Jun 162020

It’s a very busy day, here at the CatBox.  WWWendy and I are going tp the hospital to meet with my Oncologist, my Palliative Care team, my Nutritionist, and my Social Worker.  I’ll try to check in when I return this afternoon with a “home safe” comment.  Have a great day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:51 (average 5:11).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  12 Responses to “Personal Update–6/16/2020”

  1. Cartoon: Gawd, they would LOVE this, das Führer dt leading the way. ugh!! 
    Hi Wendy! and Good Morning to you both. Hope that your visit goes well, sounds like you have a full day ahead of you. DO take good, good care, and Rest and Relax when you get home. Thanks, Tom, and Miss Wendy. 

    This just in: Trump rallies – CoronaFest 2020!! Come for the racism, stay for the Plague!! ~ Sandra J. ~ 
    2. “Trump advertising on Craig’s list for minority actors/actresses to hold signs in Tulsa for the dt maga/pep rally this weekend. How desperate do you have to be?? and to only pay them $10.00?? #weak president. ~ Faye P. ~ 
    3. “Where in the sam hill is God?? She needs to make sure trump gets a case of the ‘fake’ covid! ~Jimminy S.~ 

  2. Hope all goes well. Best to WWWendy too. Fingers crossed and sending prayers.

    Seriously? Yes. Seriously.

    Cartoon – Orange Judas actually referred to the Secret Service as the SS last week He thinks he already has Stromtroopers.

  3. Cartoon: Shameful to think we have a leader who follows their rotten traits.
    Hello TomCat and Wendy. 
    Praying that your visit goes well. Full of positive news from them all.
    Keep us posted.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  4. Hi Guys!  Hoping that all goes well today.
    Dumbness uses the Hitler playbook, so no one ought to be surprised by his BS.

  5. Home safe.  Tired and hungry.  Good news.  Hugs!  Tomorrow! 17

  6. The time difference and my morning chores make me come to your posts so late you’ve always returned from your ‘hospital runs’ and signed in again, TomCat. So that has made me skip any worrying a go straight to the anticipation of what ‘Good News’ good be. But now I’ll be the last to know what that is too. 21 Nevertheless, it was so good to hear everything went well and you’ve got some good news on top of that too.

    3:05 Is it Easter already?

    Cartoon: There’s never been a ban on QAnon or Proud Boys and their boogaloo fantasies, has there?

  7. Thanks and Hump Day Hugs to all! 23

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