Jan 162021

Yesterday, my labs were excellent, and my Oncologist called my overall condition better than expected.  They were running a bit slow, so by the time I got home I was exhausted.  I did not sleep well.  When I’m sitting up so long, it takes a couple days to get my pain level back to barely tolerable (3 – 4) from severe (6-7).  WWWendy has de-stunk me and is doing chores.  It’s a Holy Weekend in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Portland Chiefs play the Browns tomorrow.  How much I do tomorrow will depend on how I feel.  Cheering Trump’s** last weekend!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:58 (average 4:49).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: …On Wednesday afternoon, just hours after his 2nd impeachment (the first President to ever be impeached twice!) he released a 5-minute hostage video where he condemned the violent riot and insurrection (that he encouraged) and told his army of deranged MAGA supporters to please not do it again (wink wink).

The video was released on Twitter. Not Trump’s Twitter account…which is shut down. It was put out on the White House Twitter/YouTube account.

Trump still has not conceded the election that he clearly lost. Nor has he called President-elect Joe Biden to congratulate him. Not that Biden cares.

In addition to his second impeachment and the hostage video, Trump’s relationship with his bestie, Rudy Giuliani, is on thin ice. Why? Because Rudy didn’t deliver…so now Trump doesn’t want to pay him. Trump was “offended” by Giuliani’s request for $20,000/day. The Washington Post reports that Trump has told aides not to pay him AT ALL. Trump is also insisting on “personally approv[ing] any reimbursements for the expenses Giuliani incurred while traveling on the president’s behalf to challenge election results in key states.”

Trump** isn’t paying his bills? LMAO!  Oh my! What a surprise!  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Crosby Stills Nash – Carry On / Questions


Ah… the memories!  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

Wednesday, Dump Trump** Hump Day,

Is the Big FLUSH!!


  11 Responses to “Personal Update – 1/16/2020”

  1. Well, that’s good news. Hey, I understand recovering. Rest. Feel better.

    Cartoon – I guess I didn’t realize polar bears understood and used sarcasm. But why not? They’re quite intelligent!

    An article way too long to summarize (and probably needs to be read in pieces) but too important not to share

    I won’t post this video because it’s 40 minutes … but it seems to be worth watching.

    C&L – You know he doesn’t have the money and would die before he’d admit that.

    Blast – A song which has apparently helped a lot of people get through tough times. Very appropriate just now.

  2. Cartoon: Gawd, so very sad and horriblel! 
    C&L: IMO – He’s a liar, an ass, a thief and trouble maker. Wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him, and that wouldn’t be far. Yes! His last weekend. YAY ! 
    PTL, and pass the potatoes and gravy…I’m excited for Joe’s arrival, and Ms. Harris’. YAY! 
    BFTP: Excellent words to a great song! 
    Good News! for sure! about your labs being great, and your Oncologist giving you a fantastic! report. WTG! Tom. Hope that you have a good rest of your day, nap and relax, you deserve it. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom. Good luck with your Broncos tomorrow too! My team is 4-12-0. They’re gonna have to do better, ugh! 

    *This just in: “Trump supporter who bragged about rioters breaking down Pelosi’s door has been arrested. Jenny Cudd of Texas went viral after she physically posted a video of herself inside the Capitol. She has been arrested by the FBI. ~ CTA ~
    2. “Fly your Flag outside on January 20th, 2021, please.” *pb*
    3. “These last 4 days will feel like 4 years.” *pb*
    4. “If a president is deemed unfit to have a Twitter account, a Facebook page, an Instagram, a YouTube channel, a Snapchat account, a subreddit, a Twitch channel, than he’s unfit to hold the Presidency. Convict! 
    ~ Robert Reich ~ 
    5. re: Lauren Boebart (R-CO) “She wears glasses, so she must be….like totally smart.”  ~ John C. ~ 
    Rose Nyland: “Do these glasses make me look stupid?” Blanche Devereaux: “Let’s just say they don’t hide it.” 
    6. “The Trump administration on Friday carried out its 13th federal execution. Dustin Higgs became the final inmate to die by lethal injection early this morning.” ~ Michael Kunzelman and Michael Tarm, AP ~ 

    • TJI #1 – Some of the mug shots look so surprised that they got arrested! I expect hers is one of them.
      TJI #4 – I hope those words are broadly taken to heart.
      TJI #5 – I feel so sorry for any sane people living in her district. I’m sure there are some. Just not nearly enough.
      TJI #6 – Thank you, Pat, for calling attention to this. It is gettin lost in all the chaos (which probably is just what Trump** wanted to happen.)

    • Good idea WRT flying the flag this Wednesday.

      I bought both the “Inauguration Day” & “46” T-shirt from the Biden online gift shop.  I’ll where the Inauguration one on Wednesday, as it’s more time-limited.

      Turns out the gal who was waving the broken wooden nameplate from Speaker Pelosi’s door is Emily Hernandez from Sullivan, MO.  Charges have been file – but she hasn’t been arrested … yet.  She’ll be getting a knock on her door in the not too distant future.


    • TJI#1: Glad to see they’re finding more of these violent ones. 
      TJI#4: Agree with R. Reich’s comment 100%.
      TJI#6: Despicable that tRump and his administration called out its 13th federal execution. Shame on them.

    • TJI#6: So Trump has managed to kill the last two, whose execution was postponed because they had tested positive for COVID, after all. SCOTUS has blood on their hands too, because the 6 Republicans allowed it.

  3. I am glad to hear your labs are better than expected….hope the pain decreases quickly….< 100 hours till tRump is out of office…

  4. Cartoon: Shameful.
    C&L: Ditto Pat’s comment. Agree with her 100%.
    BFTP: Great song by Crosby, Stills and Nash. Fits perfectly.
    Sorry to hear that you had another bad night. Hope you’ll sleep better tonight.
    Happy to hear that your lab tests came out with excellent results. Same goes for your Oncologist report. 
    Hope Wendy and you were able to get things accomplished. 
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  5. That’s good news from the medical front, TomCat. I wish they could get your pain under control as well as your general condition. Pain control is very important for the quality of your life, I would think. I suppose Republicans aren’t helping much at the moment either.

    3:28 Watch that beak and claws when eating.

    Cartoon: Apparently it is so bad that polar bears are in trouble staying on top of the food chain.

    C&L: Remember when Susan Collins didn’t want to convict Trump because with just impeachment he had learned his lesson…333333 The only thing that man has ever learned from impeachments is that he can get away with anything he does, including ripping off his last loyal little helpers. Any bets on how long it’ll take Trump to declare bankruptcy again and leave all his donors, lenders and employees in his dust.

    BFTP: “One morning, I woke up and knew you were gone…rejoice.” Perfect song for this moment in time.

  6. Thanks and Pooped Hugs to all! 19

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