Apr 112021

I’m not precluding the possibility there still could be one, but as late in the morning as it is, I’m suspecting that setting up the computer is taking longer and needing more work than expected – and, if a tech is going to be needed – today is Sunday.

So here is a place to hang comments and wishes for him.

The puzzle of the day is marmalade jars – I’ve done it more then once and it’s wicked, so I’m not going to try while on the TENS.Β  But it’s here.

This isn’t from too far in the past … but it is a blast.

And remember not to let Republicans steal your future!


  12 Responses to “Still Not a Personal Update 4/11/21”

  1. So, you are in your new home?  I hope it works wonderfully for you.
    ‘Toon: I like it.
    Blast: I like it.

  2. Cartoon: Yep! a great day! 
    BFTP: Good song! 
    Echoing Joanne’s and Mitch’s remarks (and other PP folks…), wondering and hoping/praying too, that you are comfortable, and settled in a bit? It will take a couple days to get things the way you like, but do it at your speed and time frame. Praying for your comfort too.  I’m so happy for you, and the very best to you. Rest when you need to, and take good care, Tom. 20  20  
    A coupla TJI’s here:  re: Jen Psaki – “I love this woman. I love her personality, and professionalism. Biden couldn’t have found a more perfect WH press secretary. She makes the TOT’s press secretaries look like back alley cats.”   ~ Sarah S. ~  *TOT – ‘The Orange Turd’
    2. “Got married went to flight school got blown up ran for public office blessed with the most precious two baby girls on earth life is good Soldier, Senator, Mother.” ~ Senator Tammy Duckworth ~ 

    • TJI#1: I agree, Jen is outstanding. Nothing like the fake tRump’s speakers.
      TJI#2: Bless Senator Tammy Duckworth. I admire her for all that she’s been though. She’s done so much for our country and keeps on going strong.

    • Two Wonderful Women.  I will disagree with Sarah B in that alley cats are better than those others.  Junkyard dogs would have been a better comparison.

  3. I was kind of hoping TomCat would of had a message today, but like you mentioned Joanne, set up does take time. I do hope it’s going smoothly for Tom. Praying for him daily.
    Cartoon: Wonderful day to be remembered. 
    BFTP: Nice song. Not familiar with him, but enjoyed listening to it.
    Thanks again Joanne

  4. Hi TC and everyone else!

    It has been a while but there are reasons, the biggest being that I have been nursing my baby boy Primo.  One day, I held him in my arms wrapped in a blanket for about 9 hours straight trying to comfort him.  On 09 April he crossed the Rainbow Bridge, 7 days before his 13th birthday. He had been diagnosed with a probable brain tumour and things went downhill from there over the course of approximately 2 months with frequent vet visits.  Winnie (his litter mate) in particular is depressed.  Annie is little better.  I have been in tears constantly and now figure I have lost 10 kg of water weight.  The house is just not the same which is understandable.  Eventually, life will return to some degree of normalcy but time is the optimum word.

    TC, I am really pleased for you moving to Ivy Court where you can get the support you need.  Of course I am very distressed that you need that level of support.  After all, CAT is where it is at!

    I had my first COVID jab as they say up here — a Pfizer.  I have heard that the second Pfizer, and the others for that matter which require a second jab, is problematic because of significant side effects.  I haven’t even had a sore arm from the first.  We’ll see what happens over the next few days.  At this point, I don’t know when the 2nd will be as the Health Authorities say it can wait for up to 4 months.

    With a cat in my arms, I cannot type but I sure can read.  I have been following some of the Trump BS and crimes, the most recent that emails show some of the skullduggery that Trump and his minions had planned.  Why this idiot is not up on sedition charges is beyond me.  And I saw yesterday that he is meeting with Desantis and Gaetz over Gaetz’s sex trafficking issues.  A triumvirate of idiocy!

    Must go and finish some laundry of which there has been a lot with Primo being so sick.  And I want to check on the other two kids.  Please all, take care and stay safe!


    • Oh, Lynn, I am so sorry to hear about Primo!  Please hug and snuggle Winnie and Annie as much as you can, even if you can’t type.  You must take care of you and them.  They, and you, must feel rudderless about now – and if you are their rudder, they will be yours.

      I am at least glad you got tour first jab.  We have not heard anything here about “up to four months,” though I have been reading about some reactions.  What it is sounding like is that, if you did not react to the first in any way, and if you have never reacted to any other vaccine shot, you are unlikely to see side effects.  But they must still be watched for.  Also, anaphylaxis can take up to six months, so with a symptom-free first shot, I’d want to get the second as soon as i could.  I’ve heard as little as ten days here.  The one constant appears to be that it takes 2 weeks after the second one before one is “fully vaccinated.”

      Your news is interesting – the last thing I heard hear was that Trump** has refused to meet with Gaetz.

      Be well and be safe.

    • Sorry to hear of your loss, Lynn. My condolences to you.
      Hope that Winnie and Annie get to doing better too, due to the loss.
      I had he Pfizer vaccine in February and then 4 weeks later, I got the second one. I had no side effects with either one of them. 
      I too have been hoping that tRump would be prosecuted and taken off the streets by now. Locked up for the rest of his life, and out of our hair.
      Please take care Lynn. 

    • I’m so sorry for your loss of dear Primo. It must have been a gruelling few months, knowing you couldn’t do anything but comfort him. Take all the time you need to mourn him, together with your other furry friends because they miss him too.

  5. My sympathies to you, Lynn, over the loss of your sweet furbaby.   20

  6. Hi Lynn,
    Sorry for your loss, have been there as well.  
    I had both Moderna shots with no side effects.  My wife had a lousy reaction to the 2nd, but would do it again, she says.  What I have read about the 2nd shot is not to wait longer than 4 weeks if you possibly can. Good luck with it.

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