Jul 312020

It’s another sweaty, stinky day here in the CatBox.  I had a rough night last night, because I ate supper too fast and plugged my esophageal tumor.  I spent most of the night imitating criminal Fuhrer Trump’s* AG.  The blockage didn’t clear until this morning.  Tomorrow please expect no more than an Open Thread or a Personal Update.  It’s a WWWendy day and the TomCat could not be more stinky.  I’ll try to swap the Politics Plus Poll, if I can, but it will probably have to wait until Sunday.  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:43 (average 4:51).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


US Cases: 4,638,288
US Deaths: 155,371
World Cases: 17,553,155
World Deaths: 678,097
Trump’s* Share of World Deaths: 22.9%
US Share of World Population: 4.3%

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Morgan Freeman Reads Rep. John Lewis’ Last Words


His own epitaph was a fitting memorial to a hero that will still be remembered as a hero one hundred years from now, if we can prevent the Republican attempt to convert the US from democratic republic to Nazi Reich.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Group prepares for chance Trump refuses to concede election

For more information about the war game they took part in click here. If this doesn’t scare the shit out of you, WAKE UPRESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): The Chicks – Not Ready To Make Nice (Official Video)


Many, myself included, think that this song was partially directed at the Fuhrer of the 4th Reich, GW ChickenHawk, aka Crawford Caligula. He demanded that they back down on their true statement that his war for oil and conquest was fraudulent. How much worse is the Fuhrer of the 5th Reich? Support left wing protestors!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 7/31/2020”

  1. So sorry about the blockage! Miserably painful, that is. Hope tonight is better, and tomorrow – best to WWWendy!

    This is the whole eulogy, 40+ minutes. I understand if people don’t have time. But I thought it should be readily accessible to all of us.

    Everyone who makes ads lost their collective minds yesterday – at least it’s Friday.
    Don Winslow

    Meidas Touch

    Really American


    Nameless was in time to put up the newest from the Lincoln Project in yesterday’s open thread. Hope you don’t miss it!

    One of Beau’s regulars commented, “I have never seen Beau so angry.” Others point out this is not “just a thought” but “just a fact.”

    and then …

    Cartoon – Now that is a libel on people who know the difference between subject and object.

    Map – Up and up it goes – and where it stops, nobody knows.

    MSNBC – I have no words – not that I need any since John has so many, and so beautiful.

    CNN – I’m glad to know there is a group, that it contains people of integrity and influence, and that it is preparing for a potential coup. But it’s not enough.

    PAST – A great song from a great group.

    • President Obama’s eulogy is so beautifully spoken.Words we must always remember. 
      Truthful videos showing the pure evil of tRump.
      Both of Beau’s were spot on. Hope people do listen and pay attention to what tRump is trying to pull.
      Thanks Joanne and Nameless

  2. Cartoon: Living up to their name…
    TVU: 1277 confirmed. 494 active. 762 recovered. 17 deaths. 
    MSNBC: Just listened to it…Beautiful. Just beautiful. 
    CNN: Holy moly. Do whatever it takes, to get him out. When it’s time…get ‘er done! 
    BFTP: Great song! 
    Glad to read that your blockage cleared..and that you’re feeling better. HI, WWWendy, hope all is good with you and family. Enjoy your day, take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    This just in: “Today’s NY Daily News Headline: “3 MEN and a BABY. As past Presidents honor Lewis. Pouty Trump touts delaying elections.”  04
    2. “Today has been a long month.” ~ Lincoln Project ~ 
    3. “Trump stands for whatever he thinks you’ll fall for.” ~ Braun A. ~ 
    4. “It’s pretty clear that dt is hated. He is never at his rallies and even those have been a huge flop. Being told to stay away must hurt after the 5th or 15th time.” ~ Rhonda B. ~ 

    Videos: President Obama’s Eulogy… o.m.g. Hanky Alert !! 
    W/watch the other vids later on. Thanks, Joanne. 

  3. Sorry to hear of your travails, last night.  Please be more careful.
    TVU: Not looking good, America!
    John Lewis/Morgan Freeman: Just wonderful, just simple, just asking for justice.
    CNN: Cornyn needs to be removed, will go to his much deserved early demise swearing that Trump was just joking.  Collins thought, or said she thought, Trump might learn a lesson, well, Trump has not, nor has Cornyn. I tried to click through, but WaPo refuses to let me in without a subscription…thank you very much Mr. Greedy Bezos.  NO, Trump is not joking, and I expect that the general is right about Dump’s testing of the waters.  There seems to be one not necessarily small lesson, to come to us over the last 4 years-Once again, Trump does not, literally, know how to joke.  
    The Chicks: My old ears, and her highish voice do not match up well.

  4. Cartoon: Sounds kind of two face, to me.
    TVU: We’re up to 28,731 cases, with 558 deaths. 
    MSNBC: Beautiful words that shall live on forever. Bless John Lewis, a real hero.
    CNN: Glad that they are getting ready to get him out when he loses. Sick to think that we have a fool like him in office who can’t be a man and except losses.
    BFTP: Great one. 
    Sorry to hear that you had a bad night. I know that eating too fast, late or certain foods can cause pain and discomfort. Glad you were able to release the blockage this morning.
    Hope the rest of your day went well.
    Maybe you can watch Bill Maher, who returns tonight.
    Tell Wendy “Hi” tomorrow.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  5. A group in Brazil has taken their leader’s failure on the virus to the ICC as a crime against humanity…seems like an option even before the election……..

  6. Sorry to hear your goop blocked your esophagus, TomCat, There’s no way of getting away from being nauseous and throwing up, is there.

    3:07 Pretty, aren’t they?

    Cartoon: It’s less of a “who do we hate most” than a “who is the most appropriate for us to hate today” question.

    Update: From the Aussie ABC news site: On Wednesday, one person in the United States died about every 60 seconds from COVID-19.

    MSNBC: Take John Lewis’ words to heart. Take them to heart and act on them, America.

    CNN: Not for one minute do I believe that it was a (war) game they were playing, it was a workshop in preparedness. One the one hand, it is comforting that the right people are aware of the possibility Trump will refuse to go and are preparing for the event should it come to that. On the other hand, it is incredibly scary because we can be sure that Trump and his cronies are doing the exact same thing. Not that Trump will be doing much besides hiding in his bunker, but smarter people around him will and it won’t take much for them to have Trump go to the extremes. Chilling.

    BOP: Great song but more about a relationship gone wrong, a difficult divorce and custodial fight than anything else.

  7. Thanks and rush hugs to all! 26

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