Mar 042021
It’s a very tired and busy day here in the CatBox. Both Store to Door and WWWendy are coming. My new hospice nurse called and scheduled an appointment for 12:30 PM tomorrow. She sounds much better than the other one. Time will tell. Have a great day!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:22 (average 5:13). To do it, click here. How did you do?
God (or karma) was listening!
Short Take:
From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Byrds – “Mr. Tambourine Man” – 5/11/65
Ah… the memories! RESIST the Republican Reich!!
Don’t Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!
10 Responses to “Personal Update – 3/4/2021”
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Rush: What you said. Amen!
Sounds like you have a very busy day ahead. Glad that you like your new hospice nurse too. Hope that you get some rest, nap, rest some more, and take good, good care. Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything. ~ Albert Einstein ~
2. “Texas governor Greg Abbott declares victory over Covid-19. We’ve been here before — the big bosses of Texas own and run this guy.” ~ John K. ~
3. Re – dt: “He would call me fairly often when he first took office for advice or conversation. But the calls became less and less as his tenure went on. That’s probably because he came more comfortable in the job. But I also suspect he just got tired of me advising him to ‘shut up!’. ~ John Boehner ~
4. “Why do Republicans hate Liberals 6 days a week, but worship one on Sundays”? ~ William L. ~
5. Re – Ted Cruz: “There is nothing more dangerous than a reckless as-hole who thinks he’s smarter than everyone else.” ~ John Boehner ~
6. “Forgetting a mask for a few seconds is so embarrassing! I’m terrified of someone thinking I’m a republican.” @chknuggetz
TJI#1: As in “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” Martin Niemøller.
TJI#2: Just in time for some kind of big gathering, in Texas? My, how convenient.
TJI#’ 3&5: Boehner was complicit, with McTurtle, in creating the intense partisanship in congress, and while he may have some interesting things to say, I think he’s a POS!
TJI #4 – They don’t. They worship a golden idol. They just call it the name of someone who was a liberal (And they hate liberals on Sundays too.)
TJI #6 – LOL! So true! Where I saw this, the comments were full of advice on carrying one in your pocket at all times.
Rest, then, when you can. Sorry that there is any problem with one of the nurses.
‘Toon: Someone should have shoved it down his throat!
BFP: Good music!
Note to all: I’ll be out of internet contact for the next few days, but in a good way.
Stay safe, and Thanks! for the ‘heads up’, Mitch.
Take care.

It was so dark when I got up today I thought I had slept all day – but no, it was just overcast. I’s not cold enough to snow. Maybe we’ll get a little rain and it will help melt the snow still left on the north sides. I hope you don’t tire yourself out.
Cartoon – Yes indeed.
Blast – Lovely song. Right now I can’t hear it without hearing all the Parodies also (“Tangerine”) But this, too, will pass.
Cartoon: Agree with you 100%.
BFTP: Great song by the Byrds.
Glad that you’re doing better, TC, please don’t over do it when your groceries come. Wendy can help you with the non refrigerated items. Tell her “Hello” for me.
Happy to hear that your new nurse seems like someone you’ll enjoy dealing with tomorrow.
Take care and do rest as much as you can, TC.
You deserve good care from a good nurse, TomCat. I hope with you this one is better than the previous one.
3:51 You wouldn’t want to eat another cat anyway.
Cartoon: You can point the arrow to his head now.
BFTP: This cover by the Byrds must be the most well-known version of Dylan’s Mr Tambourine Man.
Thanks all. No
Exhausted TGIF Hugs!
thanks for everything…..