It’s a busy day here in the CatBox. Last Night I caught most of the slaughter. Today is a grocery delivery day, and I have to put them away. Tomorrow, please expect no more than a Personal Update, because it’s a morning WWWendy day. Today, here is a special treat from Mitch (ours, not Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow).
My wife and I went into town and visited a shop. When we came out, there was a cop writing out a parking ticket.
We went up to him and said, “Come on man, how about giving a senior citizen a break?”
He ignored us and continued writing the ticket. I called him an “asshole.” He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn-out tires. So, Shirley, my wife, called him a “shithead.” He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more we abused him, the more tickets he wrote. He finally finished, sneered at us and walked away.
Just then our bus arrived, and we got on it and went home.
We always look for cars with Trump 2020 stickers. We try to have a little fun each day now that we’re retired. It’s so important at our age.
The one change I’d make is to pee in the gas tank before leaving!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:30 (average 5:04). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Trump* Virus Update:
Click for interactive maps and charts
US Cases: 7,780,586
US Deaths: 216,889
Plus all the Trump*/GOP plague murders Republicans are hiding from us
Debate Summary:
What Pence said over and over: “You have a right to your own opinion, but not to your own facts! [Insert Lie Here]”
What Pence did over and over: Interrupt and hog the mic.
What the moderator should have said: “Pence, you asshole, Shut the F*CK UP!“
What Harris did: WIN!
Short Takes:
From NY Times: President Trump claimed on Wednesday that catching the coronavirus was “a blessing from God” and portrayed as a miracle cure the unproven therapeutic drug he was given after testing positive last week for the virus.
It could not have been a blessing from God. If it had, She would have made it a terminal illness. RESIST!!
From CNN: President Donald Trump said Thursday that he will not participate in the second presidential debate with Joe Biden after the Commission on Presidential Debates said the event will be held virtually in the wake of the President’s positive coronavirus diagnosis.
“I am not going to do a virtual debate,” Trump said on Fox Business. “I am not going to waste my time on a virtual debate.”
Biden’s campaign on Thursday swiftly agreed to the virtual format. But Trump’s comment throws the debate into question after the commission took the significant step to wholly remake the event. The move was seen as needed by members of the debate commission given the uncertainty around the President’s health.
Politically, if Trump skips the debate, he’ll be deprived of a platform that he needs at a time when his campaign is trailing in every national poll and in a number of key swing states. The first event was watched by more than 73 million people.
Why would Trump* do this? At a virtual debate, the moderator could unplug Trump’s* mic, when he bullies/interrupts the way he and Mr. Karen did during the first two debates. RESIST!!
From You Tube (a blast of protest): The Cranberries – Zombie (Official Music Video)
Ten years ago the Cranberries wondered what would be left of America after 2020. Criminal Fuhrer Trump wants to rule a nation of zombies! Protest like the 60s! RESIST!!
Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!
11 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/8/2020”
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Enjoy a (relatively) quiet day. Don’t overdo on the groceries. Non-perishables can wait.
Cartoon – Not enough of them.
TVU – Seven aand three quarters of a million. And you know ther deaths must be up around half a million by now, if properly counted.
Debate – Was anyone fact checking this? Also, Pence likes to interrupt and talk over almost as much as his boss does. At 7:30 I could no longer take the unchallenged lies and quit. If you ask me who won, I suspect Pete Buttigieg won even before it started, Of course Harris had all the facts. But I’m sure MAGA consider Pence the winner, not in spite of, but because of his rudeness and disregard for rules. Also, the fly scored some points.
Golden Dawn – Greece is leading the way in dealing with far-right, violent groups. This article is graphic (in the sense if illustrated – no trigger warning needed) so doesn’t take long to read. UPDATE – If you think we are not quite there yet, to start criminal prosecutions going all the way up to leaders, please think again, and consider this.
NYT – As I remarked on a DK article earlier this week, “If you are looking for shallow, read the New York Times.”
CNN – Not only that, TC, but at a virtual debate, he can’t infect anyone.
BOP – New to me.
Yep – going to be longgg time before Fox has Buttigieg back as a guest!
Cartoon: Good news! Though I’d have to wear a hazmat suit. LOL !
TVU: Same as yesterday…
Debate Summary: He should have just shut his mouth. He tried to interfere, but Kamala reclaimed her time, “I am speaking.” How awesome! (shut him up too). Bet mother wasn’t happy about that either.
NYT: I agree, and I think he’s high as a kite what with the steroids he’s taking…he’s always been a mess, imho.
CNN: Wasting his time? ugh. Pleeze, he does nothing to help the people who are sick from covid, or taking care of business as a president on domestic/foreign needs. What a waste.
BftP: Excellent!
I caught most of it, and Ms. Harris WON the debate. Pence looked tired, he probably wanted to go home, someone mentioned that he had pink eye? idk…maybe from trump? Hope that you have a good relaxing day, take good, good care, and nap when you can. Thanks, Tom.
Mitch: Hilarious story!!! ROFLMAO! LOL !
*This just in: “I sent the fly.” ~ Ruth Bader Ginsberg ~
2. Hi everyone! I’m on TV!!!! ~ The fly in Mike Pence’s hair. ~
3. “NJ mailman, 26 y.o., faces up to 5 years in prison for ‘dumping’ 99 Ballots in the trash that were meant for voters in heavily Democratic suburbs.” ~ anon ~
4. “Mike Pence – stop playing politics with people’s lives. Please tell that to the President.” ~ Jeff Merkley ~
5. “Mr. Vice President, I’m speaking.” ~ Kamala Harris ~
6. “I want to learn how to nod my head affirmatively while saying words the way Auntie Kamala does. I say Auntie, because that is clearly an auntie move.” ~ Taz A. ~
p.s. Joe’s fly swatters are sold out!! srsly! *pb*
All the hullabaloo about the pinkeye is that it is a possible symptom of CoViD-19. Not that I, or probably you, needed that to be confident he was, and is, positive with it.
TJI #3 – Damn right.
TJI #6 – While no one is Maxine but Maxine, yet there are so many wonderful, strong, intelligent black women who deserve way more respoct than they are getting. Certainly Kamala is one.
TJI: “I’m hearing a lot of people, many in fact, are saying…Mother was furious during the debate that millions of women couldn’t keep their eyes off her husband’s fly.” ~ Democratic Underground user “Heartstrings” ~
Thank you, Joanne for the TJI.
TJ3: Glad to hear that he was caught and faces up to 5 years. Hope it sends a message out to anyone else who wants to do such an evil act.
TJ5: Way to go! You tell him, Kamala
‘Toon: If only!
TVU: 8 Million is in sight.
Harris and The Fly! Soon they will be claiming that it was a robe-fly, sent by that awful Antifa place known as “The Deep State.”
NYT: Trump panders to his deluded main audience. A blessing from a God would have been to have Trump loose horribly in ’16.
CNN: Here is a “blessing” for Biden, at this point in the proceedings. Trump is thinking “Hey, if I can’t be the usual obnoxious bastard I am at such events, screw it!” Bye, now.
Voted BLUE, and more than 5 Million others have voted early.
Thanks, Mitch, for a good laugh!
It might be an “Oldie but Goodie” – but it was new to me!
Special from Mitch: Liked it. Could imagine if it really happened.
TVU: Still keeps climbing. Sad to hear that 37 states are now showing major increases again.
Debate: Watched it earlier this morning. Was watching my Padres lose last night. pEnce certainly wasn’t answering the questions. Kept going back to the previous subject and avoiding the ones we wanted to hear about. I liked the way Kamala let him know that it was her turn, even her facial expressions.
NYT: If he honestly believed it was a blessing from God, you’d think he’d have a heart and do more for all of the patients in the hospitals who are suffering from the disease. But we know he’s not religious nor has a care for anyone but himself.
CNN: tRump is so full of sh*t with his reasoning on why he doesn’t want to virtual. I tend to agree with Joanne, that he just wanted to go and infect many more.
BFTP: Good one. Never heard of the group or the song.
Hope your delivery came on time and you were able to get your groceries put away with no issues.
Tell Wendy “hello” tomorrow morning. Hope you both are able to get your chores taken care of.
Have a nice evening.
Take care. Thanks TomCat
Your sense of humour is still working fine, I see, TomCat.
3:44 I should have let you have it; apparently they are a delicacy in Peru.
Cartoon: I’d like to think of them as lionesses and tigresses.
TVU: These maps don’t tell much if for countries like the US and Australia the federal response, or lack thereof, is given, not the states’.
NYT: This was part of my comment a week ago:
Allow me to spin my own conspiracy theory with some more quotes.
“United States President Donald Trump will spend a “few days” at a military hospital on the advice of his doctors after contracting coronavirus.”
“Donald Trump’s doctor confirms he has completed his first dose of the antiviral drug remdesivir and is resting comfortably as the President tweets “going well, I think”.”
further back in 4/30/2020: “An experimental antiviral drug is the latest coronavirus treatment being touted by the Donald Trump White House. Anthony Fauci, one of America’s most visible public health officials during the pandemic, hails it as “highly significant”. Mr Trump says he wants the US Food and Drug Administration to approve the drug “as quickly as they can”.
and in 6/29/2020:”“President Trump has struck an amazing deal to ensure Americans have access to the first authorized therapeutic for COVID-19,” said HHS Secretary Alex Azar. “To the extent possible, we want to ensure that any American patient who needs remdesivir can get it.”
Whether Trump truly has COVID-19 and whether his symptoms are really severe, if he’s recovered as soon as the quarantine period ends, he’ll present himself as healthier than ever, as ‘arisen’ to his talibangelist followers and as the saviour of the nation to the rest because he had developed this plan to ensure remdesivir for all American patients.
That remdesivir could/should have saved some 100,000 lives if it is as good as he says it is and if it had been made available earlier, is something he’ll conveniently ignore or accuse Democrats of delaying. If he recovers quickly, he’ll have managed to turn the tables again and make himself into a hero to his followers. Of course, they will not be treated with remdesivir should they need it after a rally and certainly not after November 3rd.
I wasn’t far off, was I? Apparently, Trump isn’t that unpredictable

CNN: Of course Trump will not debate virtually because he CAN’T DEBATE, period. Bullying doesn’t work virtually.
BOP: The Irish Cranberries recorded this in 1994 and it addressed the trouble in Northern Ireland specifically the 1993 IRA bombing in Warrington, and its two young victims. In 2020 it reflects just as well on America’s rise of national terrorism and coincidentally yesterday’s arrest of thirteen people, including seven militia group members, in a sweeping takedown of plots to kidnap the Michigan governor, attack the state capitol building and incite violence.
Thanks, Hugs, and Amen to all!