A few years back, I met a woman, who was active in the now defunct Care2 News Network. In November 2015, she joined the conversation here. Between then and now, she has commented here over 950 times. So, when I saw that she had posted the 115,000th comment in our proud history, I looked for the last time she had won a BIG Mouth Award and was shocked to discover that this is her first. Damn!
Freya is a petition maven. She’s also an animal rights and animal welfare activist, but she’s partial to cats. From my perspective, that’s purrrrfect! She also a political activist, an activist’s activist. Freya is in the trenches, the way I used to be, when I had two legs and wasn’t dying. When there’s a cause that needs and deserves a fight, she’s there. And to top it off, she does it all in bloody red Georgia!
Please join me in praising and giving kudos to Freya for her award, but even more, for her life. This could not be more deserved or more overdue.
7 Responses to “Freya Has a BIG Mouth! ;-)”
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WOO HOO! Congratulations, Freya!! Very well deserved Award!
It’s nice to see that you are part of the team here on PP, I enjoy reading your comments, as I’m always learning here on this site. I love the company too.
Again, Freya, Congratulations!!

Congratulations Freya.

You certainly do deserve this award with all that you contribute.
Plus all of the dedication you’ve given to help better our World.
So glad this has happened! As you say, YC, so well deserved. Don’t quit posting, Freya! And congratulations! You earned it!
(TC, don;t beat yourself up that it took so long. Although posting more increases one’s chances, it really isn’t how much one posts but exactly when, and that, alas, is random. Alsol I love your bios. You really know your readers.)
It is nice to see that you continue your marvelous activism here!
Congratulations Freya!!!!!
Finally, finally, you have been rewarded that reward you’ve coveted for some time, Freya. Congratulations, it was long overdue. It’s unbelievable it took so long for you to post one of your excellent comments at just the right moment and join us as a knight in the order of the bigmouths. Welcome!
Freya never replied. I hope she realizes that BIG Mouth is a compliment here, not an offense.