Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”
With thanksgiving so near in the United States, and CoViD-19 so endemic and increasing, I thought the Furies and I had better take a look at staying safe over the holiday. If, like me, you have been taking maximum care for eight months to avoid exposure, you probably feel pretty prepared. But there are still things to learn. I am featuring the article which gives multiple tips specific to travel and/or a gathering, but there is plenty more. Here are links to three articles which are strongly holiday-oriented – and another link to a section where there are several more.
Why face masks belong at your Thanksgiving gathering – 7 things you need to know about wearing them
How to host a safe holiday meal during coronavirus – an epidemiologist explains her personal plans
Keeping indoor air clean can reduce the chance of spreading coronavirus
The Conversation – CoViD-19 Central
As CDC warns against Thanksgiving travel, here are a dozen more things you can do to help stop COVID-19

Gary Hershorn via Getty Images
Pamela M. Aaltonen, Purdue University
As Americans prepare for the first Thanksgiving in the time of the coronavirus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a stark warning a week before the big day: Don’t travel.
No over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s condo. No flying to a beach gathering with the family you choose.
And if it sounds like the CDC is trying to be like the Grinch who stole Thanksgiving, it is important to remember the grim statistic of more than a quarter of a million people dead from COVID-19. There is no mistaking: The coronavirus is out of control.
Ultimately, lowering the staggering numbers of COVID-19 cases and deaths lies squarely with us. Yes, governments can mandate actions; but we’re the ones responsible for adhering to them. Our failure is clear when you look at the latest numbers: Deaths from the virus are projected to soon approach 2,000 Americans a day, and cases continue to climb in the vast majority of states.
If national numbers don’t spur action, will it help to localize the problem? You can find out what’s happening closer to home here at the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. Drill down to see the data in your state and county, then take a moment to pause and consider the catastrophic consequences. It’s still within our power to reverse course and lower these numbers. But as a public health scholar and researcher, I can tell you that as infections increase, the more difficult that becomes.
Even the rural states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Wyoming are experiencing tremendous surges. Exhausted hospitals and health care workers across the U.S. are becoming overwhelmed, if not already there. Overwhelmed systems place care at risk. Those with other health conditions need medical intervention and hospitalization. And those with a lax attitude about COVID-19 put themselves at increased risk for negative health outcomes.

Kena Betancur / AFP via Getty Images
Changing behavior is a must
Modifying our behavior minimizes the chances to spread infection. But this is a big task. Government actions are most effective when based on local data and the option to loosen or tighten restrictions based on solid information. We should not view these actions as an attempt to take away our civil liberties. Instead, we should think of them as liberating, a way to keep us away from the virus.
It is not too late to modify your behavior if you’ve been reluctant to accept the realities of the virus. With promising vaccines on the horizon, our challenge as individuals is to reduce current infection numbers. And to do that, everyone must commit to established public health strategies.

Ariel Skelley via Getty Images
A dozen things you can do
- Always mask up when indoors and around people who don’t live in your household.
- Always mask up when outdoors and unable to maintain physical distancing.
- Use either disposable masks or a multi-layer tightly woven cotton mask. Single-layer kerchiefs are insufficient.
- When you mask up, make sure it fits your face and covers both nose and mouth. Wash or sanitize your hands after touching or removing the mask.
- Remember that masks are not a substitute for physical distancing.
- Maintain at least six feet of distance between you and others outside of your household.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds, or use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid motions that transfer organisms from your hands to your face. Your mouth, nose and eyes have mucous membranes that are potentially receptive to these organisms.
- Clean frequently touched surfaces.
- Do as much as possible outside and keep interactions with others short.
- Fortify ventilation systems for more frequent air exchanges.
- Curtail in-person holiday celebrations with those not in your household.
Celebrations are particularly challenging because it’s difficult for everyone to self-quarantine for the 14 days prior to the event. Also, events are typically inside rather than out; spacing of six feet may not be an option; ventilation systems in our energy-efficient homes are likely COVID-19-insufficient; and one cannot be masked while eating.
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So for Thanksgiving, do a virtual gathering instead. Cook the same menu in different houses to promote a sense of sharing. Send e-cards to each other with a personal note and wish for a good holiday. Or do a Zoom call where all can speak and express thankfulness for the ability to still be able to connect this year.
It is not unusual for COVID-19 patients to rage when they discover that those around them dismissed or downplayed the wisdom and experience of scientists and doctors about the realities of the pandemic. But there is no need to give up, even in the face of increasingly frightening statistics. Instead, now is the time we need to commit not just to ourselves, but to one another. What’s standing in the way of curtailing the numbers of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths is us.
Pamela M. Aaltonen, Professor Emerita; Immediate Past President, APHA, Purdue University
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, I wish everyone were able to just stay home, but that is not a realistic expectation. As you fly around the nation and the world, I hope you will be able to protect some of the most vulnerable people from contracting this deadly disease.
The Furies and I will be back.
6 Responses to “Everyday Erinyes #241”
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I had a feeling you were going to do this one and I fully agree with all the above. Great article!
Our numbers here have gone up drastically, and that’s most unfortunate.
Good information to read, and act on.
Thank you, Joanne (and Furies) for getting this out here.
Thanks Joanne–wise advice. And I will add that Zoom “will be lifting the 40-minute limit for all meetings globally from midnight ET on Nov. 26 through 6 a.m. ET on Nov. 27 so your family gatherings don’t get cut short.” per their Tweet applicable to their free meetings option.I have read of many sharing meals over FaceTime or Zoom–pretty easy in the same community via take out/delivery from same restaurant or if the households have cooks who share recipes (can even do pictures or cell phone videos if one of them not familiar with something like basting a turkey [breast]).
And today is the day CA’s curfew goes into affect for the 40+ counties back in the worst color code category (mine changed two levels eff. Tues.–my county had fought the one level last week but with the huge new numbers late last week and over the weekend, accepted the reality that is happening even in the more rural areas of our county).
Great post, Joanne
New cases have been skyrocketing everywhere. Here in San Diego, we’ve been having more than a 1000 a day for the past week. The curfew starts this evening, 10PM to 5 AM.
Frustrating to see that there are so many people out there who doesn’t give a hoot about going by the rules to wear a mask and social distancing. I don’t know what it would take, one of their own dying to get them to change their attitude about Covid-19?
I just pray that they can get these vaccines out soon, but for the time being people would be safe.
Thanks Joanne
an excellent article, thank you
Wise words, Joanne. I hope many Americans will heed them.
I for one will stay put unless other natural disasters drive me from home.