Apr 162021
Crooks & Liars has come up with a neologism worth keeping IMO – “Psakisplaiing”
Now This News – if you thought you needed a hanky yesterday …
VoteVets – Longest War
Robert Reich – not the one that disppeared, but very sound.
Armageddon Update – singing my song.
Founders Sing (with ALbert Einstein)
Beau – I don’t want to terrify our California readers, but I do want you to be safe, and you will need to know this.
3 Responses to “Video Thread 4/16/2021”
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C&L: Psaki is brilliant at her job! Nothing rattles her, she keeps correcting any Telebanglincal BS thrown at her and is always so well-prepared that she can answer questions that are not remotely on the agenda. Of course, right-wing reporters will never stand corrected, nor will their readers, but nobody has to digest fake news at these press conferences any longer.
PRU: Not only are these messages lifting American spirits, but they are also terribly well made.
NTN: I needed a box of tissues after this. Tyler Merrit, whom I never heard of before, moved me to my core. There should be special Oscars for video clips like these.
VV: Together with most Americans and all other nations involved in Afghanistan I’m glad the US and its allies are getting out of Afghanistan. But like the Russians before them, Americans can’t truly say they ended the war there. They have taken themselves out of it, but the war will continue without them. An Australian reporter remarked when Australia decided to leave together with the US, that in just a few years nothing may be left to show of the involvement of the past twenty years.
RR: Another great version of the message Reich has been putting out there for years. What makes me so mad is that the people he’s making it for just don’t want to listen.
AU: Christopher made some excellent points here even when played at normal speed.
FS: Don’t get me started on vaccinations in Australia. I’ve been waiting for an appointment for three weeks now.
Beau: Sounds about right for certain areas Down Under too, including where I live. And we’ve been ready for two years now. I commiserate with the people of California. It certainly isn’t fun but it may save your life if nothing else.
I thought of you too while listening to Beau. Of course your fire season is halfway around the calendar … but then you are no slouch at preparedness already. (Love to Molly BTW.)
Thanks JD.
I’m in too much pain to stay in my chair for long.