The Lincoln Project – “His Psrty”
The Republican Accountability Project – THAT press conference
Really American – “Tough Guys” (I really don’t know what this trend with no CC is here)
Meidas Touch – This is the first of three from Roland, all three of which I will eventually wor in. And of course he is right about this. And it is no excuse to call it the fault of black people. It is anything but that.
Now This News – Racist? Sexist? (spoiler – both)
This was funny when she first reported it … and now that Jimmy Kimmel has picked it up, it’s even funnier. (I set it to start when he brings up Ursula … you can turn it off when he finishes with Ursula)
Beau on why the Chauvin verdict doesn’t feel like winning
12 Responses to “Video Thread 4/24/2021”
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LP: Bunch of sick bastards, led by a bunch of sick bastards!
RAP: When he referred to having a “…good you know what,” when he could not even think of the proper name, he did the circle motion, that usually signifies “crazy.” Sadly, there is no defined signal for Batshit crazy.”
RA: “I’ve been shooting guns since I’m eleven,” is not even proper sentence. I was shooting bows and arrows since I was about that age…they’re quieter.
MT: Absolutely right! But, he left out Rosewood, Florida, 1923, another black town destroyed.
NT: “…voted to drop him from the commission.” Way to go! Asshat!
Kimmel: “The Creature from the Black Lagoon,” and I saw the movie, was a nice guy in lousy circumstances. Stone, on the other hand, is a dirtbag in any circumstances. Mr.Pillow guy is a sick puppy, just like his Orange Hero; not that Stone is not one, as well. Nugent, as in F***F**E.”
Beau: An interesting thought! I am ignorant about the “pressure” brought to get to the trial, unless he is referring to the public outcry, but there has been public outcry before, and no guilty verdict. I expect that the video that that young lady took, of the killing provided no choice but to find that repeat offender guilty. The system protected him each and every prior time he acted badly.
LP: Though I dislike seeing the former guy get so much attention, it is necessary to keep reminding Americans of what happened.
RAP: Straight from the horse’s mouth yet I doubt that it will convince any Trumper that the man was and is a menace.
RA: SAdly, the likes of Trump, Hanity and Carlson can make up for their psychological and physical deficiencies by convincing someone else to do the dirty work for them, which until now also keeps their a$$es out of prison.
MT: Roland Martin sure got that right. And this will keep on happening until white people are a minority and the Republican’s can no longer rape legislation with laws that keep this minority in power.
NTN: Of course the way Mr Collins was sexist by refusing to use Dr Rosario’s title at her request. He made it even worse by talking down to her by switching from Mrs(?) Rosario to “Hi Carrie”. I have no problem with assuming Collins is racist too, but strictly there is no evidence from that from this video. The city council did well to drop him from the commission, though.
JK: You mean there are Americans out there who actually watch this pillock’s show? I mean, not for a laugh but because they value what he and his guests say? Really?
Beau: Beau exactly put into words what I’ve tried to express in some comments in the days before. These words are not only for the freshly minted new allies, they are meant for all Americans. It’s only just started, you can’t give up because the verdict doesn’t feel like winning. It isn’t a win, it’s a start.
Thanks JD.
I’m afraid I have had too much time on the
and too much
to attend to videos.
LP: Scary and so sad. What a violent group of followers.
RAP: Unreal
RA – Liars all.
MT: So true. I listen to Roland when I can, he’s a teacher of time and events, imho.
NT: How awfully rude of him. Glad he was fired.
Kimmel: LOFLMAO!
Beau: Great video!
This is off topic, but I don’t know how else to do it – sorry I’ve been absent for so long – I’ve been really ill for all that time – but please listen to this warning below from Naomi Wolf, found on (yes he is to the right of all of us, but his advice on functional medicine is good and his advice on how to survive the current situation healthily is extremely good – it saved my life last year, despite being really vulnerable).
He’s been warning about the current situation being manipulated by various vested interests on both the right and left for their own profit and for our terrible loss (loss of democracy) for a year – and I have been both extremely frightened and hoped that he just had to be utterly and completely wrong (if not bats)… but here are some extracts of his article on Naomi Wolf, with extracts of her book, which seem to be coming true and it seems will soon do so – God help us all …
A Prescient WarningAlready in 2007, Wolf warned us of where we were headed. In her book, she points out that would-be tyrants are found on both sides of the political spectrum. We must not get locked into generalizations about political affiliations, because they simply do not give us a truthful picture of who the enemy is.
While Wolf and I could be said to be on opposite sides of the political spectrum, Wolf being a long-time progressive while many would view me as a conservative, our views are in perfect alignment when it comes to the issues of protecting American freedom and liberty.
We are [now] at Step 10. I’ve been trying to warn people, tirelessly, as much as I can, that we are at Step 10 and that once Step 10 locks in, there is no going back. ~ Naomi WolfIn “The End of America,” Wolf lays out the 10 steps toward tyranny. These steps have been followed by virtually all would-be tyrants, be they on the political left or right. They were followed in Italy in the ’20s, Germany in ’30s, East Germany in the ’50s, Chile in the ’70s and China in the ’80s.
“They all took the same 10 steps, and they always work,” Wolf says. “I warned people that when you start to see these 10 steps, you have to take action, because there is no way to recover once things go too far without a bloody revolution or a civil war.
We are [now] at Step 10. People have said, since I wrote that book in 2007, ‘Tell us when we’re at Step 10.’ I’ve always said, ‘Things are bad, they’re getting worse, but there’s still hope.’ We’re literally at Step 10 now. I’ve been trying to warn people, tirelessly, as much as I can, that we are at Step 10 and that once Step 10 locks in, there is no going back.”
We’re in the Final Step of the Implementation of TyrannyThe 10 steps toward tyranny start with the invocation of a terrifying internal and/or external threat. It may be a real threat or an imagined one, but in all cases, it’s a hyped-up threat. From 2001 onward, that threat was terrorism, which was used as the justification for stripping us of our liberties. Ultimately, that wasn’t effective enough.
“There was still freedom in the world. People were not saying, ‘ISIS exists; therefore, I’m going to give up my First Amendment liberties, my Fourth Amendment liberties, my Second Amendment liberties and so on.’ Sadly, this medical crisis — which is now not a pandemic in many states and countries, it’s an endemic; it doesn’t meet the formal definition of a pandemic — was the perfect excuse for leaders to usher in Step 10,” Wolf says.
The last and final step in the implementation of tyranny, Step 10, involves the creation of a surveillance state where citizens are spied upon, and critique of the government is reclassified as dissent and subversive activity.
Step 10The surveillance state is now being rolled out in the form of vaccine passports, while certain kinds of speech are said to be dangerous and freedom of speech is being criminalized. Needless to say, the mainstream press is an important part of this scheme.
“The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have essentially bought up the western press and coerce them, bribe them, into following the party line, brought up by the CDC and so on,” Wolf says.
“Toward the end of the steps, which is Step 10, is emergency law, [which is a] subversion of the rule of law, also called martial law. We’re here. I’m [in] New York State. We’re under emergency law.
Every 30 days, I get an email saying that tyrannical Governor Cuomo has extended emergency powers, even though in Columbia County where I live, there are only eight deaths a month with COVID, average age 85, which is older than the average American life span.
It’s not a pandemic where I live, but I’m living under emergency law, which means the legislature has no power. The governor can do whatever he wants. It’s the same in Massachusetts, same in California — 49 states, all states except Alaska, are technically under emergency law.
This is terrifying. You get what you’re seeing, which is governors deciding, or the federal government deciding, that you can’t assemble, you can’t worship, you have no medical choice, the coercion of vaccine passports, your child can’t go to school, your young adult can’t get a college education if they don’t agree to an experimental vaccination.
You get suspension of the right to property. You can’t run your business — 110,000 restaurants have closed. You get a suspension of freedoms of speech. People are being deplatformed left and right and there are movements in Congress to criminalize what had been First Amendment protected speech.
You get the invocation of martial powers and there’s no end to it. Literally, with Massachusetts emergency law, I have no rights. I have no ability to lobby the governor. With New York’s emergency law, I have no representative with the power to end emergency measures. The governor has to end emergency measures, [and] he’s the one who benefits from them. It’s catastrophic.
We’re seeing a complete takeover of American rights, freedoms and bodies by Big Tech, which is up double digits to triple-digit billions since the pandemic began.
China has moved in to … establish its role as the global superpower under the guise of this pandemic, buying up community groups, elected officials and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which are flooding K through 12 education … community groups [and] universities with money to engage in COVID education — which means a strict party line [narrative] that is aimed at destroying what’s human about us and what’s free. That’s it in a nutshell. It’s unbelievably terrifying.”
There’s a lot more – please read and publicise it – if the powers that be say you can’t buy food if not vaccinated, that is beyond terrible, particularly if you (like me) can’t have vaccines because of anaphylactic shock from the adjuvants in the last one years ago, many others suffer likewise. What the powers that be can do with the data mining and control of people that seems to be planned is also beyond terrible – see the article.
I am extremely relieved and happy to ;learn that your life was saved, and to see you here.
Please never hesitate to say what’s on your mind Any article’s comment section is fine. Also, at any time you (or anyone else) whoo has my email (which you should because I send you something every week) to email me a proposed article. I can publish it and I can promote it. In lieu of that, I will promote your comment.
Occasionally I make reference to the “Political Compass” (or the “Political Moral Compass.”) Instead of a left-vs-right scale, it presents the range of ideologies as a map (or a graph), with people in each quadrant. (US readers, don’t get hung up on the word “libertarisn” – yes, in the US most people calling themselves that are far right, but it actually just means “anti-authoritarian” – “antifa,” if you like.) You can run through a survey and produce a map showing you where you are. Here’s mine, from 2020:

My red dot is placed where I actually am, but the pictures are not necessarily – some I think are, but I would be surprised to find myself actually less authoritarian than Gandhi – just in the correct quarter.
You are, rightly, concerned about those on the upper left quadrant (represented by Stalin, Casstro, Mao, and Mugabe.) I am too. I am also concerned about those in the lower right corner, represented by Hegel, Ayn Rand, and two others
Thenk you sincerely for writing this for us, and particularly when your body os not cooperating. I do hope you continue to feel well enough to share with us.
I’m having some trouble digesting the stuff about the Gates’ foundation. What is the evidence for that claim about their buying up all that stuff. It sounds like something Trump would be putting out.
Mitch, I’m sorry, what I was finding important was the point that authoritarianism comes in both left and right. For instance, consider the surveillance state – the left did not start that, but enough of the left passivelty went along with it that it is pretty fierce now. I apologize – I guess I should have been more specific.]
Or you can search “mercola Gares” on Snopes, That’s always safest IMO. That brings up this (and three others.)
As I said, it was the part about authoritarianism also bein g a left danger which I thoght so important.
Pat!! I’m so glad to see you! I hate to admit it, but as I am spending my last weeks on earth, I thought you had beaten me to the end and that you would be waiting for me, when I pass. So I’m most pleased that I shall be waiting for you. I jack the strength and ability to follow this up, but I have faith that the wonderful people in who’s hands I have left this site shall so so well. In the interim, please accept a hug and an apology from me!
Dear TC, thank you so much for this – it will be such a comfort to us all that when the time comes for us, you will be waiting to greet us!
I have just been reading a wonderful book by Rachel Naomi Remen “My Grandfather’s Blessings” – for those who don’t know her, she is a remarkable woman, a talented doctor despite crippling illness and overwhelming odds and multiple surgeries, a loving paediatrician, a kindly, gifted and amazingly insightful therapist to cancer sufferers in the Commonweal Cancer Help Program, and in her books a light in the darkness for us all. Her books are little vignettes of stories from her family and lots of people’s stories when facing insuperable odds with cancer and what they had to learn and share with the world, and the light that they found in each different situation helps us all…
On page 357ff she has this to say
“There is also a Buddhist teaching concerning the death of a teacher, one who has accumulated the power to free others and help them to live well. The death of such a one is called “taking on the Rainbow Body,” and it is believed that the physical body of such men and women somehow becomes a rainbow of light”
Do you know TC, when I read that just now, I recognised you.
Love and blessings – and lots of hugs too – every time I see a rainbow from now on, I will think of you!
Mitch – here is some info on the Gates Foundation, sorry if it doesn’t contain all the stuff you need – but one thing with Dr M’s articles, they all contain good footnotes (as a permanent skeptic, I check a random selection of footnotes of any article I am interested in – and so far they have all been what they said they were). I didn’t notice this article at the time as (probably like all of us here) I wasn’t interested in his ideas on Gates… but I’ve just put ‘ Gates’ into DuckDuckGo and lots of info appeared…. (as you will no doubt notice the footnotes have for some reason appeared as ordinary numerals, not as they should – sorry but I don’t know how to correct them – but the 29 footnotes are still available in the original article), this is of course only a small piece of the article…
“Gates Donates Billions to Private CompaniesA March 17, 2020, article2 in The Nation titled, “Bill Gates’ Charity Paradox,” details “the moral hazards surrounding the Gates Foundation’s $50 billion charitable enterprise, whose sprawling activities over the last two decades have been subject to remarkably little government oversight or public scrutiny.”
As noted in this article, Gates discovered an easy way to gain political power — “one that allows unelected billionaires to shape public policy” — namely charity. Gates has described his charity strategy as “catalytic philanthropy,” one in which the “tools of capitalism” are leveraged to benefit the poor.
The only problem is that the true beneficiaries of Gates’ philanthropic endeavors tend to be those who are already rich beyond comprehension, including Gates’ own charitable foundation. The poor, on the other hand, end up with costly solutions like patented GMO seeds and vaccines that in some instances have done far more harm than good. (For a few examples, see the following references.3,4,5) The Nation 6 reports:
“Through an investigation of more than 19,000 charitable grants the Gates Foundation has made over the last two decades, The Nation has uncovered close to $2 billion in tax-deductible charitable donations to private companies … which are tasked with developing new drugs, improving sanitation in the developing world, developing financial products for Muslim consumers, and spreading the good news about this work.The Gates Foundation even gave $2 million to Participant Media to promote Davis Guggenheim’s previous documentary film ‘Waiting for Superman,’ which pushes one of the foundation’s signature charity efforts, charter schools — privately managed public schools. This charitable donation is a small part of the $250 million the foundation has given to media companies and other groups to influence the news.
‘It’s been a quite unprecedented development, the amount that the Gates Foundation is gifting to corporations … I find that flabbergasting, frankly,’ says Linsey McGoey, a professor of sociology at the University of Essex and author of the book ‘No Such Thing as a Free Gift.’
‘They’ve created one of the most problematic precedents in the history of foundation giving by essentially opening the door for corporations to see themselves as deserving charity claimants at a time when corporate profits are at an all-time high.'”
Companies that have received large donations from the Gates Foundation include GlaxoSmithKline, Unilever, IBM, Vodafone, Scholastic Inc. and NBC Universal Media.7,8″
There’s a lot more that is probably worth reading… and those footnotes!