Nov 252020

American Bridge (anti-Perdue = pro-Ossoff)

Now This News – It’s not just here that it’s crazy.

OK, over six minutes, but 6 minutes of what we’ve waited four – no, five and a half – years to hear from the MSM

Update from Betty Bowers

This is long (18+ minutes), but it is Joe’s official Thanksgiving message.

And Keith.


  5 Responses to “Video Thread 11/25/2020”

  1. AB: Purdue is a jackass.
    NT: 2014, as well.  It must be that that electromagnet has a thing for that fence!
    Bowers is just a gem!
    Sorry, but with all due respect, I choose not to do 18 minutes there.
    Keith had me in stitches!  I knew about much of what redescribed, and there were some new points, as well.  
    Happy Turkey Day, ALL!

  2. Betty Bowers is so good you’d like to throttle her.

    Keith’s sumptuous gossip on Giuliani made my day.

    Thanks, Joanne, for all of the videos.

  3. Re: Ms. Merkel…the guy did it again?? How dangerous!
    What Lona said about Betty. LOL ! 
    W/listen to Joe’s message later on. 
    You know I love da man!! KO is spot on! 

    Thank you, Joanne for posting. 

  4. Now the news: Sick minded fool. To see that he, or whomever had the vehicle with the same license plate number doing it in 2014. Hope this time they lock him up.
    Betty Bower is hilarious.
    The one with Joe seems identical to the when he was on the breaking news the other day. Nice listening to a leader who speaks to the people honestly and from the heart. 
    Liked the others too.
    Thanks Joanne

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