Video Thread 10/14/2020

 Posted by at 2:29 pm  Politics
Oct 142020

Just so you know, this is not an ad but a Fox News clip. Seriously.

Don Winslow – talking about Pennsylvania, but equally applicable to other states with simiar economies (and I’d bet good money that THIS Don has Bruce’s permisson, even blessing.) Some find it needs a hanky warning.

Meidas Touch just releaseed three (four if you count the Spanish version of one of them as a seperate video). I managed to pick one.

Really American

Sound and Fury for the Democratic Coalition posted two, both veery good.

Keith had four short ones today – I’d posted them all in order, but he took the three shorter ones down (they were shorter versions of parts of the long one anyway), so I took them down also.

SCOTUS petitions update


  7 Responses to “Video Thread 10/14/2020”

  1. All excellent videos, (I repeat that every day, and I mean it.)
    Joe’s the MAN, and I’ll listed to KO later on this evening. 
    Thanks, Joanne for posting. 

    • Well, it’ll be easier this evening.  I get to take down the three short ones because he did.  They were mostly if not all repeats from the big one, so it’s no loss..

  2. The Comments in the “Fox news” [sic] video were expected – but very disheartening.

    I happen to live in a VERY red precinct.  In 2008 the McCain signs far outnumbered the Obama signs.  (And mine kept getting vandalized to the point I reported it to the Police – but nothing was done.  Really not surprising as there are more urgent problems.)

    Same in 2012 with Romney, although far fewer Romney signs.

    Then came 2016 – and it was like a Trump/Pence forest!  I was buoyed by the polls showing Hillary clearly ahead – but I should have paid more attention to the signs.  SAD!!!

    But this year – there has only been one – ONE – Trump sign out in the entire neighborhood!  And it’s on my cul-de-sac street, so not much visibility.  Matched by one Biden/Harris sign on a 4-way stop intersection next to our voting location.

    I’m hoping that is a promising Omen!

    As of today, I haven’t put out my Harris/Biden sign because with my knee injury I’m really not up to patching the tire tracks in the yard from Trumpkin yahoos driving thru and knocking it down, like before.  But if I see more Trump signs, mine will go up!

    But I truly am heartened that four years after the Trump sign “forest” there is only a lone sapling.

    • I’ve been wondering about your knee injury.  I take it it is improving?  Slowly?  More slowly than you would like?  And of course that’s not the only reason I hope you don’t need to put yours up.

      I also live in a deep red area but I have no idea what the signage is like since I don’t go out at all.

  3. Thanks again for going through so much trouble to get these videos, especially with Keith putting four up and taking three of them down again. The last version was as good as one might have come to expect from Keith Olbermann, though.

    I’m not sure what to make of Biden on the Faux News; it all depends on the comment by the host afterwards, I suppose.

    If I were a Pennsylvanian and had seen this Don Winslow and Bruce Springsteen video, there would be absolutely no doubt who I’d vote for. Unless it has been all a bit too much for my brain and I’m going to write in Kanye West like he supposes will happen. 😜

  4. Thanks, JD.  I lope to lie down for an hour before groceries come.  35

  5. Great videos, Joanne.
    I get a real kick out of the one where he calls everyone a LIAR. I’ve always felt that when he speaks of negative words, name calling of others, that it’s more like he’s speaking of himself. Out country is sick of his flipping lies. 
    Joe and Kamala are the winning team who will turn our country around in the direction it should be,
    Thanks Joanne

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