May 132020

Yesterday a panel of experts testified about COVID-19, aka Trump* virus in the Senate.  They demonstrated that criminal Fuhrer Trump and the Republican Reich have been lying.  They are so full of Trump* shit that their eyes have turned orange.


Two of the federal government’s top health officials painted a grim picture of the months ahead on Tuesday, warning a Senate panel that the coronavirus pandemic was far from contained, just a day after President Trump declared that “we have met the moment and we have prevailed.”

The officials — Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, and Dr. Robert R. Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — predicted dire consequences if the nation reopened its economy too soon, noting that the United States still lacked critical testing capacity and the ability to trace the contacts of those infected.

“If we do not respond in an adequate way when the fall comes, given that it is without a doubt that there will be infections that will be in the community, then we run the risk of having a resurgence,” said Dr. Fauci, the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who is at the forefront of efforts to find a coronavirus vaccine.

If states reopen their economies too soon, he warned, “there is a real risk that you will trigger an outbreak that you may not be able to control,” which could result not only in “some suffering and death that could be avoided, but could even set you back on the road to trying to get economic recovery.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Here’s some coverage of the Senate and more.

Fauci Clashes In Tense Moment At Senate Hearing

Criminal Fuhrer Trump* fears that keeping the economy shuttered will cost him any possibility to steal the White House again. How many people will he murder in the process? How many will be children?

Robert Reich has Republican motives down cold.

Robert Reich: The Real Reason Trump Wants to Reopen the Economy

The Reich on the left Robert Reich is right. The Reich on the right, the Republican Reich cares for money and power. They consider killing YOU part of their plan!



  12 Responses to “Experts Contradict Trump* on His Virus”

  1. I thought Orange Judas had blocked Dr. Fauci from testifying.  Or was that just before the House?  Rand Paul made such an a$$ of himself that it made several news blogs..

    I love Robert’s facial expression on the video cover.  He is all of us.

  2. The reported numbers of cases in the RED states of the mid-west have already begun to increase, almost exponentially!  The destruction that this cult-leading bastard is going to have, finally created will be more phenomenal than anyone has predicted.

  3. Warnings! from the good doctor about the coronavirus, that all need to heed. 
    dt ignores, deflects, lies, hides the facts, and he could care less if it’s not all about him, and what he can get out of it…$$$$ wise. He’s the Tragedy. Makes me ill. 

    Well said, Mr. Reich. Well said. 

  4. The Orange Oaf comes across as not only dumber than cat litter, but also totally out of touch with reality. Anybody who thinks that drinking bleach is a good thing (and why doesn’t he do it himself?) has no business ordering us to go back outside long before it’s reasonably safe. Dead and very sick people contribute nothing to the economy. The only businesses that will benefit from his irresponsible policies are funeral homes. This is not about freedom or individual rights, it is about responsibility and self-discipline to protect human life.

  5. Three idiots wrote letters to the editors of L.A. Times last week, raking our Gov. Newsom over the coals because he imposed ”restrictions to our FREEDOMS” and look…”the curve flattened.  Clearly, the Gov. was wrong..we were never in danger!” 
    How can we expect any progress at all when so many of us are seemingly brain dead?  Luckily, this week, more people have written to counter these stupid and illogical people with simple fact.  “The Governor was right and here’s proof!  It worked.”
    Sorry to be so cold but…we should all be in the casket business.

  6. I’ve never wished for ill health on anyone….but each and every day I get closer…..if its not trump and dunce (or is it dense)…..or many US GOP Senators or MN state GOP politicians….all about wanting to open before doctors and scientists suggest……

    • I’m just a step ahead of you, dave c.  In all honesty (may God forgive me) I would not spend a minute mourning the passing of DJT.  Truth be told, it would be an effort to silence my cheering!

      But in all honesty, I believe it would be for the “Greater Good” – and save thousands (or even tens of thousands) of lives.

  7. It’s despicable to see how these fools who were questioning both Dr. Fasci and Dr. Robert R. Redfield and still ignore their honest health warning about opening states businesses, schools too quickly.
    We should be following these doctors advice, not the idiot leader nor his cronies.
    RR: Speaks honest truth about the stinking idiot who only cares about the money side, not the health or safety of the people.

  8. I was terribly busy all day getting some necessary shopping done now that most shops have reopened (but certainly not all) and I’m now commenting on the brink of new postings to read and comment on, so I’m quite superfluous here. So, in short, I’m very happy to live in a country that took the right measures (almost) in time and which kept both infection cases and deaths to a minimum compared to many other countries. Now we’re slowly and carefully taking restraints away, while on the watch out of a second wave with continued testing while staying ready to return to (more local) lockdown when necessary. Even so many are wary of returning to a new normal too soon.

    I hope that sense prevails among the Democratic states and that they look at countries like New Zealand and Australia so they can resist the power grab by Trump and the 0.1% who’ll force a reopening of the economy in any way they can.

  9. “If states reopen their economies too soon, he warned, “there is a real risk that you will trigger an outbreak that you may not be able to control,” …”

    And this is why Canada should not reopen our southern border . . . the border with the US.  The Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland, has said she does not favour reopening the border because of the severity of the pandemic in the US and the way it has been handled by the US federal government (read that as Trump’s incompetence, my words, not hers.)  PM Trudeau has only said that he is not prepared to make a decision yet and the current agreement expires on 21/05/20.  Apparently Trump is piqued about keeping the border closed.  I personally agree that it should remain closed.  Data has already been analysed which shows the earliest cases of COVID in Canada came from the US.

    Trump needs to heed the advice of the health professionals, particularly Dr Fauci.  Contrary to what he has previously said, he does not have an innate ability for medicine.  His only innate ability is stupidity and severe narcissism.

    AMEN to Robert Reich . . . as usual!

  10. I like that Liz Cheney supported Fauci publicly and chastised those dissing him…Main question is whether some of the corporate pressures come from those pushing for ethnic cleansing or genocide to whiten the country more

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