It’s an outrageous day here in the CatBox. Yesterday when the Republican Reich attacked the US, I was so upset that I swallowed an unprocessed mouthful of food and rushed to the computer without thinking. Needless to say, that plugged my stent and I was sick all afternoon. A couple days ago I opined that this was the wrong time to impeach Trump* and throw him the attention he craves. I take that back. Now a state of war exists between the Republican Reich and the US. We must fight back with every legal weapon at our disposal. These dates shall live in infamy, as long as there is a USA to remember: Dec. 7, 1941, Sep. 11, 2001, and Jan. 6, 2021. I am waiting for Store to Door to bring my grocery order, and WWWendy is coming late this afternoon. I hope to be in the saddle tomorrow.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:23 (average 4:35). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From Daily Kos (Hat-Tip Mitch [ours]): This is too, too much. The schadenfreude! The sheer, sheer joy!
President-elect Joe Biden has decided to nominate Judge Merrick Garland as attorney general, people familiar with the matter tell CNN, a long-awaited decision that was moved toward completion Wednesday as it became apparent that Democrats were on the brink of winning control of the Senate.
The announcement of the attorney general, along with other senior leaders of the Justice Department, is expected to be made as soon as Thursday as Biden moves closer to filling the remaining seats in his Cabinet before assuming power on January 20.
While Garland has been a top contender for weeks, concerns about the vacancy his selection would create on the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia raised alarm bells among Biden and many advisers who believed Senate Republicans would block any nomination to that seat. But with Democrats poised to control the Senate after two Georgia runoff races, those concerns were allayed.
I have to love this! And Beat Bitch Baby Bawling Mitch can’t stop it! RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): U.S. Capitol Ransacked After Massive Security Failure
These are some of the same questions I have. It appeared to me that some of the police were in cahoots with Trump’s* terrorists who tried to repeat the Reichstag Fire. I agree with Mika that they would have slaughtered BLM demonstrators. I hear people saying this is the time to stay cool. My answer? BULLSHIT! RESIST!!
From YouTube: Live: NBC News NOW – Jan. 7 | Special Coverage On The Riot At The U.S. Capitol
I put this here to give you a chance to keep up with any freaking developments, should they occur. RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from yesterday): The Beatles-Revolution Protest Music Video
Given the Republican attack on America, this is all too appropriate! RESIST!!
12 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!
18 Responses to “Open Rage – 1/7/2021”
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I’m so sorry for the physical agony, which must have thoroughly compounded the emotional agony. Please, please, take care of yourself!
Cartoon – Yippeee indeed!
I just have this –
Mark Sumner, Daily Kos Staff Trumpists intended to take members of Congress hostage, hold show trials, conduct executions
Approaching four hours after the Capitol Building was overrun by Trumpist insurrectionists, police are finally beginning to move in force, backed by National Guard forces from both D.C. and Virginia. However, at least one improvised explosive device has been located, and many of those currently occupying the halls of Congress are thought to be armed. So it may be some time before the full crowd can be safely removed, and those who invaded the Capitol arrested. Of course, none of this might have been necessary had the Capital Police taken action to halt the terrorists, rather than opening doors for them and sticking around to take selfies with them while making no move to arrest, or even impede, their invasion.
And it’s not like the insurrectionists were doing anything bad, like peacefully protesting on a street. They were only attempting to overthrow the U.S. government, take members of Congress hostage, and conduct show trials on the National Mall.
Much more at link.
I still oppose the death penalty, but if criminal Fuhrer Trump should trip and fall into the noose during an inspection tour…
Cartoon: Yay! PTL !
CNN: Great news! Well, Hello again, will be fantastic to see you on board, Sir! Payback is hell, isn’t it, Mitch?
MSNBC: A horrible day for the United States. At the beck and call of trump? He needs to be arrested/impeached, and !! I feel anger and pain, and am stunned by the actions of these people.
YT: Yes, I was thinking about where the police were? Now we know. Unreal behavior coming from trump, and his mob.
Hi, WWWendy! Tom, I hope that you start feeling better.. after last night, I stayed up last night and watched the news, but by then the coverage was repetitious. So sad, and shameful of what they did, with them spewing their hate.
BFTP: Word. What you wrote, Tom.
*This just in: “Trump spends more time whining and complaining than he does working on solving the corona virus pandemic. I don’t know why he still wants the job….he doesn’t want to do the work.” ~ Joe Biden ~
2. “Today, President Donald Trump allowed the US Capitol to be overrun by by Confederates, Nazis, and Klansmen. He didn’t object because that’s his base.” ~ Frank L. ~
3. “Impeach and convict. Tonight!” ~ Tom Nichols ~
4. “The president yelled at staff that he didn’t like the way the rally looked. Then he went back to the White House, where he’s been and refusing to denounce the violence. ~ Maggie Haberman ~
5. “Congress finalizes Biden’s win after riot disrupts Capitol.” CNN staff @5:14 AM
TJI #2 -“Allowed”? Hell, no – He incited.
TJI #3 – Articles have been drawn up by a group which included Jamie Raskin – who just lost his son What a true patriot. Ted Lieu also assisted.
TJI #5 – Yes, thank God
TJI#2 is tooooo true!
TJI#4 is simply a symptom of his vast, all encompassing sickness!
TJI#5 is a jewel!!!!!!
Happily, Mr. “Trial by combat,” will not turn out to be the hero he prophesied! Jail is all too fitting for him.
TJI#1: He’s never done the job all these four years.
TJI#2: He’s the idiot that invited them to attack it.
TJI#3: I’m praying that they follow thru with the articles they have drafted up.
TJI#5: Thanks be to God.
TJI#1 – Hf he had a hamberder, he could whine and dine.
Yep, “Minority Leader Mitch McConnell” has a lovely ring to it.
While I enjoy the Schadenfreude of Merrick Garland being our AG, my only concern is that it’s been decades since since he’s acted as a prosecutor.
There will definitely be a “deep dive” WRT the lack of security preparation at our Capitol. It’s not like it was an unforeseen likelihood. Hell, as far back as 12/19/20 Donnie has been urging his Trumpkins to come to DC promising them it “Will Be Wild!”
And WRT Trumpkins given a welcoming greeting from Capitol Hill Police – here’s one taking a selfie with a Trumpkin rioter:
Yes, “Little Mitch the Bitch” is so fitting!
I’m not sure an attorney General would need to prosecute personally as opposed to supervising and assigning prosecutors – unless it were a very, very high profile case, and then he would not be alone, he would have a team.
I’m with JD here. AG is the political lead of DOJ wou sets direction. Assistants abs stakk attorneys do all the detail work.
‘Toon: Trump made it happen…lost the WH, lost the Senate, lost his mind. Well, no, he never had the latter.
Garland as AG is the result of the law of unintended consequences, as is the new Senate majority. Stacy Abrams for Saint!!!
MSNBC: I’m pretty sure that Dumpy had a hand in the lack of police response.
Love the Beatles, never thought of them as readers of the future (LOL).
Cartoon: Wonderful news. Was so happy yesterday morning when they were sure they both had won.
CNN: Great news again.
MSNBC: Despicable what happened yesterday. What made it even worse was seeing tRump, rUdy and tRump Jr all speaking to the rioters; telling them to do exactly what they did, to attack our Capital. I pray that they will locate, arrest them all. Plus follow thru with the articles to impeach tRump and prosecute the rotten R senators who created all the violence.
YT: Awful job these Capital police did. They knew tRump was planning this type of rally/riot. So where were they?? More of their top security members have resigned.
BFTP: Great tune by the Beatles. I agree with what you said, TC.
So sorry that you had that happen yesterday with your eating. Please be careful and take your time when you eat.
Hope your groceries came on time and were accurate.
Please tell Wendy “Hello”. I hope you both get your tasks taken care of.
Take care. Thanks TomCat
I am so sorry you were physically sick from all this….what a saddening and maddening day in so many ways….remove the traitor…the attempted-coup instigator must be held accountable…
Let me start with the cartoon my sister-in-law sent me from the Netherlands yesterday:
It sums up the reaction of the rest of the world pretty well, I think.
I hope the developments from this sedition – this is far from over yet – will not upset your digestion any further, TomCat. Do not eat anything if Pence reacts to Pelosi’s ultimatum to invoke the 25th and see to Trump’s immediate removal from office. If he reacts at all, it’ll be with refusal.
Cartoon: Best I’ve seen in a long time.

CNN: This was announced before the attack on the Capitol, which has quickly pushed it to the background. A pity because it would have been so good to see McConnell eat crow. Hopefully that day will still come.
MSNBC: Questions were raised here about this almost immediately as images reached Oz.
BFTP: The Beatles were singing about a peaceful revolution but it wasn’t a revolution this shameful Wednesday; it was a riot by a group of predominately white male fascists. Hilary was right more than four years ago: they are deplorable.
Those fugitives may be goofy … but at least they are not terrorists!
I fear you’re right about Pence – though someone who has known him like forever said he had never seen him so angry. I wonder how angry he would have to be to initiate then 25th. Well, articles of impeachment have been drawn up. It breaks my heart that Jamie Raskin has to be working with that so soon after losing his son. But the man is a genuine patriot and a national treasure, so he is all in.
TC, sorry you were sickened,hope you’re better now. I had difficulty sleeping similar to when Pres. race still up in air. Wed. as the mob raged I did my sidewalk/driveway stand for the 1st amendment for the first time since Feb.’s impeachment vote. I held my Biden sign and got quite a few positive responses! Of course the neg. ones were usually crude,obscene! I e-mailed Sen. Brown re: investigating WTH happened to have Capitol attacked & mob handled w/kid gloves. Very sad re: Rep. Raskin’s son. House conferring soon on impeachment. Stay safe,all.
Thanks, TGIF hugs, and Amen to all. I’m usually pretty careful when eating. An armed assault on the Capitol left me so dumbfounded that it did not occur to me.