It’s a very painful day, here in the CatBox. The Radiation Oncologist told me to expect increased pain for a few days and a week before relief. Tomorrow and Monday please expect no more than a personal Update or an Open Thread. Tomorrow is a WWWendy Day, and Monday is my chemo infusion.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:54 (average 5:26). To do it, click here. How did you do?
This is another oldie!
Trump* Virus Update:
Cases: 1,325,521
Deaths: 78,762
Recovered: 223,937
Short Takes:
From The New Yorker: In a test result that he called “a tremendous relief,” the Attorney General, Bill Barr, has tested negative for integrity, Barr confirmed on Friday.
Barr submitted to the test after learning that he had come into contact with career Justice Department prosecutors who were found to be integrity carriers.
“When I learned that there were still people at the Justice Department with integrity, I was understandably furious,” Barr told reporters. “I told them to go home at once.”
Barr said that he was putting into place new protocols that would require Justice Department employees to be tested for integrity before entering the building.
But Andy… Barrf need not worry about catching integrity. He’s immune. RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): U.S. Logs Record High Unemployment Numbers – What Comes Next?
This is the other half of the Republican Reich crisis. The first half is Trump* virus. The second is the Republican depression of 2020. The solution? Flush the Republican Reich! RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): Matthew’s Southern Comfort – Woodstock
Ah… the memories! RESIST!!
Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!
7 Responses to “Open Thread–5/9/2020”
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Sound like it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Fasten your seat belt and hang on. We’ll be here.
Cartoon – Only the names have been changed – not to protect the guilty.
Map – Yup. Gov. Polis just extended his stay-in-place order by 30 days, so there may be protests. Sigh.
TNY – Yes, he’s immune. But contagious or not, he doesn’t want anyone with integrity around him. This is straight news.
MSNBC – I don’t think I would even call the US a service-based economy any more. So many service jobs have been replaced by sales jobs disguised as service jobs, because the service part is done by computer, that I would call us a sales economy. And with precious little tangible goods to back it up. And I love Bernie, but face it, “tell Donald Trump” is like saying “talk to the wall.”
Past – Well, I wasn’t at Woodstock … so I missed this. I can see that the memories would be golden
Cartoon: Gawd. Remember that 11 hours of the Benghazi hearing(s)?? Yeah, me too.
TVU: Didn’t check today, around the same though…I would think.
NYer: That test is as accurate in spelling out the truth re: to B Barr. No integrity, constant lying and kissing dt’s arse. What a man, what a man! ugh!
MSNBC: No words….How sad, and tragic!!
BFTP: Wow!! I haven’t heard this one in ages!!! Great song!
Tell Wendy HI for me, hope all is good w/her and family. I feel bad for you, that you are in pain. Prayers and healing thoughts to you. Try and take it easy, get your rest, and take good, good care, Tom.
This just in: “I’m not going to allow anybody, let alone the President of the United States, to go on national television, look the coutry in the eye, and say something that is not true.” ~ Gov. Andrew Cuomo ~
2. re: the DOJ Flynn dismissal: “The once proud DOJ is now nothing but a political arm of Donald Trump.” ~Daniel G.~
3. re: reporters – “Women will be dt’s downfall because he disrespects them.” ~ Jill G. ~
4. “dt & Pence’s staffers tests positive for coronavirus. Paging Dr. Karma..” ~ Christine O. ~
Lightning is flashing, thunder is rumbling, wind is increasing. The storm is about to break, and COVID-19 hastened the process.

‘Toon: Yeah, the GOP did wonders with that!
New Yorker: Barr, and his Opus Dei buddies threw ethics under the bus ages ago!
TVU: Not much change, now, but beware the consequences of opening so early.
MSNBC: “The one percent needs the ninety-nine percent.” Will those greedy bastard 1%ers ever get that message? And, connected to that something like the Paycheck Security Act, which the GOPIGGIES will scream Socialism about, since the money does no go directly into corpora coffers, would be wonderful for both people, and the corporate world…as ordinary people would have the money with which to support that world; and we ALL benefit.
BFTP: And then the shot of Janis lights up my life!!!!
I hope you feel free to take enough oxycodone to relieve the pain, TomCat. There’s no need to toughen it out, only to make yourself as comfortable as possible.
3:47 This dawgie would only give you furballs.
Update: During the weekends it generally quietens down a bit because fewer cases are reported.
TNY: By letting Flynn off the hook, or preventing him from testifying in court, or both, Barrf has once again shown what a lowlife he is. As someone commented in the NYT today: I would never have thought I would miss Jeff Sessions. Barrf doesn’t even have to wash his hands to prevent himself to be infected with integrity, it bounces off him like rubber bullets from a kevlar vest.
MSNBC: The recession will be global and last a long time because the economy in most countries was on the brink of collapsing before the coronavirus struck. I don’t envy the government that has to clean up both the economic mess and a country devastated by Trumpism. I hope Democrats manage to do so before their 4-year term is over, otherwise, America may see a return of the GOP.
BFTP: Too young to notice what was happening on the other side of the world, but I did see the movie in later years.
Cartoon: Another crazy political episode of the past.
TVU: We’re up to 4,662 cases and 169 deaths. Still feel it’s too early to be opening businesses up. We shall see?
TNY: Have to agree with others, that integrity bounces right off of him.
MSNBC: Sad indeed. We never had number like this since the Great Depression.
BFTP: I remember Woodstock, but don’t recognize the song.
Sure hope you get to feeling better. Especially with you having Chemo this Monday.
Tell Wendy “Hello” for me tomorrow.
Take care. Thanks TomCat
Thanks and hurry holiday hugs!