It’s another tired day here in the CatBox. I slept so much the night before last and yesterday that I could not sleep last night. Tomorrow morning Molly, my physical therapist, is coming back, and what I get done here depends on how long that takes. Since Trump* is headed for the drain, Woooo Hoooo it’s Monday!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:24 (average 4:23). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Religious Agony:
OK, Turd Birds. You got the win. Now put Ossoff and Warnock in the US Senate. That’s the deal!
Short Takes:
From BBC: The first effective coronavirus vaccine can prevent more than 90% of people from getting Covid-19, a preliminary analysis shows.
The developers – Pfizer and BioNTech – described it as a “great day for science and humanity”.
Their vaccine has been tested on 43,500 people in six countries and no safety concerns have been raised.
The companies plan to apply for emergency approval to use the vaccine by the end of the month.
A vaccine – alongside better treatments – is seen as the best way of getting out of the restrictions that have been imposed on all our lives.
There are around a dozen in the final stages of testing – known as a phase 3 trial – but this is the first to show any results.
It uses a completely experimental approach – that involves injecting part of the virus’s genetic code – in order to train the immune system.
I’m glad to see that Pfizer could get it up. However We’re probably at least a year before they can get it out into widespread distribution. But the biggest step toward getting control of the Trump* Virus plague is getting rid of Trump*. RESIST!!
From Crooks and Liars: As the 2020 presidential votes are being counted, Georgia has two Senate races headed to a runoff election on Jan. 5, 2021. Nothing less than the majority of the United States Senate is on the line. Jon Ossoff wasted no time kicking off his reenergized campaign as Democrats seem to have some wind at their back in the Peach State.
Go Jon, go! Here at PP, we have a secret weapon to unleash on David “Donnie’s Pet” Perdue. Freya, give him a Saguaro Suppository! RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast of freedom): Elected
There’s a 70s song that still works! Celebrate!! RESIST!!
71 Days Until the FLUSH!!
14 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/9/2020”
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‘Toon: Barr must be indicted, dis-barrrrrrrred, maybe tarred and feathered!
Sorry about the Broncos.
BBC: Saw this earlier, sounds hopeful. Gee, has anybodt noticed that Covid has not “disappeared,” after Nov. 3rd? Some Trumpets jackass said, again, that it would, just days before the election.
C&L: Go Freya!!!!!!!!
BOF: I can not listen to his music, seems like nothing but raucous.
Hope you get some sleep before PT. Dozing off in the middle of it doesn’t help.
George Takei held a contest for best Hallowe’en costume ever in four categories – individual, group, children, pets. I got the email yesterday with the winners, and there doesn’t seem to be a link to it as a webpage, but I know everyone will want to see Annie the boxer in the winning pet costume.

Warning: This image is NSFW. (But I literally laughed out loud and am still chuckling.)

Here’s the backstory
Cartoon – I takr the point … but she has dropped the sword and kept the scale. I would have thought she’d do the opposite.
Orb, make them make good on the deal !!!!!
BBC- and, being from the BBC, this has redibility. Good news, as far as it goes.
C&L – Also good news. Go, Jon and Rafael, GO!!
Blast – I can listen to it, but cannot make out the words without help. Fortunately there’s Google .. but now I can’t tell whther it is straught or parody …both work, depending on the party.
Just to orient folks a bit, here’s an aerial view of the Four Seasons Total Landscaping
It doesn’t include the Crematorium – but it’s right across the street from the Four Seasons entrance on State Rd.
A dawg won?!!?
The dawg didn’t pick the outfit – the dawg’s humans did that, and even a dawg can have good humans (case in point – the upcoming White House.) Besides, can you imagine a cat sitting still for that costume and photo?
Cartoon: Ugh!
Bummer about your boys….we barely squeaked by with a win for Texans 27-25 Jags.
BBC: What you said, Tom. Encouraging news, and in the right direction.
C&L: Hang in there, and Go for the WIN !! Jon!
BFTP: Cool song, what a set of lungs on this guy too!
Hope all goes good with Molly and your PT. Get your rest, take a nap and take good care, Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: “Republicans might not want to believe the results of the Election, but, to use their own phrase: ‘facts don’t care about your feelings.'” ~ Brian Tyler Cohen ~
2. “trump didn’t make America racist…he made the racists feel comfortable enough to show their faces in public.” ~ CTA ~
3. “It’s the year 2020 and Germany is celebrating the defeat of fascism in America! How fking stunning is that?? ~ Jeff Tiedrich ~
4. “In 1950, the city of Philadelphia, Pa., gave Berlin a bell that they called the Freedom Bell. It’s in the Rathaus Schoneberg in West Berlin. They usually ring it only at noon Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. They rang the bell the 7th of November, 2020.” ~ K.A. ~
5. “Live your life in such a way that the entire planet doesn’t dance in the streets when you lose your job.”
~ Jeanie M. ~
6. re: passing of Alex Trebek – “Alex Trebek, you brought us so much knowledge, both important and fun, through the years. Your final battle with cancer was heroic and we are heartbroken that it has taken you from us. I’ll take “Great TV Personalities of our Time” for $800. The Heavens have all the answers now.” ~ George Takei ~
Cartoon: Agree with Mitch about bArr.
Religious Agony: Sorry to see that your Broncos loss.
BBC: Heard the positive news regarding Pfizer advancing with the Covid-19 vaccine development. We certainly need it now with the high amount of new cases happening everywhere. Even a few more tRump’s cronies have come down with it.
C&L: Great news. I agree with others and say “Go, Jon and Rafael”.
BFTP: I remember the song. Never been a big fan of his.
Sure hope you’re able to get more rest. Good luck with your visit with your therapist, Molly tomorrow morning,
Take care. Thanks TomCat
Q-Tip Head Pence is now trying to give credit to Trump for the Pfizer announcement WRT a COVID vaccine:
“Pfizer, unlike its competitors, did not join Operation Warp Speed, the government initiative designed to erase the financial risk of vaccine and therapeutics development by providing funding to companies and helping coordinate the trials.
"Instead, Pfizer plowed $2 billion of its own money into the project and then struck a $1.95 billion contract with the U.S. government to provide 100 million doses, contingent on the vaccine being effective.”
"Pfizer did agree to partner with the government on distribution of a vaccine."
While Trump has a business relationship with Pfizer, in his case, they failed.
Between an “adult” store and a crematorium? Is that for real? Yep, tRump wants the country to f### off and die since We The People fired him.
“Turd Birds” – perfect description of the Falcons. (I like to call them something that’s NSFW.) Naturally they would beat the Horsies. The only reason I’d want to see them in the Super Bowl again is so they can lose again.
All the excitement around the election doesn’t do much good to sleeping patterns either, does it, TomCat?
2:59 What a terribly boring puzzle.
Cartoon: Justice isn’t only lifting her blindfold, but has been given tunnel vision too:
BBC: Aussies were given the same news because our government has procured vaccines with Pfizer for all of us. There are some plusses and minuses going with the news, however:
– The announcement was made via press release — not a peer-reviewed journal paper – and it did not include the vaccine/placebo breakdown of infected participants.
+ others are likely to be hot on its tail
– independent scientists, including leading vaccine developer Dr Stanley Plotkin, have cautioned against banking on the results too soon, noting that the data are incomplete and that many questions still remain.
Of course, scientists are cautious without long-term safety and efficacy data having been collected, but we can do with a little good news when America’s COVID-19 cases have surpassed 10 million with an average of 111,000 new cases each day.
C&L: You Americans sure know how to keep this gall’s blood pressure in the dangerous range.
BFTP: I’d never thought to hear Alice Cooper here on PP, but his ‘Elected’ is very fitting for the occassion.
Thanks and tired hugs to all.
For the record, I can’t stand Alice Cooper. In this case, I felt an exception is in order.
For the record, in case anyone remembers the “Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” movie starring Peter Frampton and the most inlikely cast you could think of if you thought with both hands for a week, I liked that, and I leked everyone in in, including Alice Cooper. While they were in it. There were some I liked outside of it – and some I didn’t – including Alice Cooper.