Aug 262020

Here is the one hundred eighty-second article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s winner is Republican anti-immigration activist and conspiracy theorist, Mary Ann Mendoza, the so-called “Angel Mom”. She is so honored for “cancelling” her appearance at the RNC after caught posting and deleting an anti-Semitic tweet referencing to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and QAnon.

Mary Ann Mendoza, a so-called “Angel mom,” was scheduled to speak Tuesday for the second night of the Republican National Convention. Hours before she was set to appear before the country, Mendoza sent out a tweet sharing a vile and pernicious anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. CNN reported that she will no longer appear at the event.

The Daily Beast was among the first outlets to report on the tweet. It was deleted after she posted it, but a screenshot was preserved below.


The thread it linked to remained, detailing a darkly conspiratorial history claiming that Jewish bankers formed a cabal and plotted against the rest of the world. It said, in part, that this plan sought to: “Use Economic Warfare. Rob The ‘Goyim’ Of Their Landed Properties And Industries With A Combination Of High Taxes And Unfair Competition. … Make The Goyim Destroy Each Other So There Will Only Be The Proletariat Left In The World, With A Few Millionaires Devoted To Our Cause, And Sufficient Police And Soldiers To Protect Our Interest.”

This is as clear and indisputable as anti-Semitism gets. The theory also included references to the modern QAnon conspiracy theory…  RESIST!!

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RNC Pulls Angel Mom From Lineup After Discovery Of Anti-Semitic Qanon Tweet


She cancelled, because Trump* and the Republican Reich are trying to hide their true beliefs from voters.  Doesn’t that rate a Parade?



  9 Responses to “Republicans on Parade – 8/26/2020”

  1. Holy Moly! 
    Definitely a parade for this lady. 
    Not that any of them give a hoot, but someone on the RNC did, 
    and pulled her out of the lineup. 

  2. I am a trifle confused, though. If being so Republican that even Republicans repudiate you – Oh, my head is going around in circles. This is like something out of an Escher drawing.

    Or maybe the never-ending staircase.

  3. Chris Hayes’ last word in the video was “Unreal.”  Sickness abounds, on the right.  “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” has been known for a long time, to have been a KGB fakery, and THEY o;openly admitted it, years ago.
    It is almost a shame that she was found out before going on stage.
    Other Trump coddled craziness:

  4. Chris’ irony was spot on with “Cancel-culture apparently got to the RNC.” 🤣

    But pulling Mary Ann Mendoza’s speech literally hours before it was to be broadcasted had the backlash the RNC could have anticipated. It drew the spotlight right on her and earned her a place on Republicans On Parade.

  5. She certainly deserves a parade after all that she pulled off with her Social Media post.
    Surprised that someone on their (R) side didn’t like it.

  6. Thanks and pooped hurry hugs to all! 19

    I think the reason they cancelled her was that having her anti-Semitism there while Pompeo was speaking from Jerusalem would have been terrible optics.

  7. Conservatives howl their heads off about “cancel culture” while practicing it from here to the Pole of Inaccessibility.

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