Jan 232021

Yo Yo Ma at the Inauguration playing Amazing Grace. He managed to include the Star Trek them and George Takei is so here for it. (Mostly unaccompanied ‘cello but this brief message at the beginning) “…Families and communities. But – in the midst of devastation and loss there were moments when a flickering light pointed us toward a bright future. You comforted us, you sustained us, and so that light grew and became bright in the universe. This is for all of you who found new ways for us to smile together.

Joe Biden on dignity

Republicans for the Rule of Law – the captions are all Trump**, whereas the sound is mostly sane former Presidents talking about the way transitions are supposed to be. It makes it a little confusing but I hope effective.

Puppet Regime – Unwelcome Guest

What will happen to QAnon?

After-Trump Delight – Parody

Beau – “I don’t see any way that this could possibly go bad for Representative Greene” is where I started laughing out loud. But it gets better.


  12 Responses to “Video Thread 1/23/2021”

  1. YM: Thanks for one of my favourite cellists, Joanne.

    TN: It’s good when a boss is absolutely clear on what he finds acceptable behaviour of his employees and what is not.

    Josh again: Perhaps you intended to embed another video here?

    GZERO: Hillarious. I loved the way the Coronavirus left Joe with his mouth hanging open.

    TC: It was to be expected that QAnon would sink back in the bog it came from, taking the majority of its cult followers with it to wait on the next cult opportunity. It is scary, however, that QAnon doesn’t take all of it believers with it but instead has radicalized a portion of more militant followers further who now seek to align themselves with more radical and violent extremists, hellbent on getting revenge for their Duce.

    RMM: Parodists like Don and Rocky Mountain Mike must be grateful for the abundance of well-known pop songs to adapt. Though Don does a better job of it lyric- and music-wise, IMO.

    Beau: He suggests that Rep. Greene should take a little bit of time to learn how the organization that she is somehow a part of works. What a silly idea, Beau. Her great role model never bothered in the past four years, did he? He did just great with following the QAnon guidelines too, didn’t he? It helped him win the election!
    But I agree with your main premisses, Beau: Rep. Green should go for it. It’s our turn to have a laugh at the tax payer’s expense.

    • I intended to post both Josh and the other video in my description – which I now can’t find.  If I find it I ‘ll put it in a later thread.  I was very tired yesterday and also in some pain myself.

      • Please don’t take it as criticizing your work, dear Joanne. Far from it, I think you’re doing a magnificent job finding al these videos and adding a little comment.

        I’m so sorry you are in pain. Please don’t work yourself into exhaustion; you should follow the advise you give TomCat to take it easy and rest sometimes. And this is not a snark but comes from the heart, my friend.

        • I do try to take care of myself – but this week, after a huge grocery delivery, I broke a caster on one of my chairs … and I ended up yesterday having three chairs upside down trying to put together a combination that would work.  In the meantime I was doing more standing that I normally do (and believe, me, there’s a reason I normally minimize my standing.)  Today I have one working chair in the place where the broken one was, and, if I still have a couple non-functioning, they are not in my walkways, so I can get around.

          I did find the other vid and put it up this afternoon.  Enjoy it.  (And Owlkitty.  Does Molly let you rub her belly?)

          • Can you get the other chairs fixed or are the lockdowns/you/finances preventing anyone from coming in?

            Molly doesn’t lie on her back, begging for it like the black cat but she likes to have it rubbed as part of a more general body rub. She then relaxes into it after a while.

            • One of them probably not because the column came apart and it’s  not cooperating in getting back together.  But I can use it for parts – specifically casters.  The other one probably yes – it’ll just take getting the pieces together.  As you imply, I’m not having anyone in my home except my BFF who shops for me – and that’s only necessary about every three months – and she masks and social distances.  I’d love to see her more, but, you know …   Finances are not a problem, but I don’t really want to buy  chair without sitting in it first, and that kind of means going where it is.  However, I do have a couple of spares too.  Thanks for asking.

  2. Thanks JD! 35

    Yo Yo – Amen!

    National – Good!  So he should!

    LP – Both Sedition AND Treason! –  Flush Time!

    GZero – Trump** virus

    QAnon – They aren’t g0ing anywhere, but they may be folding their sheets and hoods in a drawer instead of putting them on display in the living room.

    ATD – It will be more delightful when he’s behind bars!

    Beau – That Republican is an idiot!

  3. great videos, thank you

  4. I have a question from those who know more than me (just about everybody).
    It’s my understanding that even if Trump is convicted by the Senate (not a certainty at all) the Senate would still have to have a separate vote to ban Trump for life from any federal office. And the Senate could ban Trump from federal office for life without convicting him for impeachment. Is that true?
    I want Trump in jail and a Senate conviction will not do that; I’m hoping New York will do that.

    • Yes, they are separate votes.  And yes, they can convict him without banning him.  But I don’t know whether they can ban him without convicting him.  So I can only take you part way.

      If they could take the banning vote first, and if it succeeded, the odds of conviction would go up.  R Senators would have less to fear from him.  But I doubt that’s possible.

    • Jerry, there’s no definitive answer on disqualification if the Senate fails to convict.  More legal scholars say no, but some say he can be.  Sorry I can’t do better than that. 13

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