Sep 112020

Early this evening I came across some low-hanging fruit for a post, so I decided to transform into a “Friday Fun” post.

For those of you who didn’t watch last night’s opening NFL game pitting my Super Bowl KC Chiefs Champs against the Houston Texans, you most likely missed that Chief’s Head Coach Andy Reid fogged up Face Shield was the most talked about aspect of the game.

It was like a Carl Sandburg tribute:

The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

Naturally, the Twitterverse decided to create a Meme of that …

So, here was the problem:

Here’s a Reid’s-Eye-View of the game:

And there was plenty of praise for Reid’s coaching acumen:

Still, it did significantly interfere with communication between Coach Reid and MVP QB Patrick Mahomes:

Making the best of a bad situation, Coach Reid learned he does NOT need a whiteboard to sketch out new plays:

Here’s a demo of how Chiefs communicated the good news after scoring a touchdown:


And now there’s a Go-Fund-Me page to get Coach Reid a new, updated Face Shield:


My question was …

Why was Coach Reid wearing a Tupperware bowl all evening?


  12 Responses to “Friday Fun: KC Chiefs Coach Andy Reid Comes Through …”

  1. Tee hee.  Glad you had something funny to think about with the game – I heard some fans disgraced themselves.  But this is really cute!

  2. omg…this is hilarious!! 
    Thanks, Nameless 

  3. Love it! So like masks and glasses challenges people complain about……
    Thanks Nameless!

  4. Despite the sillies, it seems like he had a good idea.  I gather, from your response to Joanne, that not everybody at the game deserved to be outside their homes!

  5. Boooo! 12

    Thanks!  Way Late Hugs!

  6. Funnier than what I saw on the news by the sport caster.
    I was hearing Boo galore.
    Got a kick out of the way you displayed it.
    Thanks Nameless

  7. I wouldn’t know that football has started if I hadn’t heard about the booing of the show of unity…..sadly.

  8. The coach obviously never went snorkelling. Then he would have known you have to spit on the glass of your mask and rub it on the visor before putting it on. In COVID-19 times followed by washing your hands for 20 seconds, of course.

  9. I did watch the game, and the Chiefs looked formidable.  I think they have a strong chance of repeating if Trump* does not kill the season with his plague, and if the Republicans who booed unity do nor infect the players.  One cannot blame the Chiefs for the unfortunate fact that some of their fans are Republican.


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