May 152020

I have a couple of doctor appointments today, so I’ll post tomorrow.


  6 Responses to “Friday Fun Morphs Into Saturday (Maybe Sunday) Smiles …”

  1. Good Morning! SoINeedAName…
    imho…Take all the time you need. I’ll be here. LOL 18
    Hope that your doctor appointments go well too. 

  2. Hi … we’ll be here.

    If you have no sym[toms, I hope there are no issues found.  If you do have systems, I hope they are identified and can be alleviated.

  3. Hi SolNeedAName. 
    Good luck at your doctor appointments.
    Take care. 

  4. They were routine F/U (MEDICAL for “Follow-Up” – NOT the other “F/U”) appointments.  But I did get some tests ordered.  Nothing major.

  5. Glad to hear these were routine follow-up appointments, Nameless. Keeping my fingers crossed that the tests confirm everything is well. Looking forward to your Saturday going on Sunday Smiles.

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