Apr 062021
Really American – “Final Four”
Meidas Touch – Rep. Grace Meng takes longer than Rep Lieu to excoriate ex-Guv Huckabee – and it”s golden
Robert Reich – How Corporations Crush the Working Class
New! Randy! Rainbow!
Dedicated to Karen (with so many memes I recommend going through twice – once forthe lyrics and once for the memes, maybe the second time slowed down with the sound off.)
Beau talked about “tomorrow” yesterday – so this concerns today – and is now already over – for today.
9 Responses to “Video Thread 4/6/2021”
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MT: He is trying to be a leader, just for the sick among us.
RR: As in: (Cruz’ screams for “Freedom!” are screams for the “freedom” to) “…exploit people into economic ruin; the freedom to assassinate unions; the freedom to prey on unprotected consumers, workers, and environments ; the freedom to value quarterly profits over climate change; the freedom to undermine small businesses and cushion corporations; the freedom from competition; the freedom not to pay taxes; the freedom to heave the tax burden onto the middle and lower classes; the freedom to co modify everything and everyone; the freedom to keep poor people poor and middle-income people struggling to stay middle-income, and make rich people richer.” From “How To Be An Antiracist.”
Randy: Saw it previously, but it’s always good to reprise a great piece.
Karen is one nauseating twit!
Beau: Biden has to fix TOT’s idiot move, somehow. So far, so good, so early.
I’ve missed your health update yesterday, Joanne, so first of all:
And I hope the wise woman will know when self-remedy is no longer the answer and will seek professional medical assistance if things get worse. Pinched nerves are not something to mess with.
Thank you, dear friend. Working on that.
GOP Final Four: Worst Of The Worst
Did I miss it? Is Donnie retired to the Hall of Shame?
And come on … Huckabee? Rubio? Sure, they’re A-HOLES – but no one knows or cares about them!
Should have included Josh “Heil-Hitler” Hawley & Mitch McConnell instead.
Rep. Meng to Huckabee …
Sad that we all know that is NOT going to happen. He’s just another Talibangelical christianist.
TED and LINDSEY! – A Randy Rainbow
Still waiting for a velociraptor to emerge from that tall grass and MUNCH Cruz to death!
RA: I think every non-Trumpian has their own list of Republicans they ‘hate’ the most. It’s a list often quite a bit longer than four and put together they would cover most members of the GOP.
MT: I so enjoy listening to these bright young women from such a diversity of ethnic backgrounds gently and gracefully breaking hateful old white farts off at the ankles.
RR: Sadly, some powerful unions dealt with the power they’d been given by their members the same way politicians dealt with the power they’d been given by their voters: it corrupted them. Now the progressives in both need to regain the trust of those they represent; it is the only way forward.
Rš: It’ll be a long time until Randy is out of work with Republicans like Ted and Lindsey stuck to the plush of Capitol Hill.
KS: ššš
Beau: “The United States and Iran agreed through intermediaries on Tuesday to establish two working groups to try to get both countries back into compliance with the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.” It is starting to walk! One baby step taken, may many more follow.
Thanks, JD.
This morning Windows 10 did a major Update on my computer. Surprisingly, it worked perfectly, except tor one thing. It tied up my computer, so I could not use it for three hours. It was horrid. I had no
to watch the videos and had to
almost everything else.
When Windows 10 does one of those mega Updates, it makes my computer crawl at a snail’s pace.
I usually just try and work on something else rather than online stuff.
Grace Meng = Awesome!!! Randy Rainbow funny as always…..thank you….
Are there any decent GOPs in office anymore??? I don’t think so….
Crtrainly not at the Federal level. Possibly at the state or local level, but I don’t know of any. At east not for sure. In the eighties, the County Clerk in Alamosa County where I lived was an honorable Republican. And here in El Paso County we have been fortunate in our County Clerks too, through the nineties and early oughts. I was working elections then and there was a definite spirit of inclusivity. I don’t know about any other counties or really anyone right now.