Jul 232020

Here are four “acts” from Sam’s show, plus a parting thought.

Deniers, Dimwits, etc. Part I

Texas, Florida, yes, they are indeed the poster children. Could one call it a catch-22 that Democratic governors who ask for help don’t get any from this regime just because, whereas Republican governors can get whatever they want, but they don’t want anything?

Deniers, Dimwits, etc. Part II

Georgia, Oklahoma, Arizona – all just as bad if not worse, but lower in population so lower in numbers – at least for now. May I throw in a picture which is worth a thousand or so words?

Masha – (Whom we should have listened to in 2016)

Voter turnout is tough to get, always, because people don’t see how much every vote matters in the ocean of votes. And there are otherwise intelligent people who don’t think the vote is the strongest way to bring about change (I’m looking at you, Noam.) What I think they are forgetting is how quickly and effectively change achieved through movements and activism can be UNdone if it isn’t supported at the ballot box. Can I attempt an analogy? Sitting around and breathing may not be the most powerful way to live a full life. Lifelong learning, exercise, love of family and friends are all more powerful in making one feel one has a life. But if you don’t also breathe, all those other things kind of lose their power.

Sam’s Shed – Mister Wives

Cool. Of course I’m old fashioned.

Those are the four acts she promised, but she also had a parting thought –



  10 Responses to “Samantha Bee from 7/22/2020”

  1. Thank you for getting this out here. 
    W/watch later on this evening. 
    Thank you, Joanne. 

  2. Can’t help but believe that if Hillary occupied our Oval Office, you could most likely add USA to the list with Germany, Taiwan, New Zealand, Iceland, Finland, Norway & Denmark.

    • II heartily agree.  And I don’t think the difference in these countries is all that much determied by the leadership itself as by the nature of the electorate which put them in.  At least at this point in time, nations which elect a woman leader are looking at the skills and capabilities and strengths of each candidate as a whole person, and sincerely looking for the one who will do the best job (and, incidentally, have a fairly firm vision of what thet job would be – where they want to move as a country.)  Too many nations which elect men over equally or better qualified women are not looking at qualifications  at all and have little notion of what they want done or how to do it.  Instead, they are voting on the basis of their notion of masculinity – and when that is the case, the notion is pretty well flawed.

  3. Kudos to professional teams changing their Native American names, here is a petition suggesting a better name for Washington’s NFL team.

  4. I just remembered that TomCat asked you to post the Sam videos.
    I will watch the videos in the morning. 
    Thanks Joanne
    I signed the petition that Freya posted. 

  5. Thanks for posting, Joanne. I’ll have a look later  tonight.

  6. Thanks JD! 02

    Way late hugs!

  7. Sam is AAA

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