Feb 042021

It’s a gruesome day here in the CatBox.  Last night I slept poorly, and when I finally did sleep, I missed doses of Oxycodone.  I am in enough pain, that I would lay down and tell you guys I’ll be here tomorrow if I could, but I can’t.  It’s a grocery delivery day from Store to Door and I have to be up to receive, unpack, and store my order.  on a scale of one to ten my day rating is ARGH

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:32 (average 4:26).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In her most explosive claim to date, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene accused former President Barack Obama of converting to Judaism in order to obtain lasers.

According to Greene, Obama’s obsession with lasers was a result of working in the entertainment business, “where he is constantly surrounded by laser-owning Jews.”

“Obama would go to Netflix meetings and be seething with envy of all these Jewish TV executives who had lasers,” she said. “That’s why he converted to Judaism and, according to something I read on the Internet, got bar-mitzvahed.”

Dang, Andy! Obama??? Space Lasers, even?!!? How could he DO such a thing?!!? Oy Gevalt!!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Big Oil’s Grip On Power Weakens; Democrats Focus On Climate Change With New Majority


I don’t see climate change legislation fitting into a reconciliation package. In order to save our planet, we may need to Nuke the Filibastards!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Rolling Stones – She’s A Rainbow


Ah… the memories!   RESIST the Republican Reich!!

Build the Future. It Belongs to YOU!!


  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 2/4/2021”

  1. I have pulled something in or just below my right latissimus dorsi, I think I know what I did, and, if so, last noght and today will be the worst and it will fade. But I’m not guaranteeing accurate typing today. I was hoping you would be in less pain … sadly, that did not happen. Painful hugs back.

    Novels aren’t the only things which can be graphic. Journalism can too. Here is a graphic article about history which I’m pretty confident none of us knew about … and, though long, and cannot fairly be called a cartoon, nonetheless has a punch line worth working for.

    Cartoon – Oxygen – or oxycontin (like Limbarf).

    Andy – IRL, I would bet that any Jew (or almost anyone else) who owns a laser also “owns” a cat. And I don’t think the “red dot” will be starting any fires any tome soon.

    MSNBC – The filibuster needs to go anyway. See Sam for more on climate.

    Blast – I’m cerainly familiar with the Stones, but not this song. Apparently it’s a true classic.

  2. Cartoon: Like the definition. LOL 
    NYer: MTG has GOT to GO! 
    MSNBC: Excellent news from Rachel. We are finally are taking good approaches re: climate changes. Good news! 
    BFTP: Love the Stones, and this song!! 

    OH!, I’m so sorry to read that you are in pain, and not getting enough sleep. How unfortunate for you. Wishing you a better day! as it goes on…and this evening too. Rest easy!! Get well, and take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “Matt Gaetz tells ‘War Room Pandemic’ he would be a willing to resign his Congressional seat in order to defend past president donald trump in the upcoming impeachment trial. I strongly support my colleagues doing this!” ~ U.S. Rep Brenda Boyle ~ 
    2. “On the morning of Jan. 6, Ginni Thomas—wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas—endorsed the protest demanding that Congress overturn the election, then sent her “LOVE” to the demonstrators, who violently overtook the Capitol several hours later. She has not posted on Twitter since.” ~ Mark J. Stern~ 
    3. “Go home, Josh. You’re a delusional loser. You are unfit to serve!” ~ Deborah G. ~
    4. “There are two right wing parties – The GOP and the GQP.  ~ Julie H. ~ 
    5. “Yesterday, Nancy Pelosi changed that first name of (McCarthy) in her epic takedown. So heretofore, he shall be known as ‘Qevin’!  ~ Robert L. ~ 

    • TJI #1 – Wouldn’t that be nice? Well, maybe. He’s from Florida – and they can ALWAYS find someone dumber to replace anyone.
      TJI #2 – In a sane world, this would precipitate the resignation of her husband. Unfortunately, though our government is now sane, our world is not.
      TJI #3 – Amen! Do I hear an Amen?
      TJI #5 – Robert means “hereafter.” “Heretofore” means “up until now.” Otherwise, right on.

      P.S. – Jenny Cudd (the rioter with Mexico plans) has just been hit with five new felony charges. She is now expected to lose her travel deposit.

    • TJI#!: Go for it, buddy.  But, yes, as Joanne indicates, Florida is chock full of morons!
      TJI#2: Oh, did Clarence slap her around, some, break some fingers?  Nah, she just did that to herself.
      TJI#3: AMEN, baby!
      TJI#4&5: Qhat the hell, if the shoe fits…Q it.

    • TJI #2:  I’m amazed that Ginni TEABAG wasn’t posting support during the assault.

      TJI #3: It’s damn near impossible to find a Republican that IS fit to serve! 

      TJI #4:  Nope GOP is dead.  The two that remain are the RNP and GQP.

      Thanks Pat! 03

  3. Hoping that today is a better day.
    ‘Toon: Boy would I like to deprive those bastards of some of that O2.
    New Yorker: and, somehow, it is reported, she got a standing ovation from a pack of GOPIGGIES last night, for saying whatever, in a closed meeting.  Maybe she told them that all her bluster is just grandstanding for the republican fools, but a great strategy.
    MSNBC: The law of unintended consequences has, once again, reared its amazing head: Had Dumpness been a legitimate leader, rather than a con man, the virus would not have shut down business like it did, and people would have continued to drive all over the place, filling the corporate coffers, as usual.  As has been observed by wiser people than me, he kills anything he touches.  Hey, maybe even Malaria used to have a nice smile…eh, maybe not.  “…run the field,” baby!!  
    BFP: Those were the days!

  4. Cartoon: Like you definition too. Agree with Mitch.
    TNY: She’s despicable. Glad to see that they voted to strip her from her committees  positions.
    MSNBC: Glad to see them showing interest in our current Climate Change issue. it’s been ignored way too long. I’ve been signing petitions to do away with the filibuster.
    BFTP: Great tune by the Stones.
    Sorry you had a bad night and you’re in so much pain. Hope you were able to take care of your delivery from Store to Door. 
    Pray you get to feeling better and you can sleep tonight.
    Thanks TomCat

  5. Thanks and painful TGIF Hugs to all! 19

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