Video Thread 9/19/2020

 Posted by at 1:20 pm  Politics
Sep 192020

Before I started looking, I decided I would post no videos today except one which were about Ruth Bader Ginsburg and/or the Supreme Court. I expect it will surprise no one that that was not difficult.

Meidas Touch

Now This News – Joe Biden – No CC, sorry

Really American

Beau points us in the right direction.

Here are some petitions. The first one I already posted in Nameless’s memorial post, and the second in today’s personal update, but I thought it would be good to have them all together.
Daily Kos
Demand Progress
Care2 for Occupy Democrats
Common Defense

This is not to say that there won’t be more – there almost certainly will. I’ll try to help keep track of them.


  10 Responses to “Video Thread 9/19/2020”

  1. There will be no decency, as they have not had any since Joe McCarthy was called out for not having it.

  2. All spot-on videos. 
    Signed all petitions. 
    Thanks, Joanne for post. 

  3. Call me a pessimist where American politics are concerned but I’ve been around on this site over eight years and I just don’t think Republicans are going to do the right thing.

    For goodness sake, they almost unanimously stood behind Trump after his impeachment and didn’t throw him out of office. So what would they care about appointing a judge during election time when they said they’d never do that. When have they ever kept their word?

    The usual Senators are sputtering now, as they have done every time there was a major vote on a Trump issue, but we KNOW they will back down at the last minute. It’s a given.

    Sadly, in all this, I hear nobody discussing the point that jurisdiction should be above politics and parties and especially SCOTUS should be impartial. That station seems to have been passed a long, long time ago.

    • Democrats take for granted that justice should be above politics.  Republicans take the opposite for granted, and will not budge.  they won’t even give it lip service any more.. We know that.  The only thing to discuss is how to get around that.

  4. Interesting that McTurtle aka McTurd back in 2016 said that there would be no vote for a new SCOTUS justice in an election year allowing the new president to make the choice and referred to that as the Biden Rule.  Apparently then Senator Biden said in 1992 that there must be no vote for a new justice once the political season has begun. Well the political season is well under way as the election is in about 49 days.  Faulty memory or plain GOP bullshit? I opt for the 2nd!

  5. Great ones & petitions signed, JD. 35

    As for Lindsey Poo, he has already committed to goose step behind his Fuhrer* and BBMMM.

    • Not to suggest that he was wny prize even then … but he is no longer the same person and has not been the same person for 3.5 years.  I surely would love to know why.

  6. Great videos. Signed the petitions. 
    Thanks Joanne

  7. I was so bothered by the repeat inhumanity with the GOP politicizing the nomination before she is even been mourned and buried….within hours…..and now claiming her last wishes were fabricated by the Dems!!!

    • I feel it too.  It’s terrible to feel so upset by something that isn’t even a surprise, but was expected to the last detail, isn’t it.

      Thanks for your comments.

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