Aug 232020

It’s a crazy Sunday, here in the CatBox.  I overslept by over 90 minutes, so that was my AM nap.  Have a fine Sunday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:19 (average 4:37).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Click for Interactive Map

US Cases: 5,844,432
US Deaths: 180,228
Plus all the GOP plague murder victims Republicans are hiding from us.

The Showdown at Chicken Liver Gulch:

Yesterday, there was some hilarity here.  At my request WWWendy sautéed and gooped some chicken livers.  Now Wendy’s opinion of liver is considerably worse than my opinion of Trump*.  It was delicious, and I had some for lunch with guacamole, aka goopamole.  I often feed her bites of goopamole, when  I eat it, so I did so yesterday.  I had teasingly asked her if she’d like a bite of liver to see the strength of her NO!  So when I offered her the goopamole, she decided that I was using goopamole to hide the liver underneath.  Although I have never done anything mean to her, it took me several minutes to convince her that I would not do such a thing, and she enjoyed the goopamole.  In fact, I was so considerate that I gargled with Listerine, so I could hug her goodbye without liver on my breath.  It was so good, I had more for breakfast.

Short Takes:

From CNN: Maryanne Trump Barry bitterly criticized her brother, President Donald Trump, saying, “Donald’s out for Donald,” and appeared to confirm her niece Mary Trump’s previous allegations that he had a friend take his SATs to get into college, according to audio excerpts obtained by CNN.

The Washington Post first obtained the previously unreleased transcripts and audio from Mary Trump, author of a recent bombshell book about the President and one of his most outspoken critics. Mary Trump, who has said that Donald Trump is unfit to be president and has voiced support for his rival Joe Biden, revealed to the Post that she had secretly taped 15 hours of face-to-face conversations with Barry in 2018 and 2019.

In one of the conversations revealed by the Post, Trump’s sister called him “cruel.”

Among the some of the more critical comments made by Barry was commenting on how her younger 74-year-old brother operated as president. “His goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God,” she said, according to the recording. “I’m talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit.”

This is nothing new to us, but it might influence those few, who are still on the fence.  RESIST!!

From NY Times: Tropical Storms Marco and Laura continued to churn in the Caribbean on Saturday, prompting a wave of warnings and watches for several countries, and leading the governor of Louisiana to declare a state of emergency.

Marco on Saturday was about 110 miles northwest of the western tip of Cuba, with maximum sustained winds of 65 miles per hour, the National Hurricane Center said on Saturday night.

Mr. Cline said it was possible that both storms would become hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico as early as Monday. He added that it would be “pretty unusual” and that the last time it happened was in 1933. The last time a hurricane and a tropical storm were both in the Gulf of Mexico was in 1959, he said…[emphasis added]

Note that for the second time, criminal Fuhrer Trump* has stolen FEMA funds to pay for his scams. First, he did so in 2019 to pay for the wall that never happened. Second, he did so to pay for the Unemployment relief that nobody received. I doubt that he will put the money back, even though hurricanes are on the way.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): “He’s Got Bone Spurs” a Roy Zimmerman song parody

So true! Kudos to left wing protestors.  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  10 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/23/2020”

  1. You overslept so I didn’t have to, I guess. Hope the rest of your day is good!

    Just learned that yesterday, August 22, is “Thank a Criminal” day. It celebrates heroes like, oh, Jesus, Galileo, Gandhi, Dr. King, John Lewis, Rosa Parks, and others who are co000nsidered heroes now but who, in their own time, were considered criminals. (Thanks, TC) Not too many people celebrate it or even know abut it. But I like it. Next year I’ll have a reminder in advance.

    Look what Martha McSally is doing (Tweet shared by the Lincoln project)

    Meidas Touch

    Really American

    Sound and Fury Messaging

    Cartoon – Indeed.

    Map – 6 million before August is up. It’ll take a little longer to 200 thousand deaths, but we will get there. Colorado looks a little better – I hope that isn’t a fluke, but I admit it may be.

    Chicken Liver gulch – Poor WWWendy! I am fond of liver myself, but I’m aware that I’m an outlier in that. Glad it all worked out.

    CNN – The first I saw about this was a Tweet purporting to be from Donald saying he had never met his sister. I can almost believe that such a Tweet went out. So – his brother died, and his sister ratted (or so he’ll see it. Fine way to go into the convention. It will be must-flee TV.

    NYT – There is no longer any such thing as unusual weather. Anything can happen and often does. All thanks to humans. I feel for Louisiana, and pray that Alabama is not in either path. Trump won’t put any money back because he can’t. It’s all already spent.

    Roy – Glad you found this repertoire.

  2. ‘Toon: Of course, those would all be ordinary people’s cars, no fact limos, and the like.
    TVU: Things seem to be slowing down a bit, for now.  
    Chicken Liver Gulch: You are a better man than I, Charley Brown!  Liver is very far from anything I would choose to eat.
    I have an issue about Mary “secretly” thing her aunt, but nothing her aunt said is a surprise.  
    NYT: Even though the storms will impact RED states, I also expect Dumpy to provide no help.  After dumping Ohio’s people he’ll, hopefully, loose more, down here.  Living on Fl.’s west coast, we’ve been watching the progress of the storms, and no longer worry too much for us, but for Louisiana and Texas.  We will probably be in Alabama for a few days late next week.
    BOP: He’s got bone spurs between his ears!

  3. Love the bone spurs song! I’m definitely sharing that.

    Joanne, thanks for all the videos. McSally – WTF? Eric – ten thousand poxes on you, and your depraved family. Tucker – these are scary times for humanity, for freedom for the entire planet. RISE UP, RESIST, PERSIST, INSIST, RAISE HELL HIGHER THAN THE STRATOSPHERE! SaveUSPS – absolutely, because we all need it, including tRump chumps!

  4. Cartoon: Pack ’em in! 
    TVU: Confirmed: 219 (from last time). 1257 recovered. 22 deaths. 
    CLG: Glad that it worked out for you, and that you enjoyed your liver, TC. 
    CNN: dt’s been that way and hasn’t shown one iota of improvement for all things good, since…well, never. 
    NYT: We’re anticipating the storm(s) to possibly come through. Yesterday’s rain was welcome, and if the remnants of these storms were to come through, they would be welcome, as we are still parched. imho. 
    YT: Great song! Yeah, they don’t bother him golfing either, he’s golfing today btw…let’s see here…272 days, with taxpayers forking out $142 MILLION to date. ugh! 

    I sure hope that the rest of your day goes by smoothly. Get your nap in, take good, good care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: “Stephen Miller belongs in front of the International Criminal Court at the Hague for what he did, and is still doing to those children and their parents, at the border. ~ Barbara C. ~ 
    2. “Just remember, Joe Biden goes to church so regularly that he does not even need tear gas, and a bunch of federalized troops to get them.” ~ Julia Louis-Dreyfus ~ 
    3. “FYI – 2 hurricanes are threatening US coastlines scheduled to hit on the first day of the RNC. Paper towels won’t work either!” -pb-
    4. “Love is more powerful than hate. Hope is more powerful than fear. Light is more powerful than darkness. This is OUR moment!” ~ Joe Biden ~ 
    5. “2020 official GOP motto – “fk, fk, fk!” ~ Senator Carper (R-DE) ~ (whew!) 

    *Joanne, thanks! for the videos!! 

  5. Cartoon: Yep they’re good at trashing them.
    TVU: Still climbing here. 
    CLG: I too am glad that you enjoyed your chicken liver. I’d be more like Wendy and pass at the offer.
    CNN: More garbage about tRump. I get a kick out of the way he always mentions he’s never met the person, this time his sister. He must be like Joanne’s post mentioned yesterday…going senile. 
    NYT: Shameful that tRump still remains heartless when it comes to funding any states, especially when it comes to state disasters happening.
    YT: Great one. 
    Glad you got some extra sleep today. You certainly needed it after your hectic week.
    Hope you had a good rest of your day.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  6. I think the tapes of JUDGE Maryanne Trump Barry absolutely DESTROYING Donnie w/ the Truth might move a few folks off the fence to Biden.

    But it will certainly help solidify the folks who’ve seen the light!

    Growing up & even now, I absolutely LOVE fried liver with fried onions and fried potatoes!  My arteries?  Not so much.

    So now it’s a once or twice a year treat.

  7. You didn’t oversleep, TomCat, you’re body told you it needed more. That’s all. Take all the rest you’re body tells you to.

    4:08 I hope you like gooped beetles.

    Cartoon: I wish Republicans only thrash cars.

    Update: The map is getting more yellow by the day, yet the number of cases and deaths is still steadily increasing. Those hotspots must be gigantic. 11

    Nice story, TomCat, but I can’t understand why WWWendy wouldn’t like to try some liquid paté. Sautéed with some herbs those livers must have been delicious, whether gooped (patéed) or not.

    CNN: The fact that niece Mary made those recordings in secret and is now making them public comes across as very Trumpian and allows Trump to dismiss it easily. Which he did.

    NYT: Those two hurricanes combining in the Gulf of Mexico give Trump another great opportunity to fail, this time made worse by his action of raiding FEMA budgets before the hurricane season, predicted to be very severe this year, had even started. Sadly Trump’s failing cost thousands of people their lives, making me wish he will not fail this time.

    BOP: Fantastic!

  8. Thanks and pooped OGIM Hugs to all! 19

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