Oct 022020

[Editor’s Note: Nothing like a power outage (on a gorgeous, sunny autumn day, no less) that haphazardly shuts down the PC while putting the finishing touches, and then having to wait to recover and rebuild what I could.  *sigh*]

I was counting on Debate #1 to be a gold mine for “Friday Fun” – but after watching that train wreck, I was crestfallen.  But with some serious digging, the Inner Tubes delivered.  So let’s see what folks came up with …

Here’s a spot-on summary provided by Jake Tapper

And an even pithier summary from Dana Bash [No CC – but I think we all know what she said]

But the Daily Show had had the best humorous analysis:

In the debate and true to form (at least before today’s news) Trump defended his COVID Super-Spreader Rallies

Undoubtedly the most memorable line of the night was when Joe Biden voiced what we’ve ALL been yelling at DAILY at our TV screens for the past 4+ years:

If we all got a dollar for every time Trump interrupted Biden, we’d have more money than Donnie paid in taxes!

But while we were all wildly cheering Joe on, Pres. Obama, ever the gentleman and diplomat, did look a bit disappointed …

But the moment that will have the longest lasting impact was Trump’s refusal to condemn the White Supremacy group, Proud Boys.

I mean, the man lies about anything and everything – but he could NOT bring himself to lie and go ahead to condemn those violent Nazi racists …

I’m sure we’d all agree with Mayor Pete’s evaluation of the whole situation:

And I think we can all agree that if there happened to be any “Undecideds” among White Supremacists, Trump nailed down their votes in that debate.

The debate did accomplish one thing that for the past four-plus years has been unachievable: It united the country in agreeing it was as bad as everyone described it.  “Star Wars” Luke put it best:

Despite the debacle, rest assured, there was a clear debate Loser (besides America), and it was Donnie:

Even before today’s news that Trump tested positive for COVID, there was unanimous agreement that he should be forced to wear a mask.  In an online Poll, this was America’s favorite:

In closing, I think the High School Principal from Adam Sandler’s “Billy Madison” movie speaks for all of us:



  14 Responses to “Friday Fun: Memes from Debate #1”

  1. So many of us are having computer – or net – or power issues. So sorry you are now in the club too.

    These are great. A few I saw (I wished jake had said “wrapped in a” trainwreck, but I guess not everyone can be Churchill.) And Dana – I did hear someone call it a “fecal display.” I wish I could remember who! Maybe someone will.

    Noah is right on the money. First and Second grade teachers could also use (and certainly deserve) raises.

    Mark Hamill is a national treasure, right up there with George Takei (who, incidentally, has suggested that all gays take selfies kissing their boyfriends and post them on Twitter with the hashtag #ProudBoys – it’s already trending – just imagine the hate and discontent.

  2. Here she comes again with her Dutch “smiling like a farmer with a toothache” but it is exactly how it feels to me.

    It’s terribly admirable that you can still find some smile-material in that bog called American politics, Nameless, and please don’t stop no matter how dire the situation is and no matter how much my teeth are aching.

    Thank goodness for comedians and for you.

  3. I saw only a few minutes of that s–tshow that pretended to be a debate, and what I saw made me even more determined to vote tRump’s orange arse out of the Oval Office.

    And now he has COVID-19 after all his BS-ing about how the pandemic was fake news, or it would go away on its own. “Sleepy Joe” Biden, who regularly wears a mask, recently tested negative. Cue “Instant Karma” by John Lennon.

  4. CNN: Yea, it was a ‘shi- show!’ I agree! 
    The Daily Show: Truth. Goes to show you that elementary teachers, and aides, can handle a class of 30 screaming unruly kids, and show with one eye or hand movement how it goes down to get them to be quiet. Yes, ALL teachers are underpaid, imho. 
    Evan Siegfried: EEEK ! 
    Joe said the right words, and was level headed throughout. 
    Pete B’s question was spot on. Good quote. 
    Liked Jim’s assessment too. 
    Kinda looks like Hannibal’s mask. However, dt looks fashionably good with his new mask, hope it works! 

    Thanks, Nameless for your great! post. 

  5. Excellent post, but I could have done without that smarmy grin the shit-eater-in-chief puts out.


  6. Thanks Nameless.  WAPo counted 128 interruptions by Trump of Biden… so depends on the year whether a dollar per time puts us ahead or not.
    And sadly the Proud Boys response was not the only racist dog whistle, and the FBI and DHS did public reports identifying the domestic threat of these kinds of groups at about the same time…https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2020/9/30/1982122/-The-direct-call-out-to-Proud-Boys-wasn-t-the-only-racist-signal-flare-Trump-launched-at-the-debate?


  8. I agree with you and others that the debate was a real train wreck. I was like Senator Sanders mentioned on the evening shows, screaming at tRump to shut up. 
    I like Pam can’t wait till all of this is over and done with. We’ve suffered for 4 years with this idiot and our country is dying for PEACE. We’ve had enough garbage from tRump.
    Thanks Nameless

  9. That last pic of the Squatter looks like Hannibal Lecter . . . only Lecter was nicer . . . a bit!

  10. I do think any future debates should be moderated by kindergarten teachers…

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