The world is dealing with an unprecedented health crisis caused by a new virus. With new insights in the way COVID19 spreads, in the way the virus behaves and in the way to deal with the pandemic every day, it is now more important than ever to safeguard the information we share is accurate and fact-based.
This article is not based on information of fact-checkers but it is a so-called Short Take from an article published today on the SCIENCE section of ABC News on how COVID-19 disinformation is used to attack Beijing by a group that has strong ties to Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s former White House Chief Strategist.
Although the article on the ABC News site is written for Australia, the connections to the US and China warrant it to be noted in this series as yet another way COVOD-19 is used in political strategies. I urge you to read the full article on the ABC News site.
Anti-Beijing group with links to Steve Bannon spreading COVID-19 misinformation in Australia
ABC Science By technology reporter Ariel Bogle and Iris Zhao

Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon and Chinese businessman Guo Wengui have joined forces on a number of media platforms. (Getty Images: DON EMMERT/AFP)
When Christine’s mother asked her for help printing political pamphlets about COVID-19, it took her by surprise.
She already knew her mum belonged to a new political group that aims to take down the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Christine expected the fliers might be pro-US President Donald Trump or anti-Chinese Government.
She didn’t expect that they would contain COVID-19 health misinformation.
“I was pretty disgusted,” Christine said. “I didn’t actually know it was misinformation that could be harming people.”
Christine says her mother is involved with the New Federal State of China movement, which operates in Australia in part under the name Himalaya Australia.
The movement was launched on June 4 this year — the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre — by controversial Chinese businessman Guo Wengui and former White House strategist Steve Bannon.
Now it appears to be growing its activity in Australia. In recent weeks, pamphlets with a Himalaya Australia logo have turned up in letterboxes across Australia, while at the same time the group has grown its online presence.
A pamphlet with the Himalaya Australia logo found in a Sydney postbox.(ABC News: Supplied)
Donald Trump used his return to the Oval Office yesterday to promote the experimental cocktail of drugs he received during his treatment for COVID-19, while warning China will pay a”big price for what they’ve done” to the United States.
Coincidence? With many Twitter accounts besides Mr Guo’s own media platforms regularly sharing anti-CCP and pro-Trump posts and videos, the movement has a global reach.
6 Responses to “COVID-19 Fact and Fiction #28”
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Facebook just took down a network of accounts linked to Turning Point USA with behavior much like the trolls identified as Russian which operated in 2016 and 2018 spreading mis/disinformation and pro-Trump content.
When reading through some of the woman’s claims about the unproven for prevention of a drug not approved in the US for any covid19-related uses, it reminded me that Trump claimed to have taken it for weeks to prevent it and now is being treated for it nonetheless.
At the time of the news about Bannon and the border wall effort’s investigation, some articles reported he was also a person of interest in other investigations.Thanks Lona. While there are political elements, so much seems to have the patterns of good old fashioned con games and flim flam.
Interesting piece of information re: Mr Guo and Mr. Bannon.
With the involvement of Bannon, (in anything) all is not well.
I’m thinking that Bannon is indicted, ($$ about the wall and defrauding donors) carrying 20 years or so.
One needs to check and re-check on new information if the red light goes off.
Thank you, Lona for post.
Thanks, Lona!
We all need to remember that the the National Socialism, sponsored by the US Republican Party, is infiltrating the world with their hate and lies. Assuming that we win this one, we must cry “Foul” When Republicans claim, It was him, not us!
Human beings tend to do things backwards. We get new information from a group, and evaluate the information based on our trust of the group, when we should be fact checking, then evaluating the group based on the validity of the information. Of course, that isn’t easy. I suppose this must once have had survival value, but not for many centuries now. Slow learners, we are.
Bannon is a rancid virus that infects the planet, and belongs behind bars.
We’re in a strange world in which we really need to keep fact-checking (source, content, accuracy/manipulative use) whether “news” comes from those we consider “other”, or comes from people who share our opinions.
Perhaps we even have to make an extra effort when news seems to confirm 100%+ our opinions, because people are definitely pushing our buttons for a range of reasons. Not only political … although down the line the button-pushers usually use our reactions for their own economic &/or political purposes.
The Bannons & Cummings of this world are developing greater & greater power through their growing knowledge of how to push buttons – using every opportunity to turn people into puppets that they can make dance to the tune that amuses them. Any situation that can be mobilised using fear is their playground. COVID-19 is the current ‘monster’ that helps freeze analytical thinking – thus providing a puppet power theatre. And – division by polarising issues intensifies the effectiveness of their play.
The article you share illustrates how it can work against human interests. Thanks, Lona.