Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”
One can hardly read or watch the news for more than a few days without being reminded that the United States is till a contry which has huge problems with its policing. Even communities which have attempted reforms, sometimes sweeping reforms, have seen less improvement thatn they expected. However, it appears when there is strong involvement by community members in the reforms, the results can be less disappointing … and can also be fine tuned more easil;y. These two experts, one an ex-cop, analyze some data.
American cities have long struggled to reform their police – but isolated success stories suggest community and officer buy-in might be key

Stephen Maturen/Getty Images
Thaddeus L. Johnson, Georgia State University and Natasha N. Johnson, Georgia State University
The guilty verdicts delivered against Derek Chauvin on April 20, 2021, represented a landmark moment – but courtroom justice cannot deliver the sweeping changes most Americans feel are needed to improve policing in the U.S.
As America continues to grapple with racism and police killings, federal action over police reform has stalled in Congress. But at the state level there is movement and steps toward reform are underway in many U.S. cities, including Philadelphia; Oakland, California; and Portland, Oregon.
Many of these efforts are geared toward ending specific practices, such as the granting of qualified immunity, through which officers are shielded from civil lawsuits, and the use of certain police neck holds and no-knock warrants. Mayors and city councils nationwide have also pushed reforms emphasizing accountability and transparency, with many working to create independent oversight commissions.
It’s too soon to expect substantial improvement from these recently proposed remedies.
But as scholars of criminal justice – one a former police officer of 10 years – we know America has been here before. From Ferguson to Baltimore and Oakland to Chicago, numerous city police departments have undergone transformation efforts following controversial police killings. But these and other reform movements haven’t lived up to their promises.
Resisting change
After the shooting death in Missouri of unarmed teen Michael Brown in 2014, police in Ferguson agreed to a reform program that included anti-bias training and an agreement to end stop, search and arrest practices that discriminate on the basis of race.
But five years into the process, a report by the nonprofit Forward Through Ferguson found the reforms had done little to change policing culture or practice. This was backed up by a Ferguson Civilian Review Board report in July 2020 that found the “disparity in traffic stops between black and white residents appears to be growing.”
Similarly, concerns over the quality of Baltimore’s police services persist despite federal oversight and reforms brought in after the death of Freddie Gray in police custody in 2015.
Commentators have pointed to a resistance to change among officers and an inability to garner community buy-in as reasons for the slowdown in progress in Baltimore.
Part of the problem, as seen with Baltimore, is that federal intervention does not appear to guarantee lasting change. Research shows that Department of Justice regulations aimed at reform only slightly reduce police misconduct. There is also no evidence that national efforts targeting the use of force alone mitigate police killings.
Community-led reform
One beacon of hope is the Cincinnati Police Department. Twenty years ago, residents in Cincinnati experienced events similar to what many cities have faced in more recent years. An unarmed Black man, Timothy Thomas, was shot dead by officers in 2001, sparking widespread unrest. It led Cincinnati to enter into a different model of reform: a collaborative agreement.

Mike Simons/Newsmakers via Getty Images
Touted by former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch as a national model for community-led police reform, the collaborative agreement saw the police department, civic government, police unions and local civil rights groups act in partnership for a reform program backed by court supervision.
The resulting changes to use-of-force policies, a focus on community-based solutions to crime, and robust oversight brought about improved policing. A 2009 Rand evaluation of the collaborative agreement found it resulted in a reduction in crime, positive changes in citizens’ attitudes toward police and fewer racially biased traffic stops. There were also fewer use-of-force incidents and officer and arrestee injuries under the collaborative agreement.
But it isn’t perfect. Cincinnati’s Black residents continue to be disproportionately arrested – likely owing to the concentration of crime, service calls and police deployments in predominantly Black neighborhoods. Figures from 2018 show Black Cincinnati residents were roughly three times as likely to be arrested as their white counterparts.
Cincinnati’s collaborative agreement contained a number of elements that experts say are needed if police reforms are to be successful: strong leadership, flexible, goal-oriented approaches, effective oversight and externally regulated transparency.
Moreover, it depended on police officials’ ability to cultivate community investment and overcome resistance from police officers and police unions.
Community confidence is critical to police reform and community safety. When citizens view police as legitimate and trustworthy, they are more likely to report crimes, cooperate during police investigations, comply with directives and work with police to find solutions to crime.
Beyond collaboration
Efforts like that in Cincinnati that put community engagement at the heart of police reforms undoubtedly are strides in the right direction. But they can go only so far. A noticeable shortcoming in most police reform programs is a focus on what is the right thing to do during confrontations with the public, rather than on trying to avert those situations in the first place.
Fatal police shootings often happen during police stops and arrests – situations that carry increased risks of citizen resistance and violent police response.
Scaling back low-level enforcement, such as arrests for vagrancy and loitering – much of which has little public safety advantage – and having police partner with civilian responders for mental health, homelessness and drug-related calls, could mean fewer opportunities for violent police encounters.
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Some departments have begun to change their enforcement policies along these lines. The Gwinnett County Police Department in Georgia, for example, stopped making arrests and issuing citations for misdemeanor marijuana possession.
A 2018 study of traffic stops in Fayetteville, North Carolina, found that redirecting enforcement away from minor infractions – such as broken taillights and expired tags – toward the more serious violations of speeding and running traffic lights resulted in reduced crime and a narrowed racial gap in stops and searches.
Removing the trigger
Low-level infractions have often been the triggers for police interventions that end in citizen deaths. Eric Garner – who died in 2014 after a New York police officer put him in a banned chokehold – was stopped for selling loose cigarettes.
Devoting less time to policing such activity would also free up officers’ time to devote to such endeavors as analyzing crime trends, conducting wellness checks on elderly residents and mentoring community youth. I (Thaddeus Johnson) felt this as a police officer on the street, and I see it as a criminal justice scholar now.
The examples of Cincinnati, Ferguson and Baltimore show that getting community buy-in is crucial if attempts to improve policing are to be successful. We believe that evaluating officers’ performance and rewarding them based on community-oriented activities – rather than just the number of stops and arrests – could foster the support necessary for lasting reform.
Thaddeus L. Johnson, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Georgia State University and Natasha N. Johnson, Clinical Instructor of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Georgia State University
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone., it may be just a thought, but I strongly feel that the biggest thing which is not being addressed here is the personalities of individual officers. In my opinion, we – federal, states, counties, and municipalities need to be doing extreme vetting of officers, and not only (and this is going to make me very unpopular) at hiring,, but also for purposes of retention. Vetting for group affiliation will not be that effective until and unless we can get it established that a group is not necessarily a terrorist organization because its name spooks Republicans, of course. But there are in existence numerous psychological tests which can pick up on attitudes pretty solidly; we just need to get them to tell us what we want to know. Many businesses already use these. You ladies could certainly help in getting them to be accepted.
The Furies and I will be back.
8 Responses to “Everyday Erinyes #266”
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Thanks Joanne.
The biggest problems have been getting police and police union buy-ins. Recently, LA County cannot even get the Sheriff’s Dept. to comply with a new state law requiring information on use of force to be public information routinely released to let the community, Board of Supervisors, hold them accountable. And the biggest resistance area is to the areas of qualified immunity and anything else that could hold individual officers accountable. In some states police unions have enshrined the most common protections from accountability into state law, effectively preventing any community wanting reform from succeeding.
We need to reform our law enforcement completely – divorce it from its racist roots, and hold police officers accountable when they get out of hand. Newark, NJ showed us what may be the way: The city demolished its police department and built anew, not from the foundations up but from a brand-new foundation. During 2020 not one Newark officer fired a shot. Also, we should study the police departments in other countries and see how they balance enforcing the law with keeping cops from going overboard. The badly named “defund the police” movement is about not just de-militarizing constabularies but also diverting funds to public departments that will ease the burden we place on cops, such as funding to help those with mental health issues. We still need cops, but we can create better police departments, and make officers parts of the communities they patrol, men and women who truly protect and serve, rather than outsiders who terrorize and oppress.
The article makes good sense to me. The community buy-in, taking the police from “enemy” to almost anything more positive should help.
Being serious about not turning a blind eye to rogue police ought to help as well. Chauvin, was, apparently, one of those.
Forgive me for drawing a parallel with my experience as a project manager in IT. It soon was crystal clear to me that implementing a new IT system in an organisation ‘top down’ without consulting its users during the development of the system didn’t work, no matter how much training you gave those users after it was installed. They simply boycotted it, often in subtle ways, until it failed completely or a cycle of alterations was started.
Not until users had been made ‘accessory’ in the design stage of a system, did development and implementation have any hope of succeeding. The same goes for any structural reform of law enforcement. Unless the community and law enforcement are both a part of the development of the change process, time and money – I mean, lots of money – are wasted.
And you are right, Joanne. The ‘culture’ of some departments is very resistant to working change because of individual officers but waiting until all of these have been replaced by new blood that has been vetted better, is no option. But replacing some of them in identified key positions sometimes is enough to get others involved in the development of a change process in a positive way.
No need to apologize for sharing professional experience, now or ever.Learning from others’ professional experience is IMO the closest one with no experience can get to reality and truth in that field, whatever it is. I’ve not been shy in sharing mine, and I hope no one else will be shy in sharing theirs.
Thanks JD!
I could not agree more with the need for police reform that moves the power of law enforcement from the cops’ holsters to the communities being served.
thank you….I am still hoping to live to see the day that the US truly lives up to our written dream…”that all men (and women) are created equal” and therefore actually treated equally and equitably for the good of all the world and the future of all life.
Great one again Joanne.
I too am in favor of seeing police reform. It’s a definite MUST.
The current ones out there serving need to be retrained both mentally and physically on how to deal with people.
This “Shot first” has got to END.
It frustrates the heck out of me every day that I turn on the news and hear or see police abuse happening.
I would love to see them not using their guns, unless they encounter a maniac out there shooting at innocent people.
Hopefully changes will be made soon.
Thanks Joanne