May 072021
Glenn Kirschner on what to do with Bill Barr
The Lincoln Project – This message?
Meidas Touch with Michael Cohen about what might be coming
Now This News – I find this beyond scary.
Vote Vets – GA14 – Patriot
Now this News – Well, this is amusing.
Beau on Tuskegee and hesitancy (I’m afraid I needed a hanky)
6 Responses to “Video Thread 5/7/2021”
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Federal Judges Find Barr LIED
This Message
Sadly – VERY sadly for America – that is EXACTLY the message Trump and his domestic terrorists embrace!
Slew of Indictments Coming Out
Timing-wise, I think about a year from now would work very well.
GOP Lawmakers Introduce 90+ Anti-Protest Bills
God, I LOATHE DeSantis! But the mini-me and wanna-be Prez Trump concerns me.
Farmer Accidentally Changes Border
Bring that guy over here and have him start working on the northern borders of Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama and Florida – and anything south of those can secede! (Sorry for all you folks living in one of those Red states – but please move to a Blue state. I know, I know – but I’m not giving up on Missouri … YET!)
Missouri’s recent designation of Jan. 12 as “Rush Limbaugh Day” can’t have helped. I am so sorry.
JM: The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine. Let’s hope this is the case here too. Though I would hope Garland gets it over and done with before the next elections.
LP: Yes, that is exactly the message the GOP wants to get across and the reason Cheney needs to go.
MT: There’s going to be a shortage of lawyers, prosecutors, judges and any other people involved in the prosecution of Don’s mob.
NTN1: You can’t vote in red states, now you can’t protest, however peacefully, in those states. And they call themselves a democracy? If this continues, America will have a civil war on its hands despite the previous guy’s departure.
NTN2: Thank goodness for completely insignificant incidents to brighten our day. This time, blowing this out of proportion by media (it reached Oz too on the news pages) had little or no repercussions, just a few laughs.
Beau: Well-presented and emphatic answer to what is unanswerable in grandma’s case. And what arguments could be given to take grandma’s almost inherent distrust away when the actions mentioned in the videos above are occurring every day?
It wasn’t because of any surprise that I was choked up, but rather because i know all too well the history of Tuskegee, and that it was not alone (Henrietta Lacks comes to mind.0 The only argument I could give a person of color to trust the vaccine is that it’s being equally encouraged for black and white folks, which suggests there’s probably no harm in it. But I can punch holes in that argument myself, so I’m sure it would not convince Grandma. So sad.
Thanks JD
I’m much too groggy to attend to Videos.
Wow, lots of great videos and comments! Reminds me of when the Mueller report was released & a MAGA driving past me mowing my lawn shouted, “NO COLLUSION, BITCH!” To which I replied, “Hey, kind christian!” LOL! Neighbor down the street, retired cop, laughed. I appreciate the CC bc I often listen to music and can scroll to avoid the faces of bill barf, fmr. guy, etc.! Surely there are many indictments coming down—-I have a dream! We have many great peeps in DoJ,judiciary working hard.