May 132020

It’s another tired day here in the CatBox.  It’s a WWWendy day.  I’m ready to go back to bed.  Happy Hump Day to all.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:23 (average 5:02).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 1,411,018
Deaths: 83,558
Recovered: 298,641

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Former President Barack Obama said on Monday that he is unconcerned about Donald Trump accusing him of “the greatest crime in American history” because Attorney General Bill Barr does not prosecute criminals.

“At first, when I heard that he was accusing me of being the worst criminal ever, I have to admit I was a little rattled,” Obama said. “But then I remembered Barr’s don’t-prosecute-crimes policy, and I was pretty chill about it.”

Obama said that he was unsure what crime Trump was accusing him of committing, “but I’m pretty sure I never lied to the F.B.I. or anything as serious as that—so I’m good.”

Andy, I fear Obama may be screwing the pooch on this one. When Barrf refuses to prosecute criminals, if applies only to the Republican Reich. Barrf prosecutes innocent Democrats with glee!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Democrats’ Focus On Essential Workers In Draft Of New Relief Bill

Even though it doesn’t matter, I had the privilege to vote for Liz in Oregon’s primary last week. I hope Biden utilizes her plans. and policies!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): CSN&Y – Carry on 1969

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  9 Responses to “Open Thread–5/13/2020”

  1. Just for fun –

    Remember people saying it would help the USPS if we all buy stamps? John Oliver has gone the extra mile and has gotten some custom stamps printed up that celebrate his show. He gets nothing from then; the $3.00 over the stamp price goes for production costs, including shipping to you. And it costs nothing to look at the delightful designs.
    Cartoon – I dream of and live for the day that speech bubble points the other way.

    TNY – TC, you’re right … but it does make a point the way it is.

    TRMS – I had the privilege to vote for her in our primary – when it sort of mattered but not really. (Sniff. Whimper.) I can be confident – we all can – that she will not stop fighting for what is right, wherever she is.

    Past – That’s a piece that can push one either way – optimism or depression.

  2. ‘Toon: If he only could.  Norman Vincent Peale taught him that if you only want something badly enough God will make it happen.  And, he REALLY wants the Constitution to go away.  But, wait!  If Peale was not frigging nuts (debatable?), why is Trump not already in jail, or just plain gone?
    TVU- Numbers going UP!
    New Yorker- We are talking serious projection on Dumpy’s part, notwithstanding Andy’s funny!  
    On a still more serious note,check out this “Salon” article/interview, with Steven Hassan, to see where projection fits into the tool kit of a cult leader:
    MSNBC: This will not get past the F***ing Grim Reaper in the Senate.  We really need to bring the Senate back to the left side of the aisle!
    BFTP: Wonderful!

  3. Cartoon: He’s an As- !!
    TVU: 116 cases, as of today here in this county. 
    NYer: Whew, Andy, that was a close one. He’s good to go though! LOL. 
    MSNBC: Love Rachel, and Ms. Warren. Great video. ty. 
    Blast: What a crew…what a SONG!!! Love it! 

    Hi, Wendy, hope all is well with you, and family. Get your rest, take a nap and take good care, Tom. Thanks for all you do, too! 

    *This just in: “Donald Trump. Tested Negative. For intelligence.” ~ Steve B. ~ 
    2. “Covid19 is now in the heartland and it is going to be brutal for those areas, especially since many are living in Trump country. It is not a good campaign strategy to kill off your major voting block and add in a depression. The GOP is in deep trouble.” ~ Vicki M. ~ 
    3. “3 women reporters @Weijia Jiang, @Kaitlan Collins and @Yamiche Alcindor walk into a fake press conference…. and scare Trump. ~ Michael W. ~
    4. “I don’t have the mental endurance to watch Mike Pence deliver boxes for 30 minutes on C-SPAN.” 
    ~ Jimmy Kimmel and the rest of America ~ 

  4. His Orangeness started out off the rails. We need somebody else conducting this train or we’re going to go over a cliff.

  5. Its time we all tell Trump “you’re fired”….sadly so many still disagree…including at least a couple of polls in all the swing states showing he is leading…..

  6. Cartoon: Get him out of there otherwise tRump is the type to kill our rights.
    TNY: tRump throws all sorts of sh*t around which makes no flipping sense what so ever. 
    TVU: Still climbing 117 new cases now up to 5,278  and 5 more deaths which brings it up to 194.
    MSNBC: Sounds nice, but have to agree that I can’t see tRump buying it.
    BFTP: Great group/song. 
    Hope you had a nice day with Wendy. Tell her Hi for me.  Hope you both got your chores done. 
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  7. 3:10 I didn’t get stung.

    Cartoon: In November. hopefully “We the People” are going to tell Trump he’s fired.

    Update: If the numbers would be updated real-time, maps like this would scare people out of their wits.

    TNY: No, Andy, I think Obama would be far more cautious than this. Nice try, though, and funny.

    MSNBC: That relief package sounds about right to me but we all can dream, can’t we? Mitch McConnell will make sure this bill will never see the light of day.

    BFTP: They made such wonderful music in that time of turmoil, didn’t they. I hope the young have equally inspiring music and text to get them through tough times. Sadly I’m no longer on their wavelength to appreciate it.

  8. Hard to say how much is meat/poultry plants (NC, SD, MN, IA, etc.) how much for-profit nursing homes (was half of PA a few days ago) and how much is testing people without doctors referring, like those without a regular doctor or without health insurance now with increased testing capacity.
    Biden agreed Bernie should keep all the delegates he wins/won–I anticipate that would also apply to Liz.  He has asked Pramilla and AOC, among others, to be a part of his policy advisers…if he listens and learns enough he could become the candidate we and the country needs.

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