Dec 152020
It’s an exhausted day here in the CatBox, with good news and bad news. The good news: Bye Bye Barrf!! The bad news: a midnight kitchen fire in the building ruined my night’s sleep. I need to go back to bed. Tuesday is Flush your Republicans Day. Be extra careful with the lid today. It might be Barrf!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:08 (average 5:05). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Take:
From YouTube (a blast for Christmas): Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town (1959 Version)
Of course around here, it’s SantaCat! HUGS!!
35 days (5 Weeks) Until the Big FLUSH!!
17 Responses to “Personal Update – 12/15/2020”
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Cartoon: Of course they are. ugh!
YT: As a kid, I used to get so excited in anticipation with Santa Clause coming. Perry sets the tone too, for the little ones, and the excitement of the arrival of Santa!
omg…SantaCat is sooo adorable!! (By his meows, I don’t think he volunteered to be Santa though.) I think my Russian Blue would actually eat my hand if I tried to dress her up like this one.
Yes, glad that Barr has left the building. I don’t think he shed any tears leaving either. He lasted longer than I thought, I bet he’s relieved, even tho’ he groveled for dt like he did. OH, my goodness! Glad that all of you are safe (after what happened) in the building, how very scary for you! and the other residents! Get your rest, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: “It’s time to move on and accept the clear outcome of the 2020 election outcome.” ~Senator Lemar Alexander ~
2. “Every American who cares about the Rule of Law should take comfort that the Supreme Court, including all of President Trump’s picks, closed the book on this nonsense.” ~ Senator Ben Sasse ~
3. The list of Shame – “They have betrayed their Country. And while they can’t make trump president, these radicals are setting us on a path to the end of democracy. It’s that serious.” ~Senator Chris Murphy ~
4. re: Bill Barr – “Go chastise yourself with your Opus Dei whip, you delusional zealot.” ~ Steve H.~
5. “Trump, you attempted to overthrow the legitimate votes of Americans. You got kicked in the face by 46 courts and the crown kicking came from the Supreme Court you thought you owned!!! The democracy is stronger than you will ever understand. Good Bye and Good Riddance!! ~ Congresswoman Maxine Waters ~
TJI #1 – (R-TN) And so close to McConnell that BBM actually produced tears when bidding him adieu. If he weren’t retiring, does anyone think he would have been this brave?
TJI #2 – Yes, and I do. But until there are consequences, it will not be true that “the system worked.” Because there will be no disincentive from doing it again As a nation, we have been far too lenient with this sort of ratf**kery for too long.
TJI #3 – Like I just said ^^^
TJI #4 – Both his resignation, and his recent lapses into truth which prompted it (before he could be fired) are out of character for him. Rest assured he is planning something. And the though that whatever he is planning may involve Opus Dei dot NOT give me a shred of comfort.
TJI #5 – Blessings on Auntie Maxine. She is right – but let’snot think it is yet as strong as it needs to be. Plenty of work ahead.
If I sound like Debby Downer, it’s because so many, so very knowledgeable people also sound like Debby Dpwner, and, alas, they are right. It isn’t Trump*. It’s the Trump* cul. Over 70 million of then=m who are registered to vote – and how many who aren’t? Plus Russia has been hacking into the Treasury Departmen (while the National Security Advisor has been on vacation – touring Europe with his wife.)
TJI#’1,2,3: Right on!
TJI#4: Mr. Not-at-All-Christian Barrfbag needs to meet Mr. Indictment, and Mr. DeBarrment!
TJI#5: Maxine rocks, bigly!
TJI #3 Sen. Murphy is correct: It IS that serious!
TJI #4 Who’s Steve H?
TJI #5 I hope Maxine gets the last word in. That’ll bug Donnie no end!
Thanks y’all for your great comments, on the goings on of my TJI’s

Nameless, IDK who Steve H. is, but! obviously he knows more about the Opus Dei than I do.
Quite frankly, I’d rather not know, and I’m leaving that! as that. Thanks!
You alreay know about RWNJ Evangelicals. Opus Dei is just the same, only Catholic.
Amen to that!
Ditto JD. If you have watched the DaVinci Code, they paint Opus Dei in exaggerated form but accurate enough to have a member of the female counterpart scare the shit out of me.
I didn’t watch it, but I did read it. But that’s not why I know about OD. Being Catholic, you get to hear about fringe groups within. Like the Penitentes, which is probably the one Pat really doesn’t want to know about (and the tweeter is thinking of too) and the Blue Army. Of the three, Opus Dei is the most dangerous. By far.
Get the rest you need! Actually, I hope you did so before you received this.
Ruh Roh! JUST what you didn’t need! Sleep to your heart’s (and body’s) content.
Here’s something Elizabeth Warren has been looking into while Katie Porter has been eviscerating officials like Steven Mnuchin.
Can you BELIEVE this? How stupid do they think actual civil servants are?
Cartoon – And it never occurs to them that if he were the real Jesus and not a fake one, he wouldn’t have to dream? “If Jesus had wanted for any wee thing,a star in the sky or a bird on the wing, or all of God’s angels in heaven for to sing, he surely could have it, for he was the king.”
Blast – Probably part of the reason why so many kids fear Santa Claus.
You kitty looks positively operatic … “Vissi gatti, vissi d’amore … ah, perchè me ne rimuneri così?” (I have lived to be a good cat, I have lived to love you, why have you done this terrible thing to me?)
Thanks for the update on Elizabeth Warren, Joanne.
YVW. Working to improve prisons will never get anyone noticed, because too many people fail to grasp that prisoners are human.
I guess you can be thankful it wasn’t YOUR kitchen.
Sleep is good – catch up on all you need!
Trust me, as a survivor of THREE episodes of cat-bite cellulitis – that is NOT a happy cat.
BoC: Great song. Always enjoyed singing the song too, Remember watching Perry Como when I was a youngster.
SantaCat: How adorable. Love watching the precious cat.
Sorry to hear about the unwanted excitement you had to go thru in the wee morning hours. Like Nameless mentioned, I’m grateful it wasn’t yours.
Please take care and get your rest. Thanks TomCat
It’s been a while since you were woken by a (kitchen) fire in the building but I’m sure you could have done without it, TomCat.
3:24 Doesn’t look very tasty.
Cartoon: A dream they’ve been working on to realize for years.
BOXmas: A bit before my time, I was nearly 3 years old then.
I haven’t met a cat yet that liked to be dressed up like that. It may look cute but I don’t think it is happy.
Thanks and Hump Day Hugs to all. 🐪
The SantaCat graphic above is not mine. I stole it from Nameless!