It’s another crazy day here in the CatBox. I slept poorly and got up early to be ready for Diana’s visit. Last night WWWendy left her boots in the throne room by mistake and I dang near killed myself tripping over them to Republicate this morning. Tomorrow, Molly is coming to check my back. I promise to give her back to Lona as soon as I’m done. Tuesday is Flush your Republicans day, and today, I flushed them all.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:11 (average 4:24). To do it, click here. How did you do?
The Republican will never solve the maze, because Republicans are too stupid to turn left.
Short Takes:
From Crooks and Liars: Former VP candidate Sarah Palin is none too happy with former President Barack Obama for — heaven forbid — pointing out the fact that maybe we wouldn’t have had to live through 4 years of Trump if someone like Palin hadn’t already laid the groundwork for the anti-intellectualism that’s taken root in the party.
In an interview with the right-wing Newsmax TV, former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) attacked former President Barack Obama for calling her out as part of the Republican Party’s “anti-intellectual” wing.
Barf Bag Alert!!
Actually, I’m not too sure about that. Bloody Bullseye Barbie, aka Drill Baby Dingbat, may have been an anti-intellectual beacon in her day, but these days, she’s just about the most intellectual that any Republican can get. RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Graham Denies Pressuring GA Official To Throw Out Legal Votes
Lindsey Poo was just as KKK before Trump* arrived. He just wears hid sheet and hood with a name tag now. RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Times They Are A-Changin’ (Live) (2003 Remaster)
I like this version better than Dylan’s version. We need to make the times change in the left direction. RESIST!!
63 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!
12 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/17/2020”
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That is busy, yes.
Cartoon – Here I was thinking there was a flaw in ti. I was just overestimating Republicans.
C&L – It is actually possible to be very smart and still be anti-intellectual. People who make tons of money out of (and therefore encourage) the stupidity and poor education of others are generally not stupid (if they are, they go bankrupt.) Palin is both, but as you also ppoint out, she was just a harbinger.
MSNBC – I’ll have a petition to investigate him in the video thread today. What chutzpah he has. He isn’t even from Georgia.
Blast – Yes we do.
Apropos of nothing, 63 days is the normal duration of a cat’s pregnancy.
Cartoon: LOL !!
BBA: I lasted 5:17. That’s it. imho…I wouldn’t be supportive to any of them (R’s). Nope!!
MSNBC: Wouldn’t be surprised about Ms. Lindsey and his behavior.. he’s always been a sneaky snake, imho.
BFTP: Loved this group, Paul and Peter are in their 80’s now. How I loved Mary’s singing…I miss her.
Hope you and Diana had a good visit.. and good thoughts of tomorrow’s visit with Molly. Glad you recovered quickly from WWWendy’s boots too. I view Republicating a great day in my book, who would have thought? Hope that you have a good rest of your day, take good, good care, and Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: “It’s not that the anti-mask, anti-distancing, anti-testing Republicans are wrong as a matter of public policy. It’s not even that they lack empathy for those that suffer. They relish their lack of empathy. They glory in their callousness. They are proud of their inhumanity.” ~ Bill Kristol ~
2. “Kamala Harris is still on the Senate Intelligence Committee and still gets high level classified briefings that Trump can’t block.” ~ Dave M. ~
3. “The 250,000 lives lost during his watch will be remembered. Not the vaccines that are announced.”
~ Bev H. ~
4. “The Donald is Fox’s wife and he’s getting the boot.” ~ Ernie N. p.s. “Fox is banned in the UK.” ~ Bronia P. ~
5. “Trump’s golfing – 413x’s. Visit to one of his properties – 1395. Days of his presidency costing taxpayers – 144 Million $$.” ~ O. D. ~
6. “The Wisconsin Elections Commission said that if Donald Trump’s campaign wants a recount of the razor thin Presidential race in the state, it will need to pay $7.9 Million upfront. ~ Caroline Kenny, CNN ~
TJI#2: is somewhat reassuring.
TJI#4: Not allowed in N.Z. nor Oz, where it is recognized a propaganda.
TJI#6: Wisconsin knows Trump’s history. Up front, and in the state’s account, or Fugeddaboudit!
TJI #1 – It was jaw-dropping when I first realized it. But it’s undeniably true. Bill Kristol is no fool.
#6 It is $3 million now just for Dane and Milwaukee counties. Up front confirmed payment. Well at least Trump is contributing to the Wisconsin economy. Of course those are the Democratic strongholds.
Of course Trump has no compunctions against cheating and assumes everyone is just like him. Thank goodness everyone is not like him!
‘Toon: They won’t be able to find sanity as long, as Hannity is Foxing, or much later still.
Palin may seem sane now, I’m not going to listen to what she says, certainly saner than Bachman, who was inspired by her, and Obama is right; except that the GOP was so focused on its agenda, which included corporate agenda, long before she came along. Gingrich, who “knew” the was no such thing as acid rain, and Reagan, for whom facts were “annoyances,” set the stage.
Graham has probably always been a raging bigot!
PP&M do it very nicely.
Like Mitch, not gonna listen to Palin, had enuf of her. I already heard Lindsey-poo, WTF? And he just got re-elected tho he had a good, well-funded opponent.Just know there’s some rich dirt on Graham—–Russia, if ur listening? LOL JD—re: cats gestate 63 days. Just had 4 mo. cat I named Lewis (for late Rep. John )neutered. His legacy marches on. OK, in mysterious ways!—-Be safe, all. The Trump Plague is a ragin’.
I’m glad I wasn’t around when you tripped over WWWendy’s boots in the morning, TomCat, though I might have learned a few new expressions? I hope you haven’t hurt yourself. I left you the cat of the puzzle (3:16) so, yes, please return my Molly after she had a look at your back.
Cartoon: I doubt that the elephant would get past the exit; it is too blown-up with bigotry.
C&R: I thought I’d give the video a go but after Palin’s introduction as the clear winner of the 2008 debate with Biden my stomach was already in an uproar and I had to switch it off. Sadly, Trump’s loss of the election has some Republicans crawling back from where they came from but others come out of the woodwork to be in the limelight again. Democrats would do wisely not waking any more dried-up has-beens who are desperate for attention.
MSNBC: Lindsey Graham’s name needs to be added to the list of people to be prosecuted for his criminal behaviour as soon as Biden is in office. It’s unthinkable that anything like that would happen before Biden’s inauguration.
BFTP: I’m more cautious, I’m afraid. I’d say the first steps towards change have been made.
She’s on her way back to Oz, but I wouldn’t
the cat you left me.
Just six more weeks of 2020, and just two more months of tRump. Time cannot pass fast enough!
C&L: Never cared for Palin, so like others I’ll pass too.
MSNBC: tRump must have something on Lindsey that he’s willing to do illegal acts. Shameful that he can’t be prosecuted for his actions. I’ll go and sign the petition Joanne’s speaks about that she posted in her Video Thread post.
BFTP: Great song. Big fan of Peter, Paul and Mary.
Sorry to hear of your mishap. Sure hope you didn’t get hurt.
Hope your visit with Dianna went well.
Good luck with Molly tomorrow.
Take care. I hope you get some sleep tonight. Thanks TomCat
Thanks and painful Hump Day Hugs to all!