Jan 302021

Yesterday I told you I’d be in the saddle today barring unforeseen circumstances.  I did not foresee that Mark would be tied up at the hospital and could not make it until today.  Nevertheless, I was up waiting long enough to exacerbate my back pain.  He just left and the chair is fixed.  Tomorrow is a WWWendy day, so please expect no more than a Personal Update.  Have a great weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:50 (average 5:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In a potential stumbling block for his Presidential ambitions, a new study indicates that the average American can stand only four seconds of exposure to Senator Ted Cruz, the Texas Republican.

The study, conducted by University of Minnesota researchers during Tuesday night’s Republican debate, required subjects to be connected to electrodes to measure their tolerance for the senator.

Within four seconds of watching Cruz, the majority of participants begged to be released from the experiment, researchers reported.

Dang, Andy! I guess that makes me way below average!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): In My Life (Remastered 2009)


Ah… the memories!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

Build the Future. It Belongs to YOU!


  14 Responses to “Personal Update – 1/30/2021”

  1. I’m glad Mark got there. I’m terribly sorry it took so long. Please rest up as much as you can.

    The happiest of birthdays to you Lona!

    Greta Thunberg and the Dalai Lama had a (remote) conversation on Climate change. It was set up by the Mind and Like Institute and it was streamed world-wide. It’s now on YouTube. It’s over an hour, so too long to embed, but I’ve provided the link.

    Cartoon – The only good thing I can say about that is that it opened some eyes. Not enough, but some.

    Andy – The study sounds flawed to me. Four seconds is way too long.

    Blast – This is the tune that mad me willing to listen to the Beatles (I’m much more open minded now.) The guitar riff sounds so much like Bach (or Telemann or really, mostly Zelenka).

    Let’s compare radicals

  2. HAPPY, HAPPY LONA!!!!!!!!!!!
    ‘Toon: How many people had to die, because of this, at the time, one more lie?  And, how many more because of further lies?
    New Yorker: I can stand Cruz’ face for a millisecond longer than I can stand Trump’s-BLEEEECH!
    BFP: “Rubber Soul,” One of my favorite Beatle albums.  I still have the original.

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LONA. 22Hope you have a wonderful day. Enjoy, with many more to follow.
    Cartoon: Sad… long deadly battle/war. 
    DK: 4 seconds, too long for me. I can’t stand even seeing his face.
    BFTP: My favorite group, the Beatles. Great song.
    Glad to hear that Mark make it over there this morning for fix your chair. Hope his father in law was doing okay. 
    Have a restful day. Hope your back pain improves.
    Tell Wendy “Hello” for me tomorrow. 
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  4. Thanks, everyone for my birthday wishes. I appreciate them very much.

    I’m just rushing through because I need to go and join a cleaning bee at the fire station which will take me most of the day. I hope to come back later.

  5. Glad your problem is solved TC and thanks for the dose of AB.
    Happy Birthday Lona and I hope the cleaning went well.
    Back in the 60’s I read someone saying The Beatles had a classical approach to their compositions–maybe that is what you responded to Joanne.
    Cartoon, Mitch, Colleen–that was the war that was supposed to teach us not to engage in unwinnable wars.

  6. Glad that you at least got your WC fixed.

    Won’t even try to top JD’s upside-down B-Day cake – but I’m still wishing you a Happy Birthday!

  7. Thanks for all additional birthday-wishes. 🙏

    I’m glad you got your chair fixed, but it took a lot, if not too much, out of you, TomCat. Please rest your back as much as needed.

    3:55 Brightly coloured as they are, I really dislike doing the dishes.

    Cartoon: I have no recollection of that, but as a 12-year old I didn’t follow the news as I do now.

    TNY: Four seconds must be a limit for hardened Americans, Andy. I can’t stand the man for more than 2 seconds.

    BFTP: How good of you to remind us what exceptionally beautiful song the Beatles produced together. TomCat.

  8. Happy Birthday, Lona.
    Hope it was as wonderful as you! 17   23

  9. Belated birthday wishes, Lona!  

  10. Happy Birthday, Lona!

  11. Thanks and Sunday Hugs to all. 17

    Repeated birthday felicitations to Lona! 🎂

  12. glad you got your chair fixed and happy belated birthday to Lona…love the cake

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