Oct 032020

I spent the entire day yesterday in bed.  I feel a little better, but still feel exhausted.  WWWendy will be here shortly.  I’m going back to bed.  Please welcome our new Care2ShareOP, Colleen!  Have a great weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:04 (average 5:13).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  15 Responses to “Personal Update – 10/3/2020”

  1. Hi, WWWendy, hope you and family are doing good.
    Glad that you are back in bed, resting and relaxing…take good, good care, and take a nap. Thanks, Tom for all you do. Get your rest! 
    Congratulations! Colleen! You join a fine team with the other OP’s here, and you will do well in your position!
    Congrats! again. 

    This just in: re: trump in hospital – “Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent.” ~ Terry Goodkind ~ 
    2. “VOTE! Then tell them Ruth sent you!” ~ anon ~ 
    3. “They actually said this move (to Walter Reed Hospital) was in the works for hours. But…they wanted to wait till the stock market to close. Because of course.” ~ Shelly R. ~ 
    4. “President trump now has a pre-existing condition and would be denied medical coverage under his own plan.” ~ Ro Khanna ~ 
    5. “Voting rights groups joined by 2 Texas Voters and state Democrat Party is filing suit against Governor Abbott’s decision Thursday 10/01/20, to restrict hand-delivered absentee ballot drop offs to 1 per county.”
    ~ MSNBC ~  
    6. “No matter what the outcome, my heart goes out to the 208,000 Americans who have died as the president refused to take this virus seriously.” ~ Robert Reich ~ 

    • TJI #2 – I have also read that he didn’t want to go, but was told if he didn’t go, he would be taken – in a wheelchair or on a stretcher – and wouldn’t he rather walk? The fact is, we don’t know anything about his condition, because everything coming out is coming from liars.
      TJI #5 – I’ve had a video backlog, but have gotten one on this up today.

      And a new TJI: “Does anyone else find it odd that no prominent Democrats have had the virus but the list of Republicans goes on and on?” – Deanna Lorraine, former candidate for Congress in Speaker Pelosi’s District.Finished with 3.4% of the vote.

    • TJI#3: What to believe if Trump/GOP always plan things to happen on Friday night? Is this just another “cunning” plan to influence his voters but not the stockmarket?

  2. Get your rest.
    I have a new twist on a blast from the past: My brain is singing “Oh Schadenfreude,” to the tune of “Oh Tannenbaum!”

  3. Colleen, welcome! And THANK YOU for doing this!

    TC, a little better beats the heck out of no better. And it’s quite soon yet. Carrie B says to tell you she’s sending love and hugs. She’d be here more if she wasn’t having site issues. Best as always to WWWendy.

    Cartoon – SO true!

    The Census is now saying that 99.5% of households have been counted. I would point oi=ut that half a percent of our population is still more than a million and a half people. On the other hand, I don’t think they ever get 100% (people being the idiots they are), and they probably have algorithms to pick up whatever the difference ends up being.

    If I were doing the shopping, I would take Squtch’s  suggestion in a heartbeat.  But I’m just doing the words.

    • Huh???  What words???

      • Adding “resist” ot “resist and persist” or some variant to an existing picture.  I did find one you may like, though it was a little tough – if I showed him pouncing, the prey was behind him – so I had to show him getting ready to pounce.  Tomorrow.

  4. May your catnap restore you as you need and hope TC.
    Welcome Colleen!

  5. Have a good rest, TC!  I hope the temperature and the air are better, so you can at least have a window open!  (We don’t know what that’s like here….)  (Maybe it’s a fallout from all the BS shot out by the pustule at the “debate?”)

  6. Bed is definitely a good place for you to be!  Get your rest!

  7. Yes, I too hope that you get your rest. It’s important that you do. 
    Hope you had a nice visit with Wendy. Tell her “Hello”. 
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  8. Welcome, Colleen!

    I think we all tend to forget how sick you really are, TomCat. Just getting through the day must be exhausting especially when you can’t eat. I hope that you’ll be able to tell us soon that the stent is doing its job in allowing you to eat a bit more and get your energy back up from dead tired to just tired.

    Cartoon: Yup and this is how it feels in the other position

  9. Thanks all.  I’m eating more every day.  Hugs! 35

  10. glad to know you are eating more….sounds like good news to me

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