Jul 202020

It’s a muggy day here in the CatBox, with 95° forecast and high humidity.  Diana, my palliative care nurse is coming to change my pain patch.  I think I need to request the next step up in dosage, as my pain is getting worse.  WWKristin did an excellent job for me yesterday, but I still miss WWWendy.  Thursday can’t come soon enough.  Oh God, it’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:38 (average 5:10).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


US Cases: 3,899,358
US Deaths: 143,310

Short Takes:

From Willamette Week: Federal police and Portland officers worked in tandem early Saturday morning to clear protesters from the streets of Portland. The two agencies appeared to coordinate their efforts by announcing when they would use force to scatter demonstrators.

That simultaneous effort triggered a demand from City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty this morning that Mayor Ted Wheeler either control his Police Bureau or hand oversight of the city’s cops to her. Wheeler has yet to respond.

The Oregonian compiled a list today of previous incidents where local and federal police appeared to coordinate their response to protesters. Such an effort undercuts Wheeler’s assertion that he doesn’t want federal officers deployed by President Donald Trump in this city—as do meetings between local cops and the feds.

This afternoon, the Portland Police Bureau issued a statement that federal officers would no longer be allowed inside the Portland police command center. “Beginning tonight,” a police statement said, “command from the Federal Protective Service will not work in the Portland police incident command center.”

Click through for much more info. I’m not even slightly surprised that Portland’s Republican Police Bureau are disobeying the orders of their civilian leadership to cooperate with federal Republican Nazi Gestapo. At least Wheeler is cracking down on these vile Republicans. Portland Fire and Rescue Responded by banning federal gestapo and Portland PD from their stationsRESIST!!

From YouTube (Raw Story Channel): Trump on accepting election results: ‘I have to see’

Are the Nazi Republican Gestapo attacking peaceful Portland demonstrators practicing for criminal Fuhrer Trump* refusing to accept the 2020 election results?  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from labor): we shall not be moved

Except for unmuzzled Nazi Republican police unions, support labor! RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!





  17 Responses to “Open Thread–7/20/2020”

  1. Glad you got stuff done.  Hurry, Thursday!

    Lincoln Project tribute to John Lewis (with accurate pictures)

    Lincoln Project on Portland

    Meidas Touch

    TJI – No deed too dirty for the holy followers of Christ, Hitler, Stalin, the Jihadists. It’s how anyone plays God, eternally omnificent, omnipotent and omniscient. It’s the ass-holy trinity whereby saintliness licenses sin, sin wins and winning “proves” saintliness. – Jeremy Sherman in AlterNet
    TJI – If you’re one of these people refusing to wear a mask because you’re concerned about enough oxygen getting to your brain, do’t worry. I think that ship has sailed. – “Nevilledog” DU

    Cartoon – They aren’t that cute … which is almost certainly a good thing.

    Map – Not much to say.

    Willamette Weekly – Top to bottom. If yiu didn’t have Wheeler and Hardesty, it culd be much worse. Thanks, and keep on keeping us posted.

    CNN – Did anyone actually need to hear him say this in order to kow that would be his position (if something so Schrödinger-esque can be said to be a position.) It’s exactly what he said in 2016.

    Past – A true treasure. And very singable, even by amateurs. And appropriate to multiple situations. Thank you.

    • LP: JohnLewis- Wonderful presentation.
      LP: Portland- Powerful! Scary, as it should be!
      MT: The man can not answer  since question directly, if at all.  And, the also uneducated still love him.  He’s one of them.  Try this: “The forest kept voting for the axe.  It saw that the handle was made of wood, and thought it was one of them.”

    • Lincoln Project: Lovely video about John Lewis 
      Lincoln Project: tRump…shameful what he’s causing. 
      MT: He acts like a 5 year old bragging about his scores….nothing to be proud about. 

    • Thanks for the fantastic vids! 35

  2. Cartoon: Why, of course. 
    TVU: Up and up we go, where we stop…no one knows. Unfortunately and sadly. 
    WW: Very very scary. Using rubber bullets, violence, and tear gas is dangerous to the protesters. Sickening behavior from law enforcement. I pray it gets resolved, and quickly for the safety of all. 
    RS: Pleeze! Seriously??  People need to stop giving him ideas…when he can’t think of different political subjects all by himself. He needs a good escape route, and know where all the exits are on the first floor, so he can leave the WH quickly, with the bunker being off limits too. Nancy Pelosi: “There is a process,” she said. “It has nothing to do with the certain occupant of the White House doesn’t feel like moving and has to be fumigated out of there.” *tpm
    BFTP: Amen! 

    I sure hope that you get your med(s) upped, and that it will help you. Take good care, TC, and Thanks for post. 

    *TJI: “We won two World Wars, two beautiful World Wars.” said dt on July 19th, 2020
    “If they were so beautiful, then why did you run away like a coward with your FAKE bone spurs?” ~ Renee D. ~
    2. “In the interview w/Chris Wallace, Trump got testy about the cognitive testing insisting the Q’s were harder at the end. Maybe it’s the 1st test he’s taken since he paid Joe Shapiro to take his SAT. ~ Herbert H.~  
    3. dt is probably trying to distract from the can of worms he opened in Portland, Oregon. This is not going to end well for him or his hired goons.” ~ Robin H. ~ 
    4. “I bet dt’s advisors tried to talk him out of the interview with Chris Wallace, but dt’s ego would not permit him to pass it by.” ~ Alder S. ~ 

    • TJI: Wonderful, especially the last one, demonstrating, without a doubt, in my mind, anyway, that he is still his own worst enemy!

    • TJ3: Glad to hear that, he’s caused the issue and hopefully it will knock him straight out of office, hopefully behind bars.

    • TJI #3 – He’s not going to be able to do much distracting if he moves the show into other cities, as his chef of staff has promised to start doing this week   Colorado Springs is likelily to be safe, but I fear for Boulder.

    • You got to wonder who is the Democratic secret mole in the White House who keeps scheduling all these *Rump interviews.

      They obviously know that Donnie will ALWAYS violate the “First Rule of Holes”:

      When You’re In One – STOP DIGGING!

      I’m all for “Let Him Talk!”

  3. ‘Toon: The Rethuglicans will eat everything in the hen house, and be happy, it seems, to then burn it down!
    TVU: Reaching for 4 mill!  And, still in the first wave.
    WW: Only under Trump!
    RSC: “I’ll have to see.” No, you manipulating piece of turd, you’ll have to go!
    BFL: We got moved!  (so sorry)  We need to return!

  4. Cartoon: Not good at all. Their out to kill, no questions asked.
    TVU: Shameful that it’s so out of control. I see that Kentucky where mItch the b*tch represents, just hit there first highest rate of Covid-19 cases. Maybe the people there will wise up and vote him out of office. 
    WW: Scary what these idiots are doing to the peaceful protesters. Hope the leaders will win the fight to get tRump and these foolish troopers out of their area. 
    RSC: Seen this on CNN yesterday. What a flipping farce tRump is. More ways he loves exhibiting how stupid he is.
    BFTP: Good one.
    Glad to hear that your day with Kristen went well and that you both got your tasks completed. No one will ever replace Wendy. Hope Thursday comes fast.
    I woke up at 5:00 AM with an awful pain below my front lower teeth. Worried that it may be an infection, Will be going to see a dental specialist at 3:30 to see what it can be. Hopefully nothing too serious or too costly.  I just had my yearly checkup 2 months ago where they clean and take x-rays.
    Hope your visit with the palliative care nurse went well. Will be praying that your pain gets better soon.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  5. As I’ve said before, TomCat, don’t shy away from asking for a higher dosage for your pads. Sadly, it often is the normal course for palliative care; there’s absolutely no reason to be brave and suffer pain.

    Update: I do hope hospitals keep sending their numbers to trustworthy agents too, and not only the White House as they are now ordered to do.

    WW: Trump is now getting ready to send his Federal thugs to Chicago where they no doubt will be assisted by Chicago’s Republican PD. I’m starting to see a pattern here. He’s preparing for post-election time.

    RS: As I said, part of the pattern.

    BFTP: This one I know. 👍

  6. Thanks and tired, heat wave Hugs to all! 23

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