Although I slept well last night, it’s still an exhausted day here in the CatBox. I suspect it will take a few to recover from the vote count. WWWendy is coming mid afternoon, and we’re having BBQ ribs for supper. Oh and Shit (her dawgs) are jumping for joy. They get the bones. Tomorrow is a normal day. Go Broncos!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:30 (average 5:53). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From Crooks and Liars: Philadelphia Mayor Has Advice For Trump: ‘Put Your Big Boy Pants On’
Does Trump* actually have any big boy pants? Ask Stormy. She knows! RESIST!!
From NY Times: For a world that held its breath as Americans went to the polls last Tuesday, the triumph of Joseph R. Biden Jr. over President Trump provoked many emotions, but above all, a profound sigh of relief.
As news of Mr. Biden’s victory reverberated from Europe and the Middle East to Asia and Latin America on Saturday, foreign leaders showered him with congratulations. Diplomats and commentators expressed gratitude, satisfaction and even jubilation that a new president would bring a much-needed return to normalcy — something that vanished alarmingly the day Mr. Trump took office.
“Welcome back America!” the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, said in a Twitter message to Mr. Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, hailing Canada’s historic friendship with the United States, said, “I’m really looking forward to working together.” President Emmanuel Macron of France said, “We have a lot to do to overcome today’s challenges. Let’s work together!” Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany declared, “Our trans-Atlantic friendship is irreplaceable, if we want to overcome the great challenges of our time.”
For many world leaders, the importance of this election was as much about removing Mr. Trump as ushering in Mr. Biden.
In 2004 thousands of Americans, including me, sent pictures of ourselves holding “I’m Sorry!” signs to a website that used them to create a collage of Americans apologizing to the world for the reelection of the Fuhrer of the Fourth Reich, GW ChickenHawk, aka Crawford Caligula. Thank God I don’t have to do that again this year, because the Fuhrer of the Fifth Reich, Trump*, makes GW look like a saint! RESIST!!
From Alternet: One day after Donald Trump learned he won’t be serving a second term, CNN legal analyst Elie Honig said the president needs to prepare himself for the possibility of criminal indictments the moment President-elect Joe Biden is sworn in.
Speaking with host Christi Paul, the former federal prosecutor said the country should expect a flurry of pardons from Trump including the possibility he may try to pardon himself.
“The president by law retains all of his power until January 20th with the inauguration. With that said, what do you expect is going to happen between now and Inauguration Day?” host Paul asked.
“Hold on tight to your seats,” Honig began. “I think President Trump is going to use every last ounce of power right up until 11:59:59 on January 20th. Watch for pardons; he has the pardon power. Many presidents have used the pardon power in their final dates in office. I’d watch for him to pardon his political allies, Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos. I would look at the possibility that he might pardon his family members who are under state investigations for fraud. Now presidential pardon doesn’t cover people in a state prosecution, but might well cover them for federal purposes. Then the big question is: will the president try to pardon himself? It’s never happened in our history and we don’t actually know if that’s lawful or not. But if he tries it, we could find out.”
Continuing in that vein, the former prosecutor pointed out what the future holds for the president.
“He loses his protections,” he began. “He’s avoided trouble by being in the White House — there are laws and policies, especially in the Justice Department, that protect a sitting president. He will not be the sitting president at 12:01 on January 20th.”
I’m not sure about that. In fact, It would not surprise me, if Trump resigns before his term expires, so Pence can pardon him. If that does not happen, it’s only because Pence can’t pardon him for State charges. RESIST!!
From YouTube (SNL Channel): Biden Victory Cold Open
As much as I like SNL and Jim Carrey, nothing can hold a candle to the real speech. RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the present): BIDEN HARRIS VICTORY music video: ALL ON THE LINE (Unity version Demo)- ANDRES USECHE
How many times can we say AMEN?!!? RESIST!!
72 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!
18 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/8/2020”
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Cartoon: Absolutely!
C&L: One for the ages, Mr. Mayor. Does that include dt’s big boy nappies? (diapers?) lol
NYT: What/such a great feeling, I heard Austin had a wonderful celebration of our new President and Vice President, and horns honked well into the evening. Spreading JOY all the way around !
I agree with what you wrote, Tom, he’ll try anything to use his ‘out of jail’ card. I hope that Lady Justice has other thoughts on this. He deserves prison time with no pardons.
SNL: So refreshing. Yes, Joe gave a wonderful speech. One we have been waiting for.. 4 long years. No more of dt. PTL !!
BIDEN HARRIS VICTORY: Wonderful and good words, great video.
Hi WWWendy. Love the names of your pups. How cute! Enjoy your day, hope you get all your chores done, and get a chance to relax, and rest. Best to your Broncos…mine are ahead by a thread…13 – 7 w/the Jags. Fingers crossed ! Thanks and take good, good care, Tom.
*This just in: “The American People have chosen a fairer, stronger and respected America that is equal to the aspirations of our daughters and sons and to the sacrifice of our Veterans, our men and women in uniform by electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our next President and Vice-President. ~ Nancy Pelosi ~
2. “The Navajo Nation increased their turnout and went 97% for Biden, helping to flip Arizona blue. Yes! 97%!!!
~ Robert Reich ~
3. “Trump recently and officially yanked the US out of the Paris Accords. The mayor of Paris tweeted this to Biden – “Welcome Back.” ~ John P. ~
4. “Fox cancelled Judge Jeanine Pirro’s program after the network learned she planned to cover issues related to election fraud in the 2020 race for the WH.” ~ Joe N. ~
5. “The long dark night is over.” ~ Chuck Shumer ~
6. “So now comes the part where trump promised if he lost he would leave the Country.” ~ Andy Borowitz ~
7. “Texas becomes first state to exceed 1 MILLION coronavirus cases.” ~ Dr. Gupta ~
TJI #4 – Well, good riddance to bad rubbish!
TJI #6 – Andy, I don’t want him to keave the country. I want him in prison. Although maybe we could have both, if Gitmo is still open.
TJI #7 – oh, Pat, I’m so sorry!
TJI rocks. Yes, Pat, please keep your head down.
re: our covid count…ugh!

Yeah, Thanks, Y’all.
One additional TJI -a sad one – RIP Alex Trebek.
I know what you mean about sleep. I thought I had been getting enough, but last night I slept longer and sounder ttan I had for a while. Don’t worry, catch up, and we’ll be here.
CNN – I saw that and snickered, of course. To expand in the psychological aspect of the metaphor, putting big boy pants on Trump would be like giving Jackie Gleason’s pants to Peter Dinklage and expecting him to be able to keep them up, let alone move or walk.
NYT – Sometimes I wonder if the Republicans trade on their awfulness by expecting naive people to think no one else could be as bad as that, and then the next one always is worse. It is truly heartwarming to see foreign leaders respond this way. (But – of course – being real leaders, they are wel aware that when a country does something stupid, it’s never the whole country.)
AlterNet – i am not going to worry that he, or any of his family ot his “family” will get away completely. There are people in numerous states’ justice systems who will not allow that – people who are aware that the nation will not heal unless justice is done and seen to be done. And then, for the future, all these criminals will be marked persons. Their actions will be watched. They are accustomed to brazenly operating in broad daylight, and they will no longer be able to do that, and secrescy will be very, very hard for them. And no one can pardon futire offenses.
CNN – Parody has its limits. Political parody in particular is supposed to expose truth behind politicians’ words and deeds, and the truth is already out there and what could be better? Alec Baldwin will still be the face of the New York Philharmonic and won’t have to impersonate Trump* anymore (well, maybe once or twice. And, oy yes, In response to Kamala, this is why all those moms are drunk:

Blast – I’ll say “Amen” in the video thread.
CNN and drunk Moms, that image says so much!
Speaking of which: Stacey Abrams for God!
Addended thought: If Abrams had not been robbed of the governorship, could she have done the partisan things she did? She will probably be in the vanguard of the run-off elections!!!!!!!!!!!
God would be cool, but I’ll settle for Chair of the DNC. It would be really nice to have someone there who understands that, while there may be some correlation between money and votes, they are not equal to each other. Without that understanding, we will never get enough progressives elected.
Well said, Joanne.
The picture of Harris brings back memories of Norman Rockwell.
It should bring back Rockwell memories. The shadow is that of Ruby Bridges ifrom his painting “The Problem We All Live With” from 1964.
TC, I am so glad you got to see this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next up: Indictments.
‘Toon: Can’t unhate Graham, Gaetz, Qwhores, but can put them to the side…the side with the slide to hell!
C&L: Some newsman wondered whether, or not, Trump could take this “…like a man.” I’m still laughing. Dumbness never owned a pair of “Big Boy” pants.
NYT: Erdogan, Putin and the Saudis might have reason to be sad,but the rest of the planet is glowing happily!
Alternet: There’s that old meme about a woman spurned, right? A full blown, crazed Malignant Narcissist spurned might make her look like a a wimp!
The SNL skit had me clapping my hands so much, a little while ago, that my wife threatened to throw me into a cold shower (not).
BFP: Marvelous!
Cartoon: Most Definitely.
C&L: Many agree with his advice to tRump. Real shame tRump won’t listen or grow up.
NYT: Like they mentioned, the people have patiently been waiting for the results to come in. Well worth the wait to see Biden/Harris come thru in flying colors. Seeing these world leaders all sending Biden/Harris congratulations must make someone in the W.H. steaming mad…..Good. He had better realize, we the people everywhere are all jumping with Joy and happiness that Biden/Harris won.
AN: He may do like you said, TC. But I’m hoping that our legal system will still home him accountable to face many of his crimes. He’s abused so much these past four years while he has been in office, it’s time for him to pay up now.
SNL: I did watch the show last evening. Great show.
BIDEN HARRIS VICTORY: Great video and song.
Hope your Broncos win today. Sorry you don’t get to watch it.
Tell Wendy “Hello”. Enjoy barbecuing. It’s been raining here the past two days.
Hope you get some more rest.
Take care. Thanks TomCat
I won’t be totally calm and relaxed until 20 January 2021 when Biden and Harris actually take office
Here is a video that I happened upon. The woman is a loyal Republican but not a Trumpist. Too bad more Trumpists did not have the knowledge and insight that she has.
I can tell from the format of the still on the video that it was made for Republican Voters Against Trump. I saw a whole lot of those doing the video thread before the election. In fact, I couldn’t possibly have seen all of them, there were so many, and I don’t doubt all good. But that was why I didn’t use any of the individual voters ones – just too many. Most weren’t even this long.
I’m so glad your weekend and that of all my PP friends took a turn for the better with the Georgia count. I hope the rest of the votes will now come in quickly too. But they hardly matter now, so
4:01 I think I need to go and have a nap.
Cartoon: No, never hate. But dislike the Republican hatemongers very much is quite OK, I think.
C&L: If he’s not ready for his big-boy-pants yet, Trumps should at least change into clean diapers and admit defeat.
NYT: You could hear the sigh of relief here Down Under when Georgia finished the vote.
But make no mistake, America, the rest of the world is indeed very happy that Trump will have to leave, but it is very much aware that it was a close call and that Republicans have gained seats in the House and may still retain the majority it the Senate. The rest of the world remains very wary of American politics and its explosive situation, which is openly discussed on all news media of the western world. Biden/Harris will have a hard job gaining back the trust America has lost when it is known to all that 47.7% of the electorate still prefered Trump and Republicans despite (or because of?) the fascism they stand for.
But for now, Biden & Harris have the benefit of the doubt so go for it and bring that change.
Alternet: While waiting for the vote count to be finalized, the speculation of what Trump is going to do until January 20th to keep the wolves at bay is making headlines here and in Europe. If Trump manages to get away with his crimes, America’s reputation is further damaged and Russia and China will have a field day.
SNL: Great video, but I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Alec Baldwin yet.
Thanks and tired WHIM Hugs to all!