Mar 062021
Slow Ad Dat. But here are some others.
LeBron James
Aaand – Alt-Right Playbook Bonus! (Containing Q&A that wouldn’t fit into the long endnote #4 … so also long. And the CC doesn’t pick up the questions well.)
This is the last Alt-Right Playbook video so far. I’ll be putting up the compendium soon.
Good Grief. Some people’s children.
There’s a new “Karen meme” channel and this is it’s promo
Beau on Congress limiting Biden and why it’s a good thing.
5 Responses to “Video Thread 3/6/2021”
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Do you read the Comments at the site? Very depressing.
Let’s talk about Congress limiting Biden….
If only we could make it a couple decades retroactive – like right before Dubya!
I’m afraid I don’t read comments at the site as a rule and didn’t here. I’m already taking a scrip for depression, and it’s working well, and I’d like to keep it that way.
Yeah, it would be great to make that retroactive. But it did get some chuckles out of Beau’s take on why it will help Joe.
MTAV: It’s going to be a long fight but it will be won.
Alt-Right Playbook: Nice to see the face behind the voice. Unfortunately, the questions were really hard to understand; no wonder the CC didn’t do very well on them. Thanks for posting all videos, Joanne. It’s been quite a journey of learning and I’m looking forward to the compendium.
C&L: Aaarrrgggghhhh…

Karen: Indeed, the absolute worst.
Beau: I don’t think Republicans realize that in a lot of countries asking for permission to ‘respond’ is a normal thing for presidents/governments. And if the result of reigning in ‘mad dog Biden’ is as Beau predicts the Democrats should (silently) be all for it.
LbJ: Good message.
Bonus: w/watch later on.
C&L: Good Lordt.
Karen: Just GO sit down!
Beau: Great points.
Thank you, Joanne for post.
Thanks JD
. I’m afraid I’m too pooped to pop!