Mar 082021

It’s a tired day here in the CatBox.  The methadone has ruined the way food tastes for me.  I still haven’t caught up with my sleep.  WWWendy is coming this evening.  Oh God, it’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:16 (average 7:10).  Ti do it, click here.  How did you sdo?


Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: Disgusting and hateful Senator Tommy Tuberville tried to get an Amendment passed that would have prevented schools from getting funding if they allow transgender students to compete in sports. Sen. Joe Manchin — a Democrat — voted in SUPPORT of the Amendment, while Sen. Lisa Murkowski — a Republican — voted AGAINST it.

Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) blasted Tuberville for the measure that would have blocked funding for schools that allow transgender athletes to participate in women’s sports. Murray came out and called a spade a spade, saying that this stunt by Tuberville was “simply an attempt to discriminate against transgender students.”

She added, “For the love of god, can’t we just have a little bit of heart and compassion in this world for someone who doesn’t look or live exactly like you? All students, including transgender students, benefit from participating in sports to challenge themselves, to improve fitness, to be part of a team.”

That ANY Democrat could vote for such a vile amendment makes me want to puke. Unfortunately we can’t challenge DINO Joe in the primaries until the elections of 2024. Even more unfortunately, we need to be damn glad we have him until them, because he alone stands between us and Majority Leader Bought Bitch Mitch!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

From Alternet:

A Florida hospital diverted vaccines from the general public to an ultra-wealthy community where its CEO and Republican donors lived.

Gov. Ron DeSantis insists “the state was not involved” in helping to vaccinate 1,200 residents of the wealthy Ocean Reef community in January, but a spokeswoman for Baptist Health Systems, which administered the doses, told Tampa Bay Times and Miami Herald that state officials did intervene.

“It is our understanding that the Medical Center at Ocean Reef asked the State of Florida for vaccine doses, and the State of Florida asked Baptist Health to take delivery of the doses to our ultra-cold freezer storage for delivery to the Medical Center at Ocean Reef,” said Baptist Health spokeswoman Dori Alvarez in a statement.

Some of the beneficiaries had donated to the governor’s political action committee, which has garnered almost $4 million, and Baptist Health Systems president and CEO Brian Keeley and his wife own a home in Ocean Reef.

The spokeswoman would not say whether the couple was involved in getting the vaccine doses delivered to their community.

If you believe that that DeSantis had nothing to do with this absurd lie, you should also believe the Pope is not Catholic, Trump** is not an asshole, and bears never ever shit in the woods!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Creedence Clearwater Revival – Proud Mary


Ah… the memories!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

Don’t Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!


  10 Responses to “Open Thread – 3/8/2021”

  1. The saying “When one door closes, another opens” was NOT intended to refer to side effects. But apparently someone or something doesn’t know that or doesn’t care. Srat, drat, drat. Do keep resting – apparently tat still helps.

    Look what the CoViD relief bill managed to sneak through –

    Cartoon – And they don’t even know how to use tha one. They’re still terrible at math.

    Cartoon 2 – Carrie –

    C&L – And I am old enough, and have lived in Colorado long enough, to remember when Ben Campbell switched from Dem to GOP because the more progressive Dems were too shrill. It was way too fast and easy. Also, interesting that it would be a woman who was brave enough to vote against the GOP. She’ll take some flak for that.

    AlterNet – There are some wonderful people in Florida. Unfortunately, those in the governing class are not among them.

    Blast – Oh, yes. It would have been hard for me to miss the Creedence Clearwater Revival. I had a colleague who had a cat named Creedence.

  2. Cartoon: They do, don’t they? omg…how funny!!!!
    Enjoy your day, and Have a great and Happy Birthday!! Carrie!
    C&L: The R’s are cold, mean and very spiteful. They should be ashamed of themselves! (of course, they’re not though). 
    AN: Holy Cannoli! How money talks! Cold hearted, and Corruption to the inth! 
    BFTP: LOVE this song! Over and over and over…! 

    Early HI’s to Wendy. Hope that you get your taste comes back.. I didn’t know that was one of the side effects. Get your rest/sleep, and take good care, Tom. NAP ! 

    *This just in: “Texas is fully open, but guided Tours of the Governor’s Mansion are suspended for the general public because “it is also the First Family of Texas, and it is not possible to safely provide tours while also adhering the CDC’s health standards. Everything is bigger in Texas, even the hypocrisy.”~Dr. Elizabeth Cohen ~
    2. “The unemployment benefit that would do the most good would be the unemployment of Joe Manchin.” 
    ~ Andy Borowitz ~ 
    3. ICO Pence – “I have a lot of respect for trump. In four years, he only tried to have me lynched once. ~ Pete B. ~
    4. “If I lose to Joe Biden, you’ll never see me again!!!” “M’fker lied about that too!” 17 ~ Venus T. ~ 
    5.  “We need to add PR, DC, and Guam as states. 53 is a prime number. Then we can be truly be ONE Nation, indivisible! ~ Alice V. ~ 
    6. “Democrats are passing COVID relief. Republicans are reading Dr. Suess.” ~ Molly F. ~ 

    • TJI #1 – Isn’t that the truth.
      TJI #2 – SOunds good, but what would his replacement be? (Interestingly, it was Chuck Todd – if you can believe it – who “schooled” him and managed to bring him around to at least considering changing the filibuster.)
      TJI #5 – Yes to PR, but also to USVI – maybe to Guam – something different for DC that would give it one Senator (rationale much too long to go into here.)
      TJI #6 – SO illustrative of the difference between the parties!

    • TGI#1: Of course!
      TGI#4: Of course!
      TGI#6: Of course!

  3. Cartoon: They use them when calculating for themselves, all others they don’t.
    Cartoon 2: Happy Birthday Carrie. May it be one you truly enjoy with others Plus many more to follow.
    C&L: Despicable R’s, always displaying their hateful ways. They shall pay for their sins.
    AN: I feel that dESatan should be prosecuted for what he did with the vaccines. I wish they could demote him for doing it.
    BFTP: I was a big fan of CCR. Love their songs. 
    Sorry to hear that methadone is ruining the taste of the food you eat. Hope it’s something that will improve.
    Please try to get some napping before Wendy comes over later. Tell her “Hello”. 
    Do make sure that you eat and drink your fluids. Plus hope you’re able to sleep more tonight.
    Take care TC. 

  4. 5,4,3,2,1 +5=6!  Good on them!
    C&L: Back to standard, old Alabama horse pooh, after a brief respite.
    Alternet: Of course DeSantis did, he follows the Trump playbook to the letter!
    BFP: Love them!

  5. I’m sorry your taste of food has disappeared now, TomCat, especially since you were able to enjoy it much more after the stent was put in. It’s not fair, is it?

    3:48 Pretty example of a Dahlia.

    Cartoon: One foot more than  Republicans can handle.

    Cartoon: Happy birthday, Carrie

    C&L: First it was four years of countdown with Trump, now it’s four years of countdown of Manchin. It feels even worse when one is counting down for a Democrat.

    Alteret: And nobody was tempted to leave the doses out over night next to the heater?

    BFTP: This one made me realize I’m still a big fan of CCR.

  6. Thanks and Hugs to all! 19

    I hope someone passed our greetings on to Carrie!

    • I have received your greetings, and againg thanks to all! Now, who out there is willing to help Alabama Dems recruit a strong person of color ~ preferably female ~ to take hold of the senate seat being vacated by Shelby? I have already started contributing, but we need a Stacey Abrams to help get out the vote here in 2022!

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