It Is What It Is!

 Posted by at 10:58 am  Politics
Aug 052020

Criminal Fuhrer Trump* had an interview on Axios with Jonathan Swan.  I was vaguely aware of it, but when I opened my email this morning, I found a link from Lona that zeroed me in on how important it is.  Kudos to Jonathan Swan and Lona.


The President has implemented this strategy for the past five months, repeatedly touting “the pandemic is totally under control”, as cases and deaths have spiralled [sic].

It’s a message many within the medical world have criticised [sic] as being disconnected from reality and a danger to public health.

Swan pressed Trump on whether “wishful thinking” and “salesmanship” was an appropriate leadership style for handling the worst pandemic of the century, which has killed more than 150,000 Americans.

“Right now, I think it’s under control,” Trump said at one point.

“How? A thousand Americans are dying a day,” Swan interjected.

“They are dying, that’s true. And you ha… It is what it is,” Trump replied…

Inserted from <ABC News Australia>

That single horrific line may summarize both the interview and criminal Fuhrer Trump’s* total lack of empathy, but Swan was on Trump’s* case from beginning to end.  He did such a god job, that I’m including the entire 38 minute interview.  Unfortunately that’s also a lot of Trump*

AXIOS on HBO: President Trump Exclusive Interview (Full Episode)

Barf Bag Alert!!


To criminal Fuhrer Trump*. It isn’t what it is. It is what you made it, you asshole!



  14 Responses to “It Is What It Is!”

  1. YES! Kudos to Lona and to Jonathan Swan! 
    Trump failed on the cognitive part of this interview. 
    Dismally, I might add.

  2. Truly amazing!
    This, however, might brighten up the day: Don Caron-

  3. Oh, it definitely is what it is.  But I don’t think he knows (or admits) what it in fact is.

    It is a tremendous failure in every respect.  That’s what it is.

  4. Yes, that interview was such a great help to Biden’s campaign——like McCain choosing Palin aided Obama/Biden!    Stay safe, all—–we gotta see this thru. Also, KKKRis Kobach lost his primary and several incumbent Dems lost to BLM, other very progressive activists.  Blue tsunami approacheth!

  5. Well if this interview with tRump doesn’t show you how clueless he is about Covid-19 and other matters, I don’t know what will. 
    He’s an insult to our country; the way he reacts/takes actions in regards to urgent matters.
    Thanks Lona and Jonathan Swan

    • Many people who have left Christianity, or avoided it, say that one thing which influenced them was the concept of a God who sends people to hell.  We have in the US today a large and blatant demonstration that that isn’t how it works.  People who end up in hell choose to go and to stay there.  If Jesus Christ came back to earth today in glory to take people to heaven, literally millions who call themselves Christian would refuse to go because there would be liberals there, or people of color, or LGBTQ people, or some other reason.  God is not responsible to drag them kicking and screaming into a heaven in which they would be miserable.  This has been illustrated more than once in literacy contexts (i.e. books and stories) which are mostly not very well known (Gee, I wonder why.)  But I can’t think of a time in my lifetime when there were quite so many people in one place who were so obvious.

  6. “It is what it is” demonstrates just how far from reality His Orangeness dwells. He has no compassion for Hoi Polloi, not even the knot-heads who support him regardless.

  7. I watched this yesterday and was gob smacked at Trump’s lack of awareness and stupidity, even after more than 4 years of his bullshit.  Swan was terrific but was also criticised by some others for not doing more follow-up questioning.  Personally, Swan had a very limited time frame and a rambling, incoherent, incompetent subject to interview so balancing the follow-up with the need to move on was necessary.  Swan did well to keep things going.

    The numbers issue — base on population or cases — is such bullshit again!  This hearkens back to Trump wanting less testing so the numbers would not look “inflated” and show his criminal administration in a bad light.  What about when he did not want cruise ships docking in the US because the C-19 cases would increase the US numbers. Now he wants to use cases because that is more beneficial to him, or so he thinks.  Swan is correct — show the numbers relative to population.  Either way Trump is an incompetent idiot who could not think himself out of a wet paper bag!!!

    If I were Trump, I’d drop out of the election now to avoid embarrassing myself even more, but he won’t.  He will continue to look and act like an idiot.

  8. I didn’t have time to watch the whole interview before I sent you the link to the ABC news article, TomCat, but I made myself watch the whole thing today (by VPN as it is on HBO), cringing and refraining myself from pausing it. I think Jonathan Swan deserves a medal for sitting through it and not throttling Trump as I certainly would have done. It is amazing what he got the demented psychopath to come out with.

    For one moment Trump’s dementia got the better of him again when he couldn’t remember who and what John Lewis was other than the man who didn’t come to his inauguration. He didn’t know about Lewis’ accomplishments before that inauguration and the fact that Lewis jilted him was enough never to learn about Lewis after that. People must have told Trump, certainly after Lewis died, but his dementia and vindictiveness have immediately erased any memory trail. The pettiness of Trump knows no boundaries.

  9. Standing ovation KUDOS to Jonathan Swan in demonstrating HOW to conduct a worthwhile interview w/ *Rump!

    The key appears to be:

    Do NOT let him get away with his bullying & LIES! 

    Do NOT let him control the narrative!

    Be sure to ALWAYS ask F/U (In this instance could either be the Medical “Follow Up”OR the colloquial “F\/ck You”) questions.

    • Well now, that reminds me of a joke,

      Chuck Todd to NBC exec: “So you’re moving my show to 1pm?”
      NBC exec: :Yep.”
      He never found out why because he doesn’t ask follow-up questions.

  10. Thanks, Busy Hugs, and Amen to all! 28

  11. The link to the AXIOS interview doesn’t work for me (not available), but I found another that does – CNN relayed the full interview:

    • Thanks Evelyn.  The Axios link is good in the US.  Lona has a VPN so she can watch videos restricted to US viewers only.  You may want to look into one. 35

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