It’s another painful day here in the CatBox. My recent gastrointestinal issues set off a severe bout of Republicitis, and I just had to spend over 90 minutes on the throne trying to… pardon my literal rendition… shit a brick. It also my last Holy Day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb. I stole my Portland Chiefs because they are too good to be Nazi Republican Josh Hawley’s team. However, turn about is fair play. Tom Brady is a notorious cheat, and is infamous for playing with his balls in the locker room. In addition, he is an outspoken Trump** lover. That seems a perfect match for Nazi Republican Josh Hawley, so we could give Josh the Bucs: the Kansas City Buccaneers. Can you imagine anyone objecting to that? Have a great day!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:22 (average 4:31). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From Daily Kos: For many Republican voters across the country, the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol inspired by Donald Trump and carried out by his rabid supporters was the last straw. Literally tens of thousands of Republican voters have changed their party registration since the November election, with defections noticeably spiking after Trump supporters stormed the Capitol complex.
Many of those conservative voters switched to “unaffiliated” while others either went third-party or chose to affiliate with the Democratic Party. Lyle Darrah, who lives north of Denver in Weld County, was one voter who made the leap from Republican to Democrat, according to NPR. Darrah, a 49-year-old Coloradan who voted Trump in 2016 and Biden in 2020, said he was “completely shocked and ashamed” as he watched the events unfold on Jan. 6. “It’s something I felt I could no longer be in support of,” he added, and he hopes the switch sends “a signal” to the Republican Party.
And he’s clearly not alone. In the week from Jan. 6 through Jan. 12, Colorado Public Radio found that about 4,600 Republicans changed their party status in the state. “All told, the Colorado GOP lost about a half a percent of its registered voters in the week after the riot,” writes NPR. The same trend is occurring nationwide, according to a variety of news outlets that have documented the changes since the November election. Here’s a brief rundown:
- Arizona: 7,500 defections
- California: 33,300 defections
- Connecticut: 6,500 defections
- North Carolina: 6,000 defections
- Pennsylvania: 10,000 defections
- Utah: 7,600 defections
I certainly disagree with conservative voters most of the time, but being conservative and supporting the Nazis that control the Republican Reich are two completely different things. I can respect a conservative, but not a Nazi Republican. RESIST the Republican Reich!!
From YouTube (SNL Channel): Super Bowl Pre-game Show Cold Open
FOMCROTFPIMPLMAO!! RESIST the Republican Reich!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): Fleetwood Mac – Rhiannon (Official Music VIdeo)
Ah… the memories! RESIST the Republican Reich!!
Build the Future. It Belongs to YOU!!
12 Responses to “Open Thread – 2/7/2021”
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Sorry you became Wombat-for-a-Day. Hopefully it will only be one day!
Oh – So today is Superb Owl Sunday?

As the Audobon Society says, “Today is Superb Owl Sunday and You Can’t Tell Us Otherwise”
Wow. I knew Josephine Baker had been a spy – but I only knew that bare fact. Here’s her story – in graphic form – and it’s pretty exciting (contrary to popular opinion, not all spy stories are.)
Cartoon – just don’t fall!
Eleveld – No one voter would send a signal … but that many voters might send one the actual conservatives in the party can see. No Trumper will ever see it, though.
SNL – Truthfully, this is exactly what the “real thing” looks like to me.
Blast – Somewhere just recently I was reading about Bendigeidfran whose story also involves the Birds of Rhiannon. Synchronicity!
Old but colorful
Very clever – I like it!
TC, hope you get some relief/help SOON. Ima watch the “kitten bowl”, obvs, LOL! Hope you can enjoy that other show. Stay safe, all.
Dr. Jill did a PSA for the Puppy Bowl – I’ll see if I can find it for today’s video thread.
Cartoon: Oh! But of course!!
DK: Wonderful to see that they’ve come around. It’s great to see the high numbers of deflectors from R to D. That’s the way to go, as they found out.
BFTP: Love this song, good band too.
Oh, I hope that you start feeling better. BTW…No objection on your football choice either. Hope that you have a relaxing, pain free day. Take good care and enjoy the game .
This just in: “Fox forced to cancel all hosts who promoted falsehoods.” ~ Andy Borowitz ~
2. “dt never paid attention to the briefings while he was President. The only reason he would pay attention now is to sell secrets to our enemies.” ~ Bela F. ~
3. “NFL Roger Goodell tells President Biden that it is making all of it’s 30 stadiums available as mass coronavirus vaccine sites for the general population.” ~ Jessica G. ~
4. “As Vice President, Mike Pence abased himself and his office. In reward, trump sent a mob to kill him. As another impeachment trial looms, he is cast out from the Republican ranks.” ~ Katie L. ~
5. “What Lindsey Graham forgets is the fact that VP Harris is not afraid of his BS. He tries to act all big, and brave with a lot of talk, but in reality, he is a sniffling coward trying to bluff his way along in life.” ~ Rob L. ~
6. “Hey! fyi…Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg are hosting the 17th annual Puppy Bowl. :-)” *pb*
TJI #1 – For now I’m happy with Lou Dobbs (and the fact they are keeping him under contract so he can’t go elsewhere until it expires.) I’d love to see Jeannine Pirro gone. But I’m afraid that, after all, this is Andy talking.
TJI #2 – If it can be done by executive order, consider it done.
TJI #3 – That’s very nice. Outdoors is not totally safe, but it is safer than a confined place.
TJI #6 – I did fin the PSA that Dr. Jill did, and it applies not only to this, but also to #3.
Cartoon: Perfect plan; to totally relax…you definitely deserve it.
DK: Wonderful news. Glad these past Republicans woke up and seen the light.
SNL: Great one. I always get enjoy their show openers.
BFTP: Love Stevie Nicks. Great singer/song.
Sure hope you get to felling better.
Hope you’re able to watch and enjoy the Super Bowl game.
Take care. Thanks TomCat
Hope you get to feeling better.
Well, WRT the Super Bowl (or Superb Owl), at this writing I’ve got a major sad.
Unfortunately the refs inserted themselves into the game in a major way in the first half – and all in favor of Brady.
I’m not saying that necessarily would have changed the outcome – but the game has a lot of momentum as a crucial factor, and if the refs step in to stop it … who knows what might have changed.
And it certainly does NOT change the fact that I LOATHE Tom Brady!
My Chiefs losing will definitely NOT be the worst thing that happens to me – and if it is, I’ll be DAMN lucky.
See today’s Open Thread. 🏈
‘Toon: Very wise.
DK: I’ve read that some people are concerned that the fleeing republicans will push the dems toward the right. In any case, it is nice to see the numbers of folks who are saying they’ve had enough.
SNL: Meh.
BFP: Love their sound.
Sorry that you had more of a hard time after your chicken plug, TomCat. Hope you enjoyed the game and got some rest at the same time.
Thanks and painful OGIM Hugs to all!