It’s another busy day here in the CatBox. My Providence home health doctor is coming this morning for her routine monthly visit. Other than back pain, it’s a pretty good day. TGIF!!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:12 (average 5:14). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Trump* Virus Update:
US Cases: 4,171,378
US Deaths: 147,364
World Cases: 15,715,850
World Deaths: 637,615
Trump’s* share of World Deaths: 23.1%
Short Takes:
From Alternet: If November brings the type of major blue wave that Democratic strategists are hoping for, it would include not only former Vice President Joe Biden defeating President Donald Trump, but also, Democrats achieving a majority in the U.S. Senate, increasing their majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and enjoying victories in an abundance of state races. And the Cook Political Report is saying that according to its analysis, Democrats are now favored to retake the U.S. Senate.
Cook’s Jessica Taylor reports, “With just over 100 days until Election Day, the political climate appears dire for Republicans across the board. President Trump is the decided underdog against former Vice President Joe Biden in our Electoral College ratings, and Democrats could end up expanding their House majority. That leaves the Senate as Republicans’ firewall — the final barrier to unified control for Democrats in 2021.”
But that “firewall,” Taylor reports, could disappear because “as of now, Democrats are a slight favorite to win the Senate majority.”
A Republican pollster, quoted anonymously, told Cook, “Something remarkable would have to happen for Republicans to still have control of the Senate after November. It’s grim. There’s just so many places where Democrats either have the upper hand or are competitive in states that six months ago, we wouldn’t have considered at risk.” And a GOP strategist was equally pessimistic, telling Cook, “If you’re an incumbent in a bad environment sitting at 44%, you should be pretty damn scared. The expanding map has made it really hard, and there’s just a lot of Democratic momentum right now.”
From Cook’s projections to November results! RESIST!!
From YouTube (CNN Channel): Portland mayor is tear-gassed alongside protesters
Portland is my home. The rare crowd violence has nothing to do with the demonstrators. There are a few right wing anarchists using the peaceful demonstrations as an excuse to act-out. Both the federal Nazi Republican gestapo and the unmuzzled Portland Police Bureau are ignoring the violent anarchists and attacking peaceful demonstrators and our mayor. RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from labor): Ryan Bingham “Direction of the Wind” (Madison, Wisconsin protests) (live performance music video)
Except for unmuzzled Republican Nazi police unions, support labor. RESIST!!
Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!
15 Responses to “Open Thread–7/24/2020”
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Your being late gave me a little time to catch up on the ads, which s why some groups have two. Fortunately they’re short. And all acerbic, acidulous, mordant, astringent, and other biting words from Merriam Webster. Hope the visit went well.
Lincoln Project yesterday
Lincoln Project today
VoteVets – Wednesday night
VoteVets – Thursday
Meidas Touch
Really American
Trae and his partners will be streaming a pay-per-vew stand-up show live on Friday, August 7, 6/7/8/9 P/M/C/E time. It’s $15. I’m not in the business of selling them or anything (good thing, too – I am the world’s worst salesperson), but like all entertainers, their income stream was cut off by the pandemic With this, it wouldn’t be just a donation, you’d get something of value for it. Order at this link.
TJI – “Rule 303: If you have the means at hand, yu have the responsibility to act.” – Beau of the Fifth Caolumn. Not a new quote from him, and brought up now in a plea to Facebook (and presumably other social media) users, but IMO thought provoking any time.
Cartoon – So true! And icky.
Map – My county is up from yellow to orange – I’m surprised it took this long, we are so full of Republicans.
AlterNet – I’ve been seeing this several places. We muct not get overconfident! But there is hope!
CNN – You have a decent mayor, and I don’t see how he could have made it clearer that these federal goons are the intruders and malefactors, not protecting but destroying law and order.
Past – Cool! Thanks!
This is for Squatch:

LP#1: Failure is the way it is.
LP# 2: I just wish him well…on his way to prison.
MT: F**kwad!
RA: Can he spell BS? Forward and backward?
Great videos. Points out all of the wicked sides of Mr. Evil.
Thanks Joanne.
Thanks for the great vids!
I don’t know about a meth lab but certainly something odious!
Thanks JD!
Cartoon: Good puppy!, good puppy!
TVU: Confirmed: 1110, Active: 487, Recoveries: 557, Deaths, 12.
AN: Please, Lord…make that Blue Wave a tidal wave here in TX! We sure could use it.
CNN: I pray that he will be all right from this attack. I hope it ends quickly and peacefully.
Great song!!
Hope that your visit went well, and that you can get a good nap in this afternoon. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
This just in: “I sat down with Joe, (Biden) to talk about the most pressing issues of our time. He’s exactly the leader we need right now, with the vision, the plans, and character to move America Forward. Let’s get to work.” ~Barack Obama ~
2. fyi – Phoenix, AZ Democratic headquarters was lit on fire last night.” ~ Pat W. ~
3. “All the thugs lack is brown shirts and armbands.” ~ Maggie C. ~
4. “Trump should be remembered as the man who demanded Hillary Clinton be ‘locked up’ while wishing Ghislaine Maxwell ‘well’. ~Mehdi H. ~
5. “You don’t see too many people brag about passing a dementia test.” ~ Al Franken ~
6. “Person…woman…camera…man…no, wait! Person, woman, man, camera, TV ! Do I get extra points? *pb*
All great videos.

Thanks, Joanne.
TJI’ work well.
The Arizona fire will be claimed, by Trump, to have been an inside job designed to put blame on the right-side boneheads.
TJI #6.1 “Repeat these five words. President. Trump. Dangerous. Narcissist. Buffoon. In any order.” – Cartoonist Tom Toles.
Yep….Fits tRump to the T. Thanks Joanne
TJ1: Perfect words….I agree with Obama 100%.
TJ5: Hilarious. So true.
‘Toon: I know that dog, his name is St. Ronnie.
TVU: If I remember correctly, Florida, all by its lonesome self, chalked up 173 deaths, just yesterday. Well, that was the count at the time of the 6PM news, so there was 1/4 of the day left to go.
Alternet: Reason to hope! Hang in TC!!
CNN: No surprise, sadly.
BFL: Good song. It was 2011, and Wisconsin did the country no favor in 2016.
Cartoon: Good boy.
TVU: We’re up to 26,161 cases. With 524 deaths.
Alternet: Looks good. Praying that Biden does win.
CNN: Sad to see that there always has to be some rotten ones to cause chaos. Too bad the innocent protesters and mayor had to suffer for it.
BFTP: Great song.
Hope you had a good day and that your Providence home health doctor took care of your needs.
Take care. Thanks TomCat
I’m so glad you’re feeling pretty well, TomCat. I hope your doctor will increase the dosage of your pads, so you can have a few more pretty good days.
3:28 Don’t eat them all at once.
Cartoon: And now that Republican dog has run completely dry after peeing against so many Republican walls first.
Update: Well, Trump got his 4 million+ cases, but he’s so intent on having the ‘best death rate’ in the world, I wouldn’t trust this death rate one but if it based on the new WH figures.
Alternet: “Democrats are a slight favorite to win the Senate majority.” Don’t get complacent, this isn’t good enough. America can’t afford to go back to the Obama era where everything Obama did was controlled by McConnell and his cronies. GO FOR A LARGE MAJORITY AND DRAG THE COUNTRY OUT OF THE SWAMP.
CNN: Those right-wing anarchists as you call them, TomCat, are probably right-wing hooligans that come from the same source as these anonymous federal agents. Soon, some Portland investigative journalist will have traced them back to some White Supremacist group. I hope the majority of the BLM protesters keep their cool and continue their stand peacefully in the meantime.
BFL: Great song. This was from a 2011 protest. What happened between 2011 and 2016 to have the US end up with Trump? Where did the American worker take that wrong turn?
Thanks and tired Hugs to all!