Someone who lives there thinks Ryan may have his eye on the Ohio (US) Senate seat currently held by Portman. What a team he and Sherrod Brow would make!
Yeah – whe I show something with Hawley I’m not trying to rub it in – I’m hoping it will please you to see him being vilified.
I hear the male one of the twp lawyers in the gated community who pulled out their weapons to threaten people trying to speak with a lawmaker therr is thinking about running for Senate mow.
JM: The worse the news for Trump, the better it is.
MT: Trumpers when the mask comes off: dumb thugs who hate the police as any other criminal does.
NTN: Normally I can’t stand those yellers but Ryan’s yelling is pure passion and his yelling finally comes from the right side of the aisle. Go for it, Ryan.
VV: Do I sense a slight dislike of Hawley there?
TH: Is that all Republicans can come up with to discredit Biden? How pathetic.
Beau: No worries here, Beau sure knew how to ask the right question and give the right answer at the same time.
NY AG Tish James Announces Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization: What’s It All Mean?
GOP Cop Killers
Ryan Slams Republicans Who Voted Against Jan 6 Commission
VoteVets – Hate Crime Hawley
So very sad I have to claim Hawley as my senator.
So very GLAD Hawley will NEVER BE PRESIDENT!
Someone who lives there thinks Ryan may have his eye on the Ohio (US) Senate seat currently held by Portman. What a team he and Sherrod Brow would make!
Yeah – whe I show something with Hawley I’m not trying to rub it in – I’m hoping it will please you to see him being vilified.
Nope – “rubbing it in” never crossed my mind.
(Rubbing him OUT? Well …)
I hear the male one of the twp lawyers in the gated community who pulled out their weapons to threaten people trying to speak with a lawmaker therr is thinking about running for Senate mow.
Thanks JD.
I need the pain to
before I can attend to videos, bit I shall try briefly on one.
G K – the closer we get to criminally indicting Trump**, the better it is for America!
JM: The worse the news for Trump, the better it is.
MT: Trumpers when the mask comes off: dumb thugs who hate the police as any other criminal does.
NTN: Normally I can’t stand those yellers but Ryan’s yelling is pure passion and his yelling finally comes from the right side of the aisle. Go for it, Ryan.
VV: Do I sense a slight dislike of Hawley there?
TH: Is that all Republicans can come up with to discredit Biden? How pathetic.
Beau: No worries here, Beau sure knew how to ask the right question and give the right answer at the same time.