1/6 commission

Don Winslow appears to have rune out of fucks to give. (I needed a hanky myself)

Meidas Touch – Marie Newman on Empty Greene

The Republican Accountability Project – Preach it!

The Lincoln Project – “Their Party”

Now This News – “Whatever it takes”

Beau on something good people can do this weekend for miners – and why


  4 Responses to “Video Thread 5/21/2021”

  1. McCarthy Tries & Fails to Block Congressional Commission Investigation of Capitol Attack

    It was NEVER going to be a bipartisan effort like the 9/11 Commission.  The attackers came from WITHIN!

    That said, I think it’s wise of Speaker Pelosi to let these efforts run their course.  Not only does it keep Rethuglican intransigence in the spotlight, but it obviates their (hoped for) option to whine “We want it to be bipartisan, but the big, bad Democrats never gave us a chance.”


    Not really one of the better ones.  Any time you’re at either end of the Bell Curve in messaging, you’re going to be hard-pressed to convince anyone other than the choir.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene is a “Deeply Broken Person” 

    MT Greene is one sick puppy!  I hope she gets the help she so desperately needs.  

    And even more: I hope she will never spend another day in Congress!

    Trump’s Still Lying about the 2020 Election

    Corrected, it should simply read: Trump’s Still Lying

    Their Party

    Donnie, MT Greene, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Lindsey, etc., etc., etc. …

    Other than in padded cells with bars on windows and doors, you just do NOT find this concentration of such overt, marked psychological pathology in such small numbers.

  2. JM: Justice will have the last laugh? It doesn’t appear that way when McCarty and McConnell do everything in their power to let the Former Guy get away with it and they themselves get away with aiding and abetting their dear leader.

    DW: That video cut to the core of the problem like none I’ve seen before. Sadly, Nameless is right, it’ll only preach to the choir. As do all the other ones.

    MT: Marie Newman is not the first member of congress to say Greene needs mental help. When are they going to section her? Will they wait too long as they do with other stalkers? Will they wait until she gets one of her many guns out and has a shot at AOC or another Dem Rep.?

    RAP: Excellent ad. All Republicans who want to “move on” should be held accountable. And the previous guy, who is now an ordinary citizen, should be held accountable for the continuous stream of lies.

    LP: Telling it like it is; to the choir.

    NTN: This doctor’s answers to questions should go viral, and not only in the black community.

  3. Thanks, JD. 35

    Too much pain for videos.


  4. GK – Excellent.
    DW- How depressingly sad. 
    MT – IANAD, but I agree, she needs to be sanctioned, and also needs help. 
    RAP: Liar, liar, Pants on Fire! 
    LP: The Lie – pleeze. Joe won!! 
    NTN: Great video. 

    Thank you, Joanne, for post. 

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