Mar 182021
Today is shower aide and store to door day. I have no time. Have a good day.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:58 (average 4:59). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Take:
From YouTube (a blast from the past): Cat’s in the Cradle
Ah… the memories! RESIST the Republican Reich!!
Don’t Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!
13 Responses to “Personal Update – 3/18/2021”
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Cartoon: Yes! We sure do!!
YT: Love this song. Another singer that I miss dearly.
Hope that you get a chance to rest and relax. Take good, good care, Tom, and have a pleasant great day!
*This just in: Deb Haaland is the first Native American to head a Cabinet department. “I thought that I would have more time here, but we are called into service, in different ways.” ~ Ms. Haaland ~
2. Eric Trump getting the vaccine – “Jumping the Line is part of the privilege of the ruling class, or those who think they still are.” ~ Graeme D. ~
3. “It is a hate crime. When you kill six Asian women, it’s a hate crime. I don’t know why that’s a question.”
~ Margaret Cho ~
4. “Things R’s don’t mind canceling: Your livable wage, your healthcare, your right to choose, your marriage equality, your voting rights.” ~ Anon ~
5. Re: the Biden pups – “You gotta love a dog that protects his dad.” ~ Scarlett R. ~
TJI #1 – New Mexico has special elections in these cases. The Governor will announce it and it will take place between 77 and I think 976 days from that announcement. When I know more I’ll say more.
TJI #3 – Because the Atlanta PD is staffed with Ron Johnson clones? JK – of course it’s a hate crime.
TJI #4 – We think of them as being on the right, and of course they are, but they are also steeped in authoritarianism, the other dimension of the political moral compass (“political compass” for short.) There are such things as authoritarian lefties. It’s easy to forget that, but wise to remember it to be on guard against it.
TJI #5 – Everyone (and especially non-animal people) forget that not every bite breaks the skin. This one didn’t. Yes, training is a good thing, but a mountain has been made out of this molehill.
TJI #3: In fact it is a double hate crime: one against Asians and one against women.
TJI #4: Trump is the inventor of the Cancel Culture. Remember how he couldn’t get anything Obama had done cancelled quickly enough? Of course, Republicans now blame Democrats for it.
“Busy Hands Are Happy Hands”
Sunrise, photographed from Portland, Sunday morning March 14. There’s more here.

Cartoon – Yes, we do.
Blast – Brian Dorries says that Greek tragedies are all about people who make a terrible mistake … and learn it … just too late. This song is a Greek tragedy. (It is also, like them, elegant and beautiful in the telling.)
P.S. – Xavier Becerra confirmed to Health and Human SErvices. Only one Republican concurred – Susan Collins. What have we said about her? She can be brave when it doesn’t matter?
Oregon truly is a beautiful state.
‘Toon: Indeed!
BFP: Harry left us much too soon!
TJI#!: Great! and, should be interesting. How many GOOPIGGIES will line up to take pot shots at her?
TJI#2: Of course.
TJI#3: Even IF the quickly disappearing orange putz was right about the “Chinese virus,” (1) those Asians who are here would have had nothing to do with it; (2) not all asians are Chinese; (3) The craze is reminiscent of 9/11, wherein people of the Muslim faith, who had been here, for years even, such as my former orthopedist, had nothing to do with it; (4) dumphole was not right!
TJI#4: The R’s are about exploiting “…people into economic ruin; the freedom to assassinate unions; the freedom to prey on unprotected consumers, workers, and environments ; the freedom to value quarterly profits over climate change; the freedom to undermine small businesses and cushion corporations; the freedom from competition; the freedom not to pay taxes; the freedom to heave the tax burden onto the middle and lower classes; the freedom to co modify everything and everyone; the freedom to keep poor people poor and middle-income people struggling to stay middle-income, and make rich people richer.” From “How To Be An Antiracist.”
TJI#5: When the GOP has nothing else, they focus on name calling!
Cartoon: We definitely do.
BFTP: Great song by Harry Chapin. Another sad loss.
Hope your groceries came on time and you were able to get them put away without any problems.
Plus that your visit with the Shower aide went well too.
Hope you also are able to rest and get to sleep tonight.
Take care Tom
I hope you had a (not too) busy day but a good day nevertheless.
4:31 Dolphins aren’t supposed to be doing this for our entertainment.
Cartoon: You don’t need a saint, you need progressive Democrats with sustainable balls to do that.
BFTP: The first time I heard this song was on this site, I think.
Thanks and exhausted TGIF Hugs to all!
Joanne’s sunrise picture is awesome! Sadly, the anti-vaxxer cartoon she posted, too, is so sad…..and sadly true…. We need someone to drive the Republicans off the planet….