It’s a crappy painful day here in the CatBox. Yesterday I Republicated a BIG messy load and did again this morning. WWWendy is bringing 5 BIG packages of BBQ ribs I’m buying to treat the residents and staff here to a special mid-day dinner. WWWendy will be bring her two Shiatsu dawgs, who I call ‘Oh’ and ‘Shit’ to chew the bones. I’m sure they will love the attention. Climbing onto the toilet to Republicate twice has exacerbated my back pain severely.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:44 (average 4:43). To do it, click here. How did you do?
That’s the only way Israel van have a happy birthday!
Short Take:
From YouTube (a blast from the past): IRON BUTTERFLY – IN A GADDA DA VIDA – 1968 (ORIGINAL FULL VERSION) CD SOUND & 3D VIDEO
Ah⦠the memories! RESIST the Republican Reich!!
Donβt Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!
12 Responses to “Personal Update – 5/14/2021”
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Cartoon: Peace instead of war!
BFTP: Loved this. Wore the vinyl off of this one! srsly!
Hi, Wendy!! Glad that you, at least, Republicated, it’s always a good day and news! for that. How sweet of you to treat staff/residents to a wonderful meal of BBQ ribs! I also have a Shih Tzu, and I know that Wendy’s little ones will enjoy the rib bones to nibble on. Just the right size for them. It will be a great day! Hope your pain goes away with your meds. Take care and get your rest, and Thanks, Tom.
This just in: “In Maine we have: No voter ID laws, we have same day registration, we have no excuse absentee voting, we have mail-in voting, we have early voting, we have 24/7 drop boxes. And we have virtually NO fraud. Expanding Ballot Access doesn’t discourage fraud, it encourages voting!” ~ Senator Angus King ~
2. “Clang, clang, clang went Josh Hawley…Yap, Yap, Yap went Ted Cruz – Crap, crap, crap went McCarthy – ’cause his party continued to lose.” ~ Randy Rainbow ~ *RR is such a sweetheart w/so much talent! *pb*
3. “Q: – Would Kevin McCarthy and the House GOP have ousted Liz Cheney if she were a man?” ~ Jake L. ~
4. “Disturbing to see Cheney booted for telling the Truth.” ~ Jen Psaki ~
5. “Given a chance between defending American Democracy and abandoning all reality and principle for Donald Trump, the GOP has one again chosen Donald Trump.” ~ Hillary Clinton ~
TJI #1 – Gee, we haven’t heard from Angus for a while (thank heaven Steve is gone – and I guess Peter is keeping a low profile). He is 100% right – and “encouraging voting” is exactly what Repukes DON’T want!
TJI #2 – This went up on the video thread on Tuesday.
TJI #3 – Actually, I think they would. If Adam Kinzinger had been in that #3 leadership position, I’m pretty confident he’d be out of it todaty. They haven’t tackled him yet because he’s not high enough on the food chain.
TJI #4 – Why? It happened or would have happened to all of Trump**s Pres Secretaries.
TJI #5 – The leadership of the GQP certainly has, and so has Trump**s insane base. But there are some beginning to come out of the woodwork who haven’t – yet. We may still see a third party arise.
TJI 3,4 and 5: Liz Cheney might now be able to pull it off to start a third party. With enough disgruntled true Republicans joining, this could be the end of the Republican power block as we know it. Fingers crossed.
What a nice thing to do! Especiallythe dogs. Very few things lift the spirit of residents like being able to interact with animals. One other thing that does which you would never think of (and I just happened to stumble intpo) helps bedause such a high percentage of residents are women, but I am told the joy rubs off onto the men too – is to bring in a multi-level marketing person who sells makeup and have a (fill in the brand of makeup, which truly doesn’t matter) party. I stumbled into doing this once at the facility in Alamosa with a friend who sold one brand, and the ladies seemd to enjoy it, but the dramatic effect was what followed – the glow in imporived attitude for eveeryone who was at it lasted for well over a month. The staff was wowed, and “please do another one?” An AlAnon friend and I did another one after an interval with a different brand, bu the same results. After that I moved to Colorado Springs. If the marketing person is well aware that they are not going to sell much but willing to do it anyway to earn goodwill, it’s amazingly easy. Anyway, enjoy your ribs, the pups, and Wendy, as well as the enjoyment of the other residents!
Housekeeping note – Real Time with Bill Maher will not air this week, so there will be no post on it here. Tweet:
Cartoon – Sadly, all those who are fighting Palestine probably believe the nation was founded over 5000 years BCE and has been a sovereign power ever since.
Blast – All these years and I never realized (and probably never would have) that “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vita” – the title – is a “Maresy Doats” treatment of “In the Garden of Eden.” (I do look most of the songs up, even ones I know, because I often have a question about the lyrics – or some of them – as today.)
In fact, we are even expecting a guest, a staff members English Bull Dog.
Cartoon: PEACE is the only way.
BFTP: Another all time favorite of mine. Sure are bringing the memories back, Tom.
Wow…wish Oregon wasn’t so far. I’d love to take a drive and join the feast. So nice of you and Wendy doing that. Hope you all have a nice time. Plus I’m sure Wendy’s two Shiatsu dogs are going to feel like their in Heaven. Please tell Wendy “Hello” and “to have a nice weekend” for me.
Hope your back pain get better. Prayers your way.
Have a nice rest of your day and that goes for a peaceful evening too.\
Take care. Thanks Tom
Pain can serve a purpose, as when it signals danger, tells you to get your hand off of a hot stove, or whatever. But your pain, I’m guessing, is of no use whatever. It could be telling you “Don’t do that again!,” but there may be no viable options at this time.
‘Toon: Talk about Holy Shit! There is no peace there.
BFP: Bomp, bomp, ba da do bomp! LOVE IT!!!!!! I’ve probably mentioned previously, that Iron Butterfly was the one band set to be at Woodstock, that never made it there. I saw them in Connecticut in ’69, or ’70, playing to an apparently brain dead crowd, which seemed to just sit there motionless. You have made my day,thanks.
TJI #4 – I LOVE Jen Psaki. But it’s WAY BEYOND disturbing to see Cheney booted for telling the Truth.
It’s an Existential Crisis for our country!
What a nice gesture to make, TomCat. I hope you can also enjoy the ribs after they’ve been pureed I suppose. Don’t let them turn into Republicans! It’s so nice they allow a cat like you a visit by two little dogs. I’m sure some other residents would like to see them too.
Cartoon: With my Jewish ancestry, this cartoon should make me happy – it did my mother – but the events that Nethanyu and his cronies have been building up to for months have me seething with anger and shame.
Palestinian civilians trapped in Gaza amid intensifying Israeli bombing.
The Storm Which Netanyahu Unleashed
BFTP: I can’t remember when I heard the full version. It brought many happy memories of my early student days at uni. It wasn’t a hit any longer but that didn’t keep us from playing it all through the night and dance.
They don’t need to be pureed. They need to be chopped fine.
Thanks and hugs to all. When it comes to the many comments you have made about Bought Bitch Butcher BiBi and Israel’s dastardly behavior towards the legitimate nation of Palestine, I fully agree with you all!
The people and dawgs attending the feast thank you.
Now I need to catch a pre-feast nap.
BIG Party Hugs!
& Hugs backatcha!!