Mar 022021

American Bridge

Meidas Touch – Yes, that’s Eric Swalwell. We’re not used to seeing him with facial hair.

Really American – Q Virus

Robert Reich on CoViD Relief

Corey (“The Buttercream Dream”) mocks CPAC

Beau on CPAC Part I (expect Part II tomorrow)


  6 Responses to “Video Thread 3/2/2021”

  1. AB: It does seem that way!
    MT: Sounds good to me!
    RA: Cruz is some VERY special kind of stupid.  Or venal! Oh, not stupid, just viciously venal!
    RR: Of course, if we can care about people, rather than the very wealthy.
    Corey: Funny!
    Beau: Policies of Trump?  Trump’s one policy is to enrich Trump…at ALL costs, period.

  2. We Won’t Go Back
    Only a Trumpkin cultist would want to go back to his Hellhole!
    Working with “Colleagues” Who Tried to Kill Him
    Fortunately Rep. Swalwell is really, REALLY smart!
    Ted Cruz Mocks Virus Safety
    Calling for some Karma!
    We Can Afford COVID Relief

  3. AB: A few too many back-s for my taste. America won’t go back and at the same time is back. Leave the ‘back’ to the Trumpians, let the rest go forward onto new things.

    MT: I expect it’s very hard to feel very bipartisan towards people who are after your blood.

    RA: Ted Cruz has sunken to the level of very bad stand-up comedy (with apologies to all true stand-up comedians) and never was a truer word spoken: there’s no vaccine against this.

    RR: It is all a question of priorities, isn’t it? And when did the GQP last got any of their, or rather their masters’, priorities straight? Just asking.

    CRF: Now isn’t a real stand-up comedian making a fool of Cruz so much better than Cruz making a fool of himself as a stand-up comedian?

    Beau: Be still, my beating heart and wait for the second part tomorrow.

  4. AB: America is back! Thank God! 
    MT: Can we clone Eric? jw….
    RA: Cruz is an As-! 
    RR: Great points. 
    Corey: LOL 
    Beau: Spot on! His words on his shirt spoke. 

  5. Cruz’ screams for “Freedom!” are screams for the “freedom” to “…exploit people into economic ruin; the freedom to assassinate unions; the freedom to prey on unprotected consumers, workers, and environments ; the freedom to value quarterly profits over climate change; the freedom to undermine small businesses and cushion corporations; the freedom from competition; the freedom not to pay taxes; the freedom to heave the tax burden onto the middle and lower classes; the freedom to co modify everything and everyone; the freedom to keep poor people poor and middle-income people struggling to stay middle-income, and make rich people richer.” From “How To Be An Antiracist,” by Ibram X.Kendi.

  6. Thanks JD 35

    Overslept and half asleep.26

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